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Created by

Mr Sandman

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About this mod

improves the sunglare

Permissions and credits
this mod change the default sunglare with one more realistic
i made it with gimp using the "supernova" effect and a lens effect
now there are 3 files:
-default (yellow sunglare+lens effect)
-white (white sunglare+lens effect)
-no lens effect (yellow/white sunglare without the lens effect)
-archive invalidation on
-this mod is compatible with OBGE shaders
-if you use natural enviroments do this:
1) go in the folder data/textures/naturalenviroments/sky
2)place the files in this folder , if ask to overwrite choose yes
-this mod is not compatible with mods that change sunglare textures like beaming sunglare
put the file into your data folder
C/programms/bethesda softworks/oblivion/data/textures/sky
to unistall just delete the file
you can use this mod as you wish , just remember to credit
