

  1. FiendishGhoul
    • supporter
    • 46 kudos
    As of 11/08/2014, the whole mod's been updated to 2.2, including the Bathing Mod support plugin, to fix a few minor bugs and to integrate landscape edits into a patch for Unique Landscapes - River Ethe.
    Please let me know what you think here in the comments! Screens would be welcomed and appreciated as well.
    As always, if you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to comment and I will address them as quickly as possible.
    Thanks again!
    Update 11/26/2014 - I've uploaded an updated .BSA archive to fix a texture path in one of the meshes used. Extra mega thanks to Sergio1992 for catching this error and letting me know about it!

    The main download file is still required.
    As always, if anyone has further issues, let me know and I'll work to patch 'em up immediately.
  2. PayloadG
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    sorry but i cannot find the basement key...where i can found it?
    EDIT:BTW,this game is not support my native language,and im not good at english,so some hidden secret things are really hard for me,
    forgive my ignorant,im just studying english!
  3. GoldenGoblin94
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I am extremely impressed by this mod. I just installed it, and then installed (and fixed) Hackdirt Alive.
    Hackdirt is now absolutely perfect, and I will be using it as my homebase.

    The aesthetic of the house is absolutely amazing, and I have installed every single add-on for it.

    While I do enjoy this mod, I do have one question.

    What exactly does the River Ethe patch do? I have River Ethe from Unique landscapes, but I didn't notice anything unusual about the house after putting in  the River Ethe. Is it something that I should have noticed, or just a small fix?

    Blessings of Sithis upon you!
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Thank you so much for your kind words! 

      I can't even properly express how happy I am to know that someone enjoyed this little mod and appreciated the details, even (or maybe especially) years later.

      Thank you again!

      RE: the UL River Ethe patch, there were some very minor breaks in the terrain along the edges of cells leading away from Hackdirt, to the rear of the building, which the patch corrects.
    2. GoldenGoblin94
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Can't believe I'm nearly two years late in replying!

      I figured it was was something along those lines and installed the UL River patch anyway, and after coming back to your comment, and looking around the back of the house, I can't see any terrain breaks. So it works!

      Also, I'm still using the house; the basement (which looks awesome) inspired me to make a similar set-piece for one of my D&D campaigns.

  4. Ilikehummus
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Hi, any chance you could update your UL esp for the merged variant of UL? Would it be safe to just change the masters?
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      First, I apologize for the late, late reply.

      Second, I apologize again, because I haven't kept up-to-date, at all, with regard to the current (or current, as of a little over a year ago) state of TES4 modding. Assuming there weren't any changes to records in the requisite UL plugin, that they were only compiled, I imagine that you should be able to just change the masters. I'd be interested to hear what your degree of success was.

      Thanks for trying my mod. I hope you liked it.
    2. Ilikehummus
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I only just saw this bud, I'd have stopped modding at the point you replied to my original post, I hope you're doing well.

      I believe records may have changed during the merger, I do not recall. I am unable to test at the moment, because I no longer use Weather All Natural in favor of NAO, word of mouth it's what WAN was to Natural Environments, in the sense of a much more stable and efficient successor to the mod.

      I very much did love your mod, in fact, it's why I came back to this thread to ask if it would be possible to adjust the master requirement from WAN to NAO, if not, it's no worry. I just had wanted to see.
    3. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Once again I apologize for my absentee developer tendencies! Here I am again, conducting conversations at a glacial pace (i.e. over years).I really do apologize for not keeping up with Oblivion's modding scene and the comments on my own mods. It's a failing. However, I'm extremely happy to hear that you did enjoy this mod whenever you used it.

      I'm doing well under the circumstances, and I very much hope that you are as well.

      Thanks and apologies again!
  5. DwapiLives
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can there be a version without the weather effects? 

    As it is, my game is such a mismatched patchwork I'm lucky it runs!  I'd rather not risk more conflicts from a global mod.
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Sorry for the late reply.

