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DEEJMASTER 333 and JohnathanOstrus

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  1. blahs44
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Works well in terms of performance. I believe I notice less stuttering. FPS seems to be about unchanged. Holding steady at 120-140 fps. Thank you
  2. bradleybrand
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    When having this MOD active, can you check near Battlehorn Castle DLC to see if your landscape terrain is messed up too? Whenever I untick this MOD, it fixes the issue for me.
    1. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      What is your load order, other people having this problem usually have it placed underneath the official DLC
  3. Grogrokl
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Will this mod increase performance on a slow HDD as well, or only on a fast SSD?

    Reading large files on a slow HDD can potentially be slower than reading and decompressing smaller files.
  4. defnotathrowawayhehe
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    just putting this here for anyone else having problems -- whenever i run LOOT it places oblivion decompressed records esp after the DLC, however that was causing the battlehorn castle to be covered in dirt, and who knows what other conflicts it could be causing. i have to manually drag the oblivion decompressed records esp in the load order to be placed under oblivion.esm whenever i run LOOT to fix this.
    1. Grogrokl
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      That's why I don't use LOOT in any game.
  5. defnotathrowawayhehe
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    do we need to keep the esp installed and enabled after running the script successfully?
    1. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
  6. Kouenthel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello and thank you for your work.,Do i need to merge all plugins allong with bashed patch and merged mods on it?
    1. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      I’m not really sure what you’re asking. If you load all of your plugins including ones that get merged up and decompress them then the Bashed Patch should be decompressed every time it’s rebuilt. If not, you’ll need to run the script on the Bashed Patch whenever you rebuild it.
    2. Kouenthel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So  once i load all plugins on x-edit i deselect the esms along with oblivion exe only , do i need to deselect       Oblivion Decompressed Records.esp as well? Once all are selected i click apply script selecting your script to all selected plugins? Thank you  for your responce
    3. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Yes you do unselect Oblivion Decompress Records as well, and the rest of your steps are correct 
    4. Kouenthel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I tryed it yesterday but game stuck on load screen.
      Besides esms and this mod are there any other exceptions in the procedure? Also the size of the esps should be increased ? Because i didnt notice any size increase. Bashed patch wasnt saved on exit because of error and i just unselect it fro x-edit in order to exit
    5. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      I’d need some screenshots to see what you’re talking about 
    6. Kouenthel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I tested it again and does indeed increase the size of plugins it just doesn't increase the size in all plugins so i didnt notice at first after a few tries when you apply run script it cheks all and applies decompress in many plugins but not all. The culprit that prevented the game from starting was " Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp". I'll test to check the results.
    7. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Only certain records get compressed by the Construction Set. Not every plugin will need to be decompressed. Duke Patrick's is an old mod, let me know if you get it figured out.
  7. GBRPluss
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    WTF you write about OHA patch? Prove it or shutup )

    This mod is uncompatible to OCO, so its a trash. Also see no FPS boost with it, so its just uncompatible with mods that changes NPC look and landscape, piece of shit.
    Its just my opinion)
    1. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      It's not incompatible with OCO, not sure where you're getting that from. Also not incompatible with NPC or landscape mods, again, not sure where you're getting that from. I know OHA is dangerous because I've tried your other ESM mod that did less than OHA and it caused problems, ignoring the fact I've tried doing similar things to Skyrim.esm myself in Skyrim and it also caused massive issues. You are of course entitled to your opinion but please do not spread misinformation on my mod page, thank you.
    2. xenogearslucas
      • member
      • 35 kudos
      Enought!! 😱😱😱😱
    3. Kouenthel
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I use OCO and there is no problem with this
  8. jakoben91
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Is there any way to make this compatible with OHA V3?
    1. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      No and you shouldn’t be using that mod
    2. 42nah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      why is that? could you provide more info? 
    3. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Editing the ESMs in these games directly is a bad idea to begin with (seems to work fine for Fallout New Vegas, but that's it) but the author of that mod doesn't know what he's doing. He said he "fixed errors" in the ESM, which doesn't matter because errors in the ESMs don't inherently indicate something is wrong, it just means xEdit things something is wrong with that given record. (Usually a false positive.) He also decided to include a bunch of subjective tweaks which can be added with standalone mods.
  9. DaysOfYore
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Tried this mod & decompressed all my 300+ plugins. But after launching the game it got stuck on the initial loading screen (before the main menu loads). After some trial & error I found that the decompressed version of "ChapelsofCyrodiil.esp" from Chapels of Cyrodiil mod causes this. So I replaced it with the backup of the original esp and the game started successfully after this. I tested this again by decompressing that mod's esp and the game got stuck again on the boot up loading screen. Any idea why this particular mod causes this issue when decompressed?
    I followed the instructions very carefully. I used TES4Edit 4.04 (64-bit version). I decompressed only the esps, not the esms or your mod. I also have your mod's esp checked and placed just below the esm files in my load order.

    Anyway I am definitely seeing an improvement in FPS & also less stutter
    1. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Chapels of Cyrodiil has also been known to freeze at startup and get stuck on loading screens when applying certain Bashed Patch tweaks. It seems to just be a generally buggy mod and I'd recommend you not use it.
  10. Primaris82
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    OMG wen I have this activated frostcrag spire lod is gone!
    1. DEEJMASTER333
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Frostcrag Spire has no LOD unless you use a mod to add it
    2. borok
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      I have the same issue. With this mod Frostcrag LOD is disappearing. The only Frostcrag LOD mod I'm using is the mod to see Frostcrag inside Bruma.