

  1. ddmlink
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    I have updated the 0.4.7 file. I made the Imperial City Refugee camp smaller in an attempt to help those with poor performance. Honestly, it was too big anyways. Please let me know if this helps.

    I have also removed some unnecessary files from the archive.
  2. ddmlink
    • premium
    • 86 kudos
    Version 0.4.7 is released!

    + Fixed Player going through the zombification process while already infected
    + Fixed the option to disable infected wildlife spawns within cities
    + Added basic survival camps to each city. Each one (there are a couple of exceptions) has a map marker, a priest that will cure diseases, and some guards. It's pretty basic, but I plan to add quests that will allow you to upgrade camps, maybe even form factions.
    + Added an OBSE revision check
    + Updated the Zombie Survival Guide (not like there's anything in there that players don't already know, I'm sure).
    + Removed Chase's Refuge. He'll be back, but the camp was practically on the doorstep of Frostcrag Spire.
    1. Umm you've uploaded A 67mb file and A 70mb but haven't specified if we need both of them or if they are optional (and if they are you haven't suggested the difference between either of them.)

    2. Sorry just figured out that you had typed "OMOD" I thought of just editing/removing my comment but what'd be the fun in that?
    3. ddmlink
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Glad you got it figured out
  3. JoBarfCr33py
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Insane that you are still around and considering remaking this mod. It's a very nostalgic mod for me, though I mostly play with it disabled these days
    mostly because of the props and burning debris in cities

    Thank you a lot for making this mod!
    1. ddmlink
      • premium
      • 86 kudos

      As for the "siege damage" I think going into the Compatibility options has the option to turn it off. It may have been under better cities, I think.

      Something for me to keep in mind, at least.
  4. iceykidd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Since you're thinking of possibly remaking the mod, might i suggest the ability to turn off essential NPCs fleeing? Essential Companions keep running off, which makes fighting the bigger hordes a bit more painful. I know you were looking for some things people might want to see, so thats my suggestion for ya.
    1. ddmlink
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      I appreciate that. I can see why that would be annoying. I've added a "toggle for essential NPCs fleeing" to my to do list. Actually, with the Skyrim updates going on, I think I may bump a 28 Days remake higher up on the priority list.

      I'm interested in what all can be done now. LINK++, EngineBugFixes which fixes calling 'resurrect' on the player... Who knows what else?
  5. deadpool0600
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    Mod works great, I know this won't get updated ever but it cool. Sadly I keep crashing at frostcrag spire and this mod is the culprit, not sure why, I have 5 mods installed bar the UOPs, I've tried them all but turning off this one is what fixed it, not at all sure what is happening or why.
    1. ddmlink
      • premium
      • 86 kudos

      That is odd. I wonder if it has to do with the refuge that was there at one point? That last update was years ago and I didn't know as much about making mods like I do now. Might be some dirty edits that could be cleaned with xEdit...
    2. deadpool0600
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      Well reinstalling it manually, it seems to solve the crashing issue. Now I'm faced with another issue as to the captain at the gate of Kvatch going to the Anvil Chapel and not the Kvatch one and then staring at the dead bodies. Only mod that seemed to affect it when deactivated was this one, once I deactivated it he marched straight out and all the way back to Kvatch lol. I didn't plan on playing the main quest though, but wanted to see how far I could get before everything was overrun by undead. 
    3. Stray0rabbies
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I just pray a new mod supersedes this one t-t
    4. ddmlink
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      I've debated re-doing this mod. I would have to start from scratch though, as my coding skills back then were really bad. Even going back and looking at the code makes me cringe. Plus there's new features in xOBSE that I may be able to use.

      What would you want to see in a new mod?
    5. iceykidd
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'd honestly like to see what you could do with this.. But i think some new zombie types or something would be neat. Go nuts if you're going to make an updated version!
    6. ddmlink
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Thanks. I've got a couple projects in the works right now, but maybe once I'm done I'll take a look at this again and see what I can do now that I actually know what I'm doing.
  6. Ru5tyShackleford
    • member
    • 91 kudos
    This mod is super nostalgic to me, I remember watching janky YouTube videos of it years ago. A remake would be spectacular! Never got to actually play it back in the day. Hard to think of anything to add though. Hope it happens someday!

    EDIT: Though, maybe a few toggles for additional undead monsters? Skeletons, Flesh Atronachs, Shambles, etc?
  7. Zalivar106
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Idk what I'm doing wrong, but this just isn't working. I've installed it manually, extracted everything to my data folder and it just will not work. No spells in my spell book. I tried adding it to NMM, enabled it, and ran it, still no spells to start the apocalypse. My OBSE is up to date as well
    1. Corensir
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Having the same issue. When I've tried to download the game through NMM directly, it always throws up an error. When I've downloaded 3 of the files manually and tried loading them, it gets about 36% of the way installing and then fails.
    2. Freyr95
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      I'd suggest using Wrye Bash or OBMM instead of NMM
  8. dzzjj
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Any chance to make the Zombies like in The Walikng Dead? I.e. No running zombies just walking. Also no infected animals?
    Really looking for a The Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse mod.
  9. lparis25
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sometimes my characters textures glitch out, it also dosen't have the zombie animations even while being the only mod i have installed
    1. lparis25
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok, after looking at the replies, if you are in 3rd person when you get infected, it fixes itself
  10. Kyledasilva
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey listen mine is just straight not working. I See the menu, I see the city damage, I see the refugee camps but there are lots of missing meshes, but I see no zombies. Please advise. P.S I do have OBSE on, I manually downloaded the mods. But I just don't see the zombies.
    1. ddmlink
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Been a while since I've worked on this, so I'm going off memory here.

      I see you've tried a few versions. Are you manually installing them? I would recommend using a mod manager if so; the latest 7zip file was designed for Nexus Mod Manager so I imagine it should work fine with Vortex. Some of the older versions had issues (such as meshes or textures not properly set) that I later fixed.

      Zombies spawn from doors, and sometimes they take a few moments to actually spawn (and even then they may spawn on the other side of a city). However, there is still a bug where, after picking a quick start scenario, sometimes the zombies don't get updated for the city you are in. If you select "Arcade Mode" and fast travel to several cities and wait a few minutes each time, do they appear? Or at the very least invisible?

      I really should just remake this mod at some point...
    2. Skijarama
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh please, by all means remake it one of these days. It'd be neat to see how you'd tackle it in the modern day and age. :)
  11. Vengyre
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    I loved playing this mod as a kid. It's such a weird and elaborate one.
  12. Dunehelm
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I just noticed how a Zombie Mod rose from the grave of other dead mods. I am slow sometimes...