About this mod
This is a mod making the player character's personal hygiene affect his/her disposition towards NPCs and creatures. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Version: 3.0
Date: 18/11/2013
Language: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified)
Category: Immersion
Requirements: Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE)
Recommended: HUD Status Bars, Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM)
Author: Maskar
Source: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42038
This is a mod making the player character's personal hygiene affect his/her disposition towards NPCs and creatures. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified). Read below for details on how to use it with HUD Status Bars (highly recommended).
The player character becomes dirtier over time and at an increasing rate depending on his/her actions (fighting, swimming in a sewer, etc.). In specific, body parts are individually tracked and together combine to his/her overall hygiene level. The hygiene level is used to determine if the player character suffers a penalty to his/her personality when dirty or receive a small bonus when being sufficiently clean. When being too smelly, he/she will also become easier to detect when sneaking and can even contract diseases. The tracked body parts are the feet, calves, thighs, torso, arms and head and become more or less dirty depending on the player character's actions (walking through water for instance will only get your feet more dirty or clean).
Rain, fountains, wells, baths and any other water will affect the player character's hygiene level in some way. Washing with soap will improve this. Baths are by default not available in-game, but can, just like soap, be purchased from most merchants selling miscellaneous items. The type of items sold is based on the npc's social status. These items can also be bought in Shivering Isles, if installed. Some of the merchants selling these items are:
- Ahjazda (Things Found in Crucible in New Sheoth)
- Batul gra-Sharob (refugee camp outside Kvatch)
- Borba gra-Uzgash (Borba's Goods and Stores in Cheydinhal)
- Dredhwen (The Wastrel's Purse in Passwall)
- Elsynia (Best Goods and Guarantees in Leyawiin)
- Etira Moslin (Moslin's Dry Goods in Hackdirt)
- Gundalas (Best Goods and Guarantees in Leyawiin)
- Gunder (Colovian Traders in Skingrad)
- Jensine (Jensine’s “Good as New” Merchandise in the Market District of the Imperial City)
- Maenlorn (The Flowing Bowl in Anvil)
- Nilawen (The Fair Deal in Bravil)
- Norbert Lelles (Lelles' Quality Merchandise on the dockside of Anvil)
- Nordinor (The Fair Deal in Bravil)
- Seed Neeus (Northern Goods and Trade in Chorrol)
- Sergius Verus (Three Brothers Trade Goods in the Market District of the Imperial City)
- Shady Sam (outside the Imperial City walls, about 100m northeast of the Chestnut Handy Stables)
- Suurootan (Novaroma in Bruma)
- Tertullian Verus (Three Brothers Trade Goods in the Market District of the Imperial City)
- Thoronir (The Copious Coinpurse in the Market District of the Imperial City)
- Tilse Areleth (Common Treasures in Bliss in New Sheoth)
Washing is done by creating a hotkey to any soap in the player character's inventory. Use this hotkey while standing in rain or any other water (lake, bathtub, etc.). To wash at a well or fountain, use the hotkey while looking at the water source. Some water however is very dirty and can make the player character dirtier, rather than cleaner. Washing can't be done while swimming, although the water will still affect the body in some way.
To place a bath, hotkey a bathtub deed. Using the hotkey will place an empty bath, which is considered a marker. Use the deed again to place the bath somewhere else, or target the bath to remove the bath. When activating the bath (press spacebar) the bath is filled with water, the deed removed and is permanently added to the game world. From then onwards the bath can be used to keep yourself clean. Washing in a bath can be accomplished by either standing or sitting in the bath (both are fully animated) and use the washing hotkey. A placed bathtub can be removed by power attacking it.
Note that placing bathtubs near npcs will result in them also taking baths. Just like the player character they'll get undressed before and dressed after to avoid getting their clothes wet.
Outhouses and indoor toilets can, just like bathtubs and soap, be purchased from the merchants mentioned above. Outhouses can only be placed outdoors, while indoor toilets can only be placed indoors. Both the player character and npcs will remove any lower body items (trousers, etc.) before using a toilet. Every city (except Kvatch) has by default several outhouses, which can be used by both the player character and npcs. This includes New Sheoth, if Shivering Isles is installed.
There are 2 toilet need settings (lite and realistic). By default the realistic toilet need setting is used. This option enables the ability to go to the toilet anywhere (when hotkeying/using toilet paper), but adds severe penalties for not visiting a toilet in time. Going too close to people's houses can also get you fined/arrested. The lite toilet need setting makes the use of toilets optional and only gives the player character a bonus to his/her hygiene levels. Change the toilet need setting through OMOD installation and/or by editing the ini file.
Washstands have been added to easily wash your hands after visiting a toilet. To have the player character wash his/her hands use the grab key (press z) while looking at a water source (lake, bathtub, well, etc.). Soap will automatically be used if available in the inventory. Washing hands can be especially useful when looting a lot of undead creatures, or after using a toilet. Additionally, eating with dirty hands can result in contracting a disease.
By default bathtubs, washstands and toilets can't be placed in homes owned by npcs. If owned by a faction the player character has to be in the same faction to place any items. The ownership check, including other placement checks, can be disabled in the ini file.
