
Better Cities Quests (335 comments)

  1. Vorians
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    Please use this thread to post your quest-related queries. This thread is going to contain spoilers, so if you're browsing, be warned that here be quest solutions.
  2. Umree
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    Loving the mod so far, but I am also stuck on the Gate into a Dark History Quest... Again this is about the control room puzzle...


    According to the book, the configuration for B (the "s" or "4" looking symbol) and D (the "T" looking symbol) should be:
    B -> 0 0 0 0000
    D ->  0   0 00   00

    B is supposed to be pre-configured and set up already after the ghost fiddled with it, it is set at:
    B -> 000 000 000 000
    This doesn't seem correct to me, at least it doesn't match the book at all...

    As for D, I can't seem to understand how the setup should start given the gaps between the three crystal sets. When all are illuminated, they look like this:
    D -> 000 000 000 000
    The book asks for this:
    D ->  0   0 00   00

    Does that mean, with "X" being gaps, that the configuration should be:
    D -> X0X X0X 00X X00
    D -> 0X0 0XX 0XX 00X

    There are just so many possibilities in this setup and the initial B setup is concerning as well because there are more illuminated crystals than indicated in the book. Also, I installed the hotfix and A and C are still swapped, do I swap them in-game or just leave them as is?

    I love the mod, it's enhanced the game so much! But I just can't wrap my head around this puzzle.
    1. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos

      If 1 and 3 are still swapped then you have not installed the hotfix.

      If 2 does not match the book, then you've reconfigured the 2nd panel yourself - configure it again so it matches the book.

      The gaps in the book represent deactivated power crystals. The power crystals shown in the book are correctly spaced relative to the actual power crystals, so if there's a gap large enough for two power crystals to fit, then that gap represents two deactivated power crystals.
    2. Umree
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      Ah! I understand my mistake now, I was able to complete it.


      I had misunderstood the correspondence of the panels. B's pattern in the book corresponds to D and vise versa. The first 3 were correctly set and the hotfix was installed, I was just inputting D's pattern under D's symbol, I had to input B's pattern under D's symbol instead.

  3. Dr4g0nLord24
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    Hey, greatly enjoying the mod so far! That being said: Sadly I am stuck on quest. Maybe I am dumb or maybe I broke something: (Skipped through these entries here and didn't spot someone talking about it or missed it ... or it is obvious and i really am dumb)

    Quest is in Chorrol - "Gate into a Dark History"

     I am at this specific (hot) location, and it feels like I am right at the end. I have this puzzle here (lots of symbols, buttons and possible configurations). I feel like I've input every single combination that could be meant by the hint on the wall (book, with the turn-off button above): crystals meaning in the hint meaning on/off, symbols referring to crystals below or opposite wall, everything tried twice to check for mistakes and NONE of them seem to work. So now I am stuck, switiching between the puzzle and button/hint room and can't figure it out. The NPC outside the turnoff button room is also not helping and yeah, now I am stuck here.
    Last journal entry: "I activated the device, but it is still running. [....] device again". 

    Help would be appreciated. ^^'

    PS: In case this is important: I completed the linked
    "Who's the Daddy?"
    quest. Also the wiki basically stops at that point so couldnt search for help there. Maybe someone knows if it has been completed in a YT video or something, I couldnt find any.
    1. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos

      The book in the device room provides the solution. It shows four rows of images, each beginning with an Ayleid symbol, starting A at the top, then B, C, D. In the control room, there are four panels of buttons, each has an Ayleid symbol on the wall above it - A, B, C, D.

      Panels A, B and C are set correctly to match the book when you first arrive, because the Ayleid you saw as a ghost had completed these panels but was then distracted and forgot to set the fourth panel. If you have changed those panels, then you will now need to reset them to match the book, otherwise they can be ignored.

