

    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So, finally took the time to use OBMM to load an omod and unpack it, specifically for this one mod, so I could install manually and not overwrite previous female armor meshes.  Pretty sweet.  Funny to read a comment I still agree with from years ago and look at the name and see it's mine, lol.
  2. Nephenee13
    • supporter
    • 256 kudos

    It's for your convenience. Trust me, manual install could cause you a lot of grief with something this big.

    Actually, the ideal way to handle a mod of this type would be via BAIN, not OMOD. That would literally make it a snap to install and uninstall without disturbing the rest of your files.

    Distributing the mod as an OMOD ready archive would be the best of both worlds, those who wanted to install manually or via BAIN could do so easily, and those who wish to use OBMM can easily convert it to an OMOD.

    Just a thought.

    Also, some seriously nice work you've done here, I may keep this in mind for a future playthrough.
    1. daedriccat
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Agree with this.

      OMOD is old, and has to use third party software to use or open. Some of us use it only to open these files so they can be installed manually. Giving users a choice is the best way to go.

      I prefer manual install, having done it for years, and few third party programs as possible.
    2. SillyKristy
      • premium
      • 34 kudos
      In 2019, OMOD is practically unusable.
    • account closed
    • 6 kudos
    Because then what happens if you don't like the glowing effects? What if you decide you just want to play the game as is. Or, maybe something went wrong? There are so many files in this mod, it could end up being a grave inconvenience for you to install/uninstall manually, and I don't wanna be blamed for that. You don't have any esp to manage, all it needs to do is install the files, and you don't have to touch it again...unless you wanna uninstall it, which then this mod can conveniently help you with that as well. Returning the files back to what they were, provided it's the same armor...which if it wasn't, I don't know why you would use this in the first place, unless you wanted this kind of armor instead. =P

    It's for your convenience. Trust me, manual install could cause you a lot of grief with something this big.
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Just wondering why this only exists as an OMOD file. I've downloaded hundreds of files from this site and others and this is a sole case scenario of requiring that archive extracter. Don't files require 'extra' packaging to be OMOD compatible? Sorry, it's just that I'd like to implement this into my game but I already have so many other files requiring files requiring files going on that I can't justify implementing OMOD specifically just for this one. Thank you anyways, though.
  5. dartmaul15
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    nice mod. fits so perfect in my dark world walking around in glowing elven XD

    Please do this for Skyrim when it is released!
    • account closed
    • 6 kudos
    Are you talking about the golden saints and dark seducers? I apologize for the confusion, but if you look in the description it clearly states THIS mod does not have Dark Seducer or Golden Saint. I have a separate mod for those, here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30060
  7. DenebR
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    I have a similar problem, but i think it could be the Daedric Ruins mod (with Golden Saints built in) may be overwriting this mod.
    • account closed
    • 6 kudos
    Overwritten? That seems...odd. Are you installing any other armor replacer mods or body mods AFTER you install this one? Like EVE, or TGND?
  9. aaron9258
    • BANNED
    • 2 kudos
    No matter what i do this mod is over written. Why not just make a store bought/treasure hunt/something stripped off Saint Seducer bodies version of this mod?
  10. MRYUCK
    • account closed
    • 6 kudos
    The screen shots are just some examples. The mod itself modifies a lot more stuff. Check the bottom of the description section to see all the objects that've been modified. =D