      No, I'm sorry, the mod is as it is. Maybe I'll re-install Oblivion one day and update this mod to whatever the current hotness is, but also, probably not.

      Either way, thank you very much for your interest.
  6. anonimousone
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Please add a pre-requisite to get this house! I hate stuff for free <.<
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      First, I apologize for the late, late reply.

      Second, I kind of feel like the privilege of having neighbors (which requires not completing the quest "A Shadow Over Hackdirt" for Seed-Neeus) is something of a prerequisite in and of itself.

      Thank you for your interest.
    2. anonimousone
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Sorry, but I don't understand your reply. :P
    3. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      What I meant was, if you complete the quest "A Shadow Over Hackdirt" and claim that reward (whatever it is, I can't recall atm), my mod's house will sit in an empty area devoid of NPCs, because you killed them all (or will need to, because the residents of Hackdirt become permanently hostile).

      I like to see NPCs scooting around doing things, even ones as lumpy and potato-headed as Hackdirt's residents are, so in a playthrough using this mod, I would recommend avoiding the aforementioned quest, thus not ever gaining whatever its reward is, thus technically there is a prerequisite to this mod.

      Make sense?

      (Also, I love that this relatively brief exchange has taken almost three years to arrive at this point! I hope you are doing well!)
  7. Sergio1992
    • member
    • 80 kudos
    It was not mine but thank you anyway (ahahah mine will be coming next century judging by my current progress with university).

    I was checking another house near hackdirt and yours won the competition.

    Today I even checked the previous version for historical reasons.
    1. Sergio1992
      • member
      • 80 kudos
      so... how are things going? Any new idea floating in your mind?
    2. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Still tinkering around with it in my free time. Hopefully I'll be able to pull something together during the holidays.

      Fingers crossed!
  8. Sergio1992
    • member
    • 80 kudos
    Mmmmm. What you said left me curious.

    [assassin] give the key to Malin that is one of the few innocent people that flees after you meet him.
    [heroic] give the key to the boss inside one of those quests mod
    [thief] steal the key from Malin or from the guy in Chorrol. XD

    Anyway, now it's your turn.
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Thanks for the PM tip!

      I've uploaded a fixed .bsa archive which should overwrite the original and fix the issue. If you notice anything else, don't hesitate to let me know so that I can continue to make this the best 'rundown house in a backwater town' mod that it can be!

      And thanks for the continued interest! I'm still doing some reading and thinking on how I could best integrate an ownership requirement. I will definitely keep you posted here.
    2. Sergio1992
      • member
      • 80 kudos
      Thanks. I thought that I didn't write this message, to be sincere. When I came back to the bachelor's degree party I had, this post was missing. Given the fact that I slept 1 hour this night, and I had a little time to post this reply because I was rushing to wear my clothes because I was already late for the bachelor's degree, I thought that I forgot to click "submit". ehhhh

      I'll be there watching your progress\reports.

      Edit: by the way, the basement 'seal' is not bad at all. Well done.
    3. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Hey, no problem. Congratulations on your bachelor's degree!

      And thanks for noticing the seal or whatever- I feel like small touches matter and I tried to add a few here & there.
  9. Sergio1992
    • member
    • 80 kudos
    Hi FiendishGhoul,
    may I ask a new feature?

    It is hard to imagine that the hero gets the house for free.

    Given the fact that this mod seems suited for an assassin\rogue, etc, would it be hard to make an optional esp with an infamy requirement? Extra coolness added by the fact that you are sort of invited inside Hackdirt via a note 'appearing' right after you slept and you get the house offered, just to realize (later, I guess, if you explore) in which kind of madness you got into.

    Or perhaps add the key in one of hackdirt's houses? One wouldn't know what's the key for (and the key's name should reflect that) unless finding the shack before and trying to open the door (lockpicking it, of course, won't work).

    Or why not add a new npc to the dark brotherhood sanctuary, willing to part from the house for a hefty sum?

