

  1. JosephHefner54321
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    I need people to work on this mod again because i like the he's a pirate remix for oblivion
  2. KillmisterTheHellraider
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    Name : Killmister
    Race : Imperial
    Gender : Male
    Age : 37
    Faction : Pirates
    Equipment : I have mods for this so anything which would look like a pirate would do fine. Weapon : The best cutlass,I thinks it's called Masterforge Cutlass and the Witspliter. Maybe a one hand axe, if you wish.
    Hair : Brown Ponytail, long
    Eyes : Brown
    Skin : White

    He used to be called "The Undead Seawolf" because he had some sort of health problem,in which he couldn't feel the pain, and fought bravely trough all the damage he recieved in a battle.
  3. ilawana
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    I was wondering if it wouldn't be any trouble if u could put my character in i made her when i liked star wars so her first name may sound familiar i made her in morowind and oblivion and hopefully soon skyrim she is my favorite character and it would be nice if u could put her in the mod. I'm new on nexusmods so im not sure if u finished the mod or not but if u haven't i would really appreciate u puting her in the mod.

    Name- Luminara Odill
    Race- Nord
    Gender- Female
    Age- I'm not quite sure i made her as young as characters can be
    Hair- Ponytail twist, satin blonde, and length is somewhere in between long and short, but u can do whatever u want with the hair as long as it is the same color
    Eye color (if needed)- Blue
    She normally wears light armor, and wields a elven bow with ebony arrows, and an elven dagger, a silver sword that i enchanted with frost, a steel claymore, a dwarven axe, and the fingers of the mountain spell. But at the time I wasn't modding so any pirate style outfit would be nice.

    She's the Arch mage, master of the fighters guild, champion of cyrodiil, member of the order of the blood, knight errant of the white stallion lodge, member of the knights of the thorn lodge, blade sister, the grey fox, arena grand champion, and i'm pretty sure that's it.
    She is a master in every skill except conjuration, and she is on level 225.
    Back story:
    She was born in Skyrim, when she was 10 years old her home was attacked by bandits. She being the only survivor in her family set off to go to Morrowind, in Morrowind she became a slave for 2 months, later set free by her master. When she was 16 she came to Cyrodiil and joined a group of bandits as a bandit she was arrested, and in prison she met Emperor Uriel Septim and so on so fourth. 
  4. JoeStephensnexasmods
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    Downloaded and will endorse as soon as it lets me
    Care to put my character in? you might find her a bit... interesting to say the least

    Name: Renya
    Race: Imperial
    Gender: female
    Age: 22.
    Hair: Natural, black, as long as it gets
    Faction: ex dark brotherhood, now a pirate
    Her gear is the standard shrouded armor, no hood. She also uses an elven shortsword, though I suppose a steel cutlass would suit the mod better. She favors archery, thus also carries a quiver full of elven arrows and an elven bow. I like how elven looks >.< (I suppose for the mod you could put her in some slightly more piratey gear)

    Backstory: After committing her first murder at age 16, she joined the dark brotherhood quickly after. about three years later, at age 19, she left the brotherhood and the Cheydinhal sanctuary, due to an argument with Ocheeva over what should be done about the count of Cheydinhall. After she left the brotherhood, she stagnated a bit until the age of 20, doing some petty crime on the streets and looking for her place in the world. seeking an outlet for the violent tendencies she picked up in the brotherhood, she soon discovered piracy. A ship docked in the Imperial City waterfront took her on as part of their crew, and they spent the next year sailing the Agean and sacking Imperial trade ships. Unfortunately, one fateful day, something terrible happened.

    When the pirate crew was docked in the waterfront district, disguised as a merchant vessel, a dark brotherhood assassin (aka the "hero" of kvatch aka the listener) boarded the ship and killed the captain. (yes, this is exactly what it sounds like. Gaston Tussad and his pirate crew were who she was sailing with.) After that fateful day, she developed a deep hatred for the Hero of Cyrodil and devoted her life to hunting him down. lately it would seem that he has become a pirate himself, and thus she must follow him out to sea and rid the world of this so called "hero".
  5. TheTerroristOfIceland
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    Equipment:Flax tunic,Light Brown Linens,Pigskin shoes,Ebony Longsword
    Hair:He has a complete shaved head
    More:He came from Hammerfell to seek fame and fortune and he signed himself to become pirate.His greatest achievement was when he got his Ebony Longsword from the captain of the navy ship he was fighting,he killed the captain himself.His fleet got destroyed year later and he was the only man who survived.He is a fearsome fighter and ready to have his revenge on the navy.
  6. Xacro2020
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    Equipment:Leather Cuirass,Boots,Gloves.a hood,a silver bow and a glass long sword
    More:He is a pirate of all kinds and sailed the mighty seas!!But when he needs to eliminate another he values stealth as his weapon and partner and usually kills from a distance like an arrow from a building but sometimes he needs to stealthily get up close and personal to kill his target and is highly respected by his crew cause of his great leadership as a captain.
  7. kitkat2633
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    Name: Wendy The Wise
    Race: Nord
    Age: around 80
    Faction: A retired pirate
    Equiptmentlaid Shirt,Blacksmith's Pants,Buckled Shoes and an Iron Dagger.
    Hair:Wind braids, grey,long
    More: Wendy the Wise can share all of her old pirate adventures but can sometimes bore people to death. She sits in a chair drinking Ale for most of the day. All the crew mates seem to know who she is as she is a retired pirate but still lives on the ship. Her tales can vary from being boring to very interesting!
  8. Dimensionlord1
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    Nameead Sea
    Equiptment:Full glass armor,Daedric bow, Daedric Shortsword

    Moreead Sea left his homeland of Blackmarsh seeking wealth, he is an experianced killer, former dark brotherhood assassin, infamous thief, and will not hesitate to shed blood of inocents or enemies.
  9. Blockmaster27
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    Name: Lucius the Wise
    Race: Breton
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Faction: Pirates
    Equipment: Elven Bow, Dwarven Arrows, and Leather armour + leggins
    Hair: Black, Natural

    Additional info:
    Lucius is a kind, loyal man with an earge of exploration. He is very knowledgable about all of the provinces of Tamriel. He looks like any other breton, but with a greek nose and long hair. And takes the expresion of any other pirate.
  10. gravedigger445
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    Hair: Black Ponytail