      The images in the book represent the banks of power crystals beneath the control panels. An image means that crystal should be on, a blank space means that crystal should be off. Getting all four correct will allow progressing the quest through pressing the final button back in the device room, but if any one crystal is set wrongly, then you cannot proceed.
    2. Dr4g0nLord24
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      Hi there, thanks for the swift reply. I actually had to load another save and there I saw
       with the correct configuration that was there by the ghost before I tempered with it,
       why I couldn't solve it. 
      The symbols are actually switched up. For the (I am using approximations now) I and T symbols it was referring to what u see below, but for the lightning and questionmark symbol (supposedly 2 and 4?) it was actually the other way around!
      Might be worth double checking, but yeah turns out I read the clue correctly but there was a switcheroo! 

      I still killed Virani and all the other archeologists ....
      Oooopsie :D
    3. Vorians
      • premium
      • 378 kudos
      Ugh, you're right! Though you've mixed up which are mixed up. The first and third are the wrong way around, the second and fourth are correct.

      I hope I still have the files I used to create that image.

      I do, but it was named "Temp" so I've now renamed to ensure it doesn't get overwritten the next time I need a temporary save of that filetype. Hotfix uploaded to correct the texture.
    4. wverdin
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      • 7 kudos

      I've reviewed this puzzle several times and can't get it to work!! I tried setting it from the control panels assuming the panel is setting the one across from me as well as the panel controlling the one behind me. Gave up and moved one without completing. 
    5. provo12
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  4. AudioBoyMA
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    I've just started playing Oblivion again for the first time in years and I put BC in my load order. I just found my first BC quest, A Gate to a Dark History and, while I've managed to find my way past a few roadblocks, I am now fully stuck.

    I've met Virani, dealt with the angry father and his daughter, explored the cavern, taken the skiff to the Ayleid structure, met up with Virani again, gone back to exploring, eventually found the hidden passage to the control room, followed the ghost, taken the second skiff to the building with the device room, talked to the ghost on the parapet, found the other ghost in the device room, and listened to his dialogue. He runs out and I try reading the book and pressing the button above it. I get the message suggesting I go back to the control room. I take it I'm supposed to take the skiff back to the Ayleid structure? Only I can't, because neither button at the skiffs offers to take me back. I press them and nothing happens.

    Is there something I'm supposed to have done before I leave?
    1. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      Please add spoiler tags around your questing activities.
      You haven't fully explored the device room (where the book and button are), there's another alcove with more buttons to press.
    2. AudioBoyMA
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      Fixed! Had to figure out how to use a spoiler tag.

      Thanks for the tip. I'll go back and explore some more!
    3. AudioBoyMA
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      Okay, I've been playing with that panel, however:
      Only the 2nd and 3rd buttons work. The first button worked for a while, but now it's not illuminated, so I can't get the crystals into the patterns in the book. Do I need to do something to get all four buttons working?
    4. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      The first button won't work until you've entered the book pattern in the control room and triggered the device again - this button turned itself off and became disabled to protect against people traveling into an unsafe location due to the device being triggered without a stable control room pattern. The fourth button will never work.
    5. AudioBoyMA
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      Ah, okay. Thanks!

      That still presents me with the problem with the skiffs. Neither button at the dock will offer me a ride back to the building with the control room. I assume that means there's still something I need to do before trying to head back?
    6. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      You cannot use the skiffs a second time.
      The second alcove contains buttons which activate/deactivate portals. One button activates a portal right beside you in the device room which sends you to the portal room. Another button activates a portal between the portal room and the control room. One button (not usable while the device is running with an unstable pattern) activates the portal you previously used between the portal room and the end of the walkway which leads to the room where you last spoke with Virani.
    7. AudioBoyMA
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      I can't believe I never turned around to see the portal. *sigh*

      I've been to the control room, however... (I *hate* being the one to keep saying "however...")