    Or why not an emissary from sanguine, voiced, with a gift for the fact that you seem one of the most 'promising' new assassins? [needs high infamy or/and to have completed a certain dark brotherhood quest - you choose which one - or just to be part of the dark brotherhood]

    I know, those are bad ideas, but I had to try. One can't even push the ideas in a revolutionary manner given the fact that there are quite a few mods touching Hackdirt's quest. And trying to touch the 'quests' means troubles.
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      I have repeatedly considered adding a cost of some sort, gold or time, something, ranging from a short quest to find the key or even just purchasing the property from Moslin. What has kept me from doing this, honestly, is a combination of concern over compatibility and sheer laziness. None of my ideas have been entirely compelling, and I'm hesitant to muck about with quest-bearing NPCs.

      Any one of your suggestions seems to be as good as any of mine. I will go ahead and take another look at it and see what I can whip up. No promises, mind you, but I'd do just about anything to stir up more interest in this mod. I know I'm obviously biased, but I feel like my contribution stacks up with some of the better player-owned houses. I've also considered contacting the authors of one or two other Hackdirt mods that I know of to see if they'd be interested in maybe concocting a merger, a total Hackdirt overhaul, if you will, but I'm not sure if the interest is there or not anymore.

      Anyway, thanks for your suggestions, I will definitely take them under consideration and see what I can do.

      Also, I'm very sorry for not seeing and responding to this comment sooner. I really wish the Nexus had a better system in place for receiving notifications of some sort when people comment on mods and so forth.
    2. Sergio1992
      • member
      • 80 kudos
      Buying it from Moslin is not a good idea, I'm afraid. Due to the fact that he is clearly 'hostile' or at least not that friendly.

      1- What about a hidden chest with a note + a key inside the cavern?

      2- Or the house itself being closed and the key on moslin's body? One would assume that when trying to enter a popup will appear and would go like this

      "This house seems to be inhabitated. Surely one of the hackdirt's villagers has the key to open the door. But who?" Or something less cheesy. I guess I would have to think about it. [] Or will you? []

      Or add the key without the popup. The popup would appear when you take the key from the corpse and it will say something like 'this seems the key for one of the houses of the village. I wonder which one'.

      But that would assume a darker tone (I sort of like it, given the fact that killing the two Moslins is considered murder). I'm not sure it is compatible with the two quest mods that are out there concerning hackdirt, though. These two three:


      2) http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13952/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D13952%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D44825&pUp=1

      3) http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/26906/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D26906%26preview%3D&pUp=1

      Up to you. Do you need more ideas? I can think about others if you wish.
    3. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Please feel free to offer as many suggestions as you'd like to.

      I'm still weighing options and thinking about how I could go about integrating a cost of some sort.

      Thankfully I've got a holiday coming up quickly, so I should have time to devote to this in the very near future.
    4. Sergio1992
      • member
      • 80 kudos
      In response to post #20171425. #20315764, #20334174, #20341079 are all replies on the same post.

      You could also:

      - add a sort of 'special' quest that would start if you find one bible (put in a location of your choice) of the deep ones. As soon as you open it, a bloodstained key\common key would drop out of the book and the quest will start and a popup will appear:

      "While reading the bible, a (bloodstained) key dropped out of the book. I wonder which door can be opened by such a key".

      Or maybe, as you said, think this whole mod as an addiction to those mod out there ("I've also considered contacting the authors of one or two other Hackdirt mods"):

      - http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36224/? -> make the key droppable by the last boss , via a patch.

      - The same can be said for the other two mods I pointed you before: make the key droppable\lootable in one of the new locations.

    5. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      I'm concerned about adding requirements tied to quests, especially anything even remotely related to "A Shadow Over Hackdirt" (ie, anything in Hackdirt Caverns), whether it be vanilla content or content added by a mod.

      I'd like to leave a viable alternative for characters who aren't nearly so heroic as to go hacking & slashing through Hackdirt looking for a merchant's daughter or anything else, an option that allows the player to acquire the property without turning the residents of Hackdirt hostile.