Also check out my other mods and leave feedback and/or endorsement if you like to support this addon. Thanks and enjoy!
Compatibility and requirements
No files will be replaced by installing this addon. It will however need OBSE (version 20 or higher) to function properly. No other third-party mods are required to be installed to run this mod. It's however recommended to use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to install and configure this mod.
If the CM Partners Mod is detected additional seats are automatically added to bathtubs (change in ini file). Also, the player character's hunger/thirst levels directly influence the need for the toilet if Basic Primary Needs is detected.
It's recommended to use Hotkey Pro to avoid needing to rehotkey scripted items, like soap and toilet paper. When going without a toilet it's possible to attract rats, which can stay around for many days. Other creatures (beetles, etc.) can be encountered when Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul is installed.
Additionally, Bananasplit Better Cities is recommended for additional in-game water sources (public bathing houses, fountains, etc.) and soap. It also includes built-in support for A Bloody Mess. Other mods adding water sources, soap, toilet paper and toilets are supported by editing the Basic Personal Hygiene for objects.ini file. A second method to support bathtubs added by 3rd party mods is by using the Create Water spell to place trigger objects to simulate water. A trigger object is a small invisible cube which tells the mod the player character is in contact with bathwater when colliding with it. This spell has to be enabled in the ini file.
OMOD method: (recommended)
- Start Oblivion Mod Manager
- Click on "Create" to create a new OMOD
- Click on "Add archive" and point to the downloaded (.7z) file
- Click on "Create omod"
- Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen
- Answer the question(s) asked to customize it to your preferences
- Optionally edit the .ini file to customize it to your preferences
Non-OMOD version:
- Extract the files to a temporary location
- Copy files to (install folder)OblivionData
- Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file
- Optionally edit the .ini file to customize it to your preferences
OMOD version:
- Start Oblivion Mod Manager
- Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen and click Yes
Non-OMOD version:
- Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file
- Delete the Basic Personal Hygiene files in the Data folder
Note that savegames are saved without penalties to the player character. This mod can therefore be safely upgraded/uninstalled without any issues. Quicksaves however do include penalties and should therefore not be used after uninstalling!
HUD Status Bars
HUD Status Bars is a mod, which allows the player to have additional on-screen status bars, displaying the player character's hygiene levels. It requires the OBSE MenuQue plugin to function properly.
Available variables: BPH.HUDhygiene, BPH.HUDtoilet, BPH.HUDfeet, BPH.HUDcalves, BPH.HUDthighs, BPH.HUDtorso, BPH.HUDarms and BPH.HUDhead (range: 0 - 100)
BPH.HUDhygiene is the overall hygiene level of the player character. Optionally, use the other HUD values to see this in further detail.
Usage example (add to bottom of Hud Status Bars.ini):
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDfeet"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorWhite"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"100"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"0"
set tnoHSB.hud_x to93
set tnoHSB.hud_y to35
setStage tnoHSB 10
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDcalves"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorWhite"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"100"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"0"
SetStage tnoHSB 10
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDthighs"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorWhite"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"100"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"0"
SetStage tnoHSB 10
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDtorso"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorWhite"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"100"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"0"
SetStage tnoHSB 10
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDarms"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorWhite"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"100"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"0"
SetStage tnoHSB 10
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDhead"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorWhite"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"100"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"0"
SetStage tnoHSB 10
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDhygiene"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorBlack"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"100"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"0"
SetStage tnoHSB 10
set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct "BPH.HUDtoilet"
set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct"HUDcolorBlue"
set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct"0"
set tnoHSB.hud_min to sv_Construct"100"
SetStage tnoHSB 10
Version 3.0 (18/11/2013)
- Added Spanish language translation (thanks smoking)
- Fixed issue using outhouse
Version 2.9 (20/05/2013)
- Added ability to contract a disease when dirty for some time
- Added ability to attract vermin when going without a toilet
- Added support for unknown water types
Version 2.8 (18/12/2012)
- Updated Russian translation (thanks Ivbor)
- Added Italian translation (thanks Oblivion89)
- Added option to disable activating washstands to wash hands
Version 2.7 (13/10/2012)
- Updated lower class washstand (screw texture)
Version 2.6 (04/10/2012)
- Fixed shader issue to display hygiene level
- Added toilet paper to imperial prison (on assassins)
- Added toilet paper to inventory when starting a new game
Version 2.5 (13/08/2012)
- Added outhouses to all cities (Better Cities compatible)