      I tried setting the patterns in the book (I took a photo with my phone so I'd have it to refer to) at least twice, but when I went back to the device room and pressed the button, nothing happened. I came back to the discussions here, saw the stuff about the error with the book graphic and the solution mix up, installed the hotfix, went back to the control room, tried the new combinations, and still nothing. Is there something I'm supposed to do after I've implemented the changes and before I leave the control room?
    8. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      As long as you never touched panels 1,2,3 you can leave them alone as they're already set correctly. Only panel 4 needs changing to match the book pattern. If you touched any of the other three panels then you need to restore them to match the book pattern again. Then return to the device room and press the button. If that doesn't work, then you still don't have the pattern correct.
    9. AudioBoyMA
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      Yep, that was it.

      I set all four. Just messing with 4 let me finish.

      I realize I didn't say anything about the mod itself, but I am enjoying it and I'm looking forward to encountering more. This was just a glitch and those happen. Kudos for all the work!
  5. Feelsus
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    Hi! Probably a silly question, but my partner and I are both stuck on Gate to a dark History.
    We're both at the point where Virani is in the ruin with us and has set up the portal to their base camp. Our quest directive is just to 'explore' at this point. We have the second power stone.
    We're just not sure where to go from here. We found a hidden button near the room Virani's in, but pressing it doesn't appear to do anything. We tried heading back to the boat (ruin-side not land-side) to see if we could use the crystal there, but it wouldn't let us insert the crystal to power the skiff.
    Hoping I was vauge enough, I don't know how to use the spoilers tag. I'm not sure if there's a bug with my install or if we're missing something really obvious, but it's been a few days now and I just can't figure it out. ^^;
    1. ICEbweaka9
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      • 1 kudos
      I'm having similar issues although even more so. When trying to use the skiff to head to the ruin it goes fine and once it docks my character stays seated. Frozen and unable to move at all. I attempted just using tcl to travel to the other side and met with Virani and the quest updated to the point you're at but then there doesn't seem to be anything else to move forward as you mentioned.
    2. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      @Feelsus: The button did do something, go back to the hallway outside the room Virani is in.

      @ICEbweaka9: Either the script glitched on you, or another mod interfered and broke it. You should reload using the autosave BC creates just before using the boat, and try again.
    3. ICEbweaka9
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      • 1 kudos
      It must be a conflict with some mod then, aside from Better Cities and Unique Landscapes comp, I used this guide (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49898) for my list. If I'm able to just tcl across and continue it isn't a huge issue but I'm not sure what mod on the list could potentially be conflicting with the script.

      Edit: I went forward through the quest and hopped on the second skiff and that one went fine, got to the end point and my character stood up. Strange that the conflict seemingly only broke the first skiff script...

      Second Edit: Some book texture appears to be conflicting with the book below the button towards the end as the paper is black, I'm trying to work out the answer from your replies to Dr4gonlord down below. 

      Third Edit: It maybe is oblivion reloaded that's messing with the book as I was able to see the book pages for a split moment. I reloaded a save in a separate cave then from that save loaded to a save I had standing in front of the book at for a split moment before everything loaded in I can see the actual book pages showing the crystals. I was able to screenshot it after several tries... and managed to input the correct code for the device. 

      What an ordeal lol
    4. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      You'd have found things much easier if you had installed the v6.4.0b texture hotfix! But it's good to know that there's a probable cause for issues when the normal DDS is missing, since it looked fine for me and I don't use Oblivion Reloaded.
  6. Rezalon
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    Having trouble finding the post-quest reward for Clearing the Aqueduct. I checked the wiki for its location, but I cannot for the life of me find it whatsoever.

    Version 6.0.10 of the mod says it was reintroduced since it was previously missing altogether, so I have a faint suspicion this may have occurred again.
    1. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      No, the reward is still present. However the wiki is missing some information.