      I've grown fond of seeing their lumpy heads wandering the town square and eyeing me distrustfully, and I think that there is some meaningful roleplay, if you will, in a rogue-like character who manages to peacefully coexist with the denizens of the shunned town by essentially turning a blind eye to their weirdness entirely.

      With that in mind, I'm keeping an eye toward a mini-quest that maybe involves some stealth-oriented gameplay that toes the line of triggering "A Shadow Over Hackdirt" without actually doing so. I'm currently re-reading everything pertaining to that quest to see how much "wiggle room" I have with regard to sneaking around without tripping the quest by accident.

      Edit follows:

      Also, one of my conceits while working on this (documented in the mod through notes) was that the previous resident had managed to essentially ward off the residents of Hackdirt to such an extant that his vacant residence could sit untouched in their midst. The Player Character could walk on in, essentially, by virtue of not being related to the Hackdirt lumps.

      At any rate, I'm absolutely willing to change this as is appropriate to fit other means of acquisition, if needed. We'll see, I guess.
  10. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 206 kudos
    I swear I'm not the type who even glances at all those house mods (I tend to think having a luxury mansion in every backward village is kind of silly), but damn, this one looks so great that I will swallow the fact it's free and just get it. It's gonna be my second house mod next to Fiddler's Green which I got as a birthday present and also is great. Yours in a way reminds me of that one - both are creatively and richly cluttered, but keep a very basic down-to-earth character. I'm getting this one.
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Thank you for the kind words!

      Yeah, as I was cleaning it up I briefly thought about trying to implement some kind of "cost" or quest or something to explain ownership (aside from the explanation already present), but I was stuck on a few elements and didn't want to risk pushing it aside again, so it is as it is.

      Consider your neighbors to be the true "cost" of ownership They're a lumpy bunch of weirdos, but I wouldn't trade 'em for the daughter of a Chorrol merchant.

      I really appreciate you giving it a go
    2. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Ah, by the way, what's this new enb you're using? You mentioned it at one point. Your images look gorgeous with it. I'm getting ready to cheat on my old OBGE+LW, but I'd love to get me a really slick enb like yours...
    3. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Thanks for the compliments!

      I'm using demidekidasu's DDD ENB - Cinematic Fantasia, which I've tweaked here & there for performance and one or two other things.

      I was really hesitant to switch from OBGE to ENB (even though I'm more familiar with Boris' code from using it with Fallout 3 / New Vegas / Skyrim) because my Oblivion install is like a teetering Jenga tower, stretching into the sky, which the slightest errant sneeze could send crashing to the desktop. Overall, though, I'm extremely pleased and never looking back. With a little personalization, I find that I get even sweeter eye candy with little to no performance hit above what I was already accustomed to, and if you (for instance) think it looks as good as I do, then I know I'm on the right path.

      Edit: If you have any questions about what tweaks I employed, I'd be more than happy to share them via PM.
    4. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Hey, how come I didn't see you reply? Anyway, what your're saying, it's exactly my feelings, too. In the meantime I switched to ENB, too (the other Cinematic one), and I'm in frigging love with it. I take it to bed every night, mate, it's so good. The only thing it doesn't sit well with Improved Water, but Alenet says you can actually tweak IW so that it looks the same or rather better than that. If it's so, then I'm up for your good old polygamy

      I'm still out in the woods (or rather out in the snow). Dragging my feet south, via Anvil perhaps, so the Shunned Shack is on my way, just a tiny bit off the major track. One thing, though - do I need the UL patch? I thought you said this place is compatible with all ULs?
    5. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Wow, I just commented a minute ago that I wish the Nexus had a better notification system in place, so I definitely feel that.

      Regard the UL patch, yeah, as of version 2.2, it became necessary to roll landscape edits into a compatibility patch to avoid conflicts with UL. I apologize for that, as I know nobody likes adding another plugin to the straining LOs, but it really was needed for things to look the way I wanted them to (without messing up UL of course).