Version 2.4 (21/07/2012)
- Fixed issue with toilets added by 3rd party mods through ini file
- Added ability to re-enable smell aura when disabled by game
- Improved ability for merchants to restock items
Version 2.3 (29/06/2012)
- Added ability for npcs to close door when inside outhouse
- Updated graphics for all deeds (icon and mesh)
- Added ability to start with all items when debug mode is enabled
- Added ability to see location/angle of placed items in console
Version 2.2 (22/06/2012)
- Added 11 outhouses (1 for every city)
- Added 2 washstands (lower and upper class)
- Added 2 indoor toilets (lower and upper class)
- Added ability to purchase items from more merchants
- Changed items merchants sell based on their social status
- Added support for GodMode (max hygiene levels when enabled)
- Improved ability to grab objects when raining
- Added option to disable toilet need messages
- Added option for merchants to restock x pieces of toilet paper
- Fixed issue where npcs wait putting on trousers after toilet
Version 2.1 (02/06/2012)
- Fixed issue using toilet paper
- Added options to lower sneak penalty when in dungeon/outdoors
Version 2.0 (31/05/2012)
- Added French language translation (thanks Sita)
- Added optional smell auras (3 stages) to player character
- Added uses to soap (20) and toilet paper (1)
- Added option to need a book to read on a toilet
- Added ability for npcs to eat, drink or read on a toilet
Version 1.9 (28/05/2012)
- Added Russian language translation (thanks AkaDemikoff)
- Added ability to read a book on a toilet when toilet need is 0
- Added ability for all npcs to wash in bathtubs
- Added ability for all npcs to read a book on a toilet
- Added option to directly assign keys to washing hands
- Added option to disable washing in rain
- Added option for sneak penalty when player smells (is dirty)
- Added option to contract a disease when eating with dirty hands
- Added option to not contract a disease when hands are >= 70%
- Added ability to have hands and mouth get dirtier when eating
- Added option to be fined when washing in public (off by default)
Version 1.8 (24/05/2012)
- Fixed issue when purchasing items from merchants
- Added washstands
- Added ability to wash hands by activating washstands
- Added ability to use toilets while standing
- Added option to add standing toilets in object.ini file
- Improved ability to receive free toilet paper
- Changed relieving when at max toilet need to take time
Version 1.7 (19/05/2012)
- Added stone bathtubs
- Added realistic toilet need setting (change in ini file)
- Added toilet paper (realistic setting only)
- Added ability to go to toilet anywhere (realistic setting only)
- Added penalty for not going to a toilet (realistic setting only)
- Changed going to toilet to take time (realistic setting only)
- Added option to start with x pieces of toilet paper
- Added toilet paper to imperial prison
- Added option to need toilet less when sleeping
- Updated German language translation
Version 1.6 (12/05/2012)
- Added German language translation (thanks lowtrap)
- Added ability to wash hands by grabbing (press z) water sources
- Updated method to determine the cleanliness of arms
Version 1.5 (11/05/2012)
- Added Chinese (simplified) language translation (thanks bluesky404)
- Added indoor toilets
- Added option to change respawn time for soap, bathtubs, etc.
- Added ability to track the cleanliness of arms (BPH.HUDarms)
- Renamed HUD values for calves and thighs
- Changed in-game objects to be dirtier depending on location
- Added ability to get arms/hands dirty by looting dead bodies
- Changed dead bodies to be dirtier depending on type of body
- Changed dead bodies to be dirtier depending on time dead
- Added ability to get arms/hands dirty when using a toilet
Version 1.4 (05/05/2012)
- Added option in ini file to have more seats in bathtubs
- Added more seats to bathtubs when CM Partners Mod is detected
- Added link between toilet need and hunger/thirst level
- Added default hunger/thirst level to 25% (== 12 hours)
- Added ability to use hunger/thirst from Basic Primary Needs
Version 1.3 (29/04/2012)
- Added wooden outhouses (toilets)
- Added ability to increase hygiene levels when using a toilet
- Added option to remove trousers when using a toilet (npcs too)
- Added toilet HUD status bar (BPH.HUDtoilet; range: 0 - 100)
- Added ability to add custom toilets through ini file
- Added steam to wooden bathtubs
Version 1.2 (26/04/2012)
- Fixed issue where getting out of a bathtub could cause a CTD
- Improved animations for washing while sitting in a bathtub
- Added Seed Neeus in Chorrol to sell bathtubs/soap
- Improved bathtub marker placement
- Added support for soap added by Bananasplit Better Cities
- Added ability to destroy bathtubs by power attacking them
- Added ability to add custom soap through ini file
- Added ability to add custom water sources through ini file
- Added option to place bathtubs in npc homes (off by default)
Version 1.1 (23/04/2012)
- Added wooden and marble bathtubs
- Added 6 washing animations for sitting in a bath
- Added support for bathtubs added by 3rd party mods
- Added option to display hygiene levels in the menu
- Added langauge localization framework
- Changed fresh water quality from 60% to 70% clean
- Changed soap to be more effective in better quality water
- Added option to undress tail slot items (on by default)
- Added option to place bathtubs outdoors (on by default)
- Added option to display action messages (off by default)
- Disabled ability to place bathtubs underwater
Version 1.0 (19/04/2012)
- Initial release
You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. However, the bathtubs and soap are modified versions originally created by Antistar and SickleYield. The standing washing animation was created by Umpa and the sitting washing animations were created by OreTueee. And finally, the standard outhouse was created by Stroti and the other outhouses, toilets and washstands were created by kaizit.
Many thanks to lowtrap for the German translation, Sita for the French translation, smoking for the Spanish translation, Oblivion89 for the Italian translation, AkaDemikoff, kaizit and Ivbor for the Russian translation and bluesky404 for the Chinese translation.