      To enable the reward chest, you first must throw a coin into fountains in 5 specific districts, in a specific order, and then throw a final coin into the water in the waterworks. Doing this in the wrong order resets a counter requiring that you start again.
      The order is

      Talos Plaza
    2. Rezalon
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      Thanks for the info! I'll dump it on the wiki when I get the chance (unless someone beats me to it)
  7. ozzie607
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    Got stuck on the 'Case of The Missing Body' when sent to explore the Baron's house. I cannot pick the bottled blood up to complete the quest, I press interact on it and the icon flashes but it doesn't go in to my inventory. 

    I have reloaded my save but it doesn't seem to work :/ I thought I was doing something wrong until I looked it up
    1. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      There is nothing in BC which could prevent you from picking up either of the bottles, the only explanation I can come up with is that you have another mod installed which is somehow interfering, but I cannot think how that might happen.
    2. ozzie607
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      Mostly texture and audio replacers, I'm gonna try a few more things but I still have not figured it out
    3. Vorians
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      Perhaps a mod which changes food/drink items into activators for unlimited consumption while removing the ability to move them.
  8. masononpc
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    So in the Life After Life quest after talking to Oliva Valerius in the Invel Home Basement at the end of the conversation and i get the memory stone the game instantly crashes

    anyone know why this happens?
    1. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      I've just taken a look at the quest record, and cannot see any errors or reasons for a crash to occur. When you say the game instantly crashes, just how instantly was it in relation to the end of the conversation? Did Olivia finish speaking before the crash? You say you got the memory stone, I believe you only receive this after her final words are spoken. Did Olivia disappear before the crash? Was there a quest log update and were you able to read it?
      EDIT I see you're using an old version, v6.2.1 so try updating to v6.2.3, though I don't  believe any edits in v6.2.2 or v6.2.3 would have touched on that quest.
    2. necromaster13
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      This is quite a late response, but I can clarify this crash, too!

      The crash happens the second she disappears, and the Stone is removed from your Inventory.

      She goes through all her dialogue, and when she vanishes, the game shuts down. 

      Also, I found another small bug with this quest, too. After you collect the Stones from Dagail, and speak to her, she only has one line of dialogue when you ask her about "Memories", and then nothing. I tried a few times, but she had nothing else to say. I had to use the SetStage command to be able to move on.

      I hope that's helpful for you! I adore this mod, and these are the first issue I've found with it! 
    3. Vorians
      • premium
      • 378 kudos
      Thanks, it took me most of the day to test through to that point, but I've experienced the crash too, and fixed it. Also fixed the missing dialogue you mentioned too.
  9. pepsigirl6669
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    is the fruit thief quest still broken for others?
    1. Vorians
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      • 378 kudos
      Yes. Sorry, some of the edits I made to fix this for the current release didn't save, so it's still broken :(
  10. thekinkykrabb
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    On the bravilian maid quest, i get a CTD every time whenever i close the quest start popup after waking up without my belongings. i tried using console to see if the issue was the cell, but no use; looks like its something with the quest itself. any ideas?
    1. Vorians
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      Do you have any other mods active which might trigger something when the player sleeps?

      It looks like the script which triggers the quest stage log is causing a known game engine bug, though it's always worked when I've played this quest and for most users, so the bug must not be consistent or requires further conditions not listed on the CS Wiki. I'll adjust the way in which the quest log is triggered to work around this bug, for now use a save from before you slept and don't trigger this quest until the next BC release.
    2. thekinkykrabb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you kind sir
  11. Sheiko
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    Something I did in Leyawiin granted me the title of "Guest of the city" under the Leyawiin faction. I have not closed an oblivion gate there, or to my knowledge have initiated any BC quests. 

    I'm just curious as to what it means, and where it came from. But it definitely belongs to this mod because I found the faction ID on the wiki for this mod. 
    1. Vorians
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      It means you're known for minor positive actions in the city and recognised for those minor actions. See the BC Wiki for more information.
    2. Sheiko
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      Thanks, I didn't see this part of the Wiki.