      Again, I profusely apologize for not seeing this comment sooner. I swear, I try to keep up with it (it's not hard, given the, er, relatively peaceful nature of this thread), but somehow I missed both your comment and one other.

      I swear I'll do better!
    6. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Oi, no problems, me I don't set a good example either

      I've got another compatibility question. Did you check your mod against Hackdirt Alive? I'm not sure if Drahenne has made any changes to the landscape, but I thought I'd ask just in case. The whole Alive series is more or less mandatory for a great aesthetic experience - which also makes it a perfect companion to your mod
    7. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      Last I checked, I was still compatible with Hackdirt Alive. It doesn't look like there have been any updates, so all should be fine.

      On the off chance that you notice something amiss, let me know and I'll fix it of course, but I believe it's fine.
  11. maczopikczo
    • member
    • 206 kudos
    The patch for compatiblity with BM - would it make your shack more compatible with Basic Personal Hygiene, too?
    1. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      In response to post #19837429.

      Hmmm. I confess that I'm unfamiliar with that mod. However, having read the author's description, I noticed this part:
       Other mods adding water sources, soap, toilet paper and toilets are supported by editing the Basic Personal Hygiene for objects.ini file. A second method to support bathtubs added by 3rd party mods is by using the Create Water spell to place trigger objects to simulate water. A trigger object is a small invisible cube which tells the mod the player character is in contact with bathwater when colliding with it. This spell has to be enabled in the ini file.

      I would tentatively suggest a cautiously optimistic "yes, maybe?" If you try it, I'd be very interested in the outcome.
      In the event that it doesn't work, I'd be more than happy to look into what I'd need to do to make it compliant.
    2. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      One thing that I'm slightly less optimistic about is that it appears that Basic Personal Hygiene calls for the PC to be standing "in" the water, specifically, which my added "baths" don't really allow for.

      I added them while operating with the notion that PC doesn't so much bathe IN them but FROM them, if that makes sense. A full bathroom, as such, didn't seem to fit with the rather spartan furnishings.

      One thing that I could do to better accommodate compatibility would be to swap the bathing barrel out by the outhouse with the half barrel tub that comes in Bathing Mod, which appears to be supported by Basic Personal Hygiene. It would likely take a little work to fit in, as it's a little bit wider than what's currently there, but if it seems like that would work better I'd be willing to whip it up.

      Please let me know what you think and I'll go from there.
    3. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Apparently you can make any container compatible with BPH via adding the mesh's path to its ini - but I've never had any success with this procedure...
      As far as I know, you don't have to literally stand in the water, but the animation will place your character in a predestined spot which may look odd and cause buggy behaviour.
      Anyway, it's very much worth experimenting with, because BPH is much more popular and way more up to date (better maintained) than any other bathing, relieving etc mod currently around.
    4. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      I will continue to look into this, as I'd like to stay up-to-date with whatever's best.

      What I will do is to see if I can swap in the barrel tub that I mentioned before with as little landscape editing as possible, and also I will look into the ini changes needed to add containers to BPH.

      The outhouse on the property should also theoretically be compatible, assuming that BPH's ini does in fact work as advertised.

      Edit: if you'd like to try adding the outhouse to BPH's ini to see if it works as intended, the bsa path to that mesh is:


      I haven't had a chance to download and take a look at BPH yet (but will shortly), so if you try that, please share your findings.
    5. maczopikczo
      • member
      • 206 kudos
      Ha, I'd love to, and normally would, but you'll probably get there faster than me. I'm stuck in Bruma at the moment, going west next, and with RL work overload I don't even know when I'll find enough time to even start the game... (actually not bad - it simply means I've got lots of interesting commissions, but anyway it would be cool if days were 40 hrs long or more)
    6. FiendishGhoul
      • supporter
      • 46 kudos
      More hours in a day is a fine wish!

      No worries, I'll take a crack at it in the very near future.