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Strategy Master

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Strategy Master

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  1. Creepypastor
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Mostly works, except when I use shift+click to drop the torch, but that's hardly a problem
  2. trebot
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    The description should say what the mod does, not talk about how it improves another mod that I don't have. I shouldn't have to go looking for that mod to see the features.
  3. Narifia
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Before I download: Will the torches stay lit if you leave the area and come back? I live in a dark cave player home, and I'm tired of having to use Night Eye to navigate my own home. I just want to drop a torch and have it stay lit indefinitely. Tried another "drop lit torch" mod and the torch disappeared once I left my home :/
  4. dioxyde0
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    dumb question. how do i drop a torch? i know its 0 to equip but how to drop?
    1. andregalastri
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I created an addon that adds this feature. Download it here: DROP LIT TORCES OBSE - ADDON
  5. littleblueboxes
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone who can help me? My dropped torches cast no light. They are burning, but the room stays dark, not even a little bit of light comes off. Does anyone know a possible cause or where I might be able to change a setting?
    1. MotokoKHammond
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I have this exact issue. Did you ever find a fix or?
    2. AllisterHenderson
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      I am thinking possibility your OBSE isn't installed property or maybe you just need to rebuild the Bashed patch....
    3. MotokoKHammond
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      @AllisterHenderson: I mean OBSE can't be installed inproperly, it's just an OBSE folder and a few .dll .ini files etc that go into your Data directory. Plus the fact that ONLY this mod does not work for me when I have quite a few mods that require OBSE such as UV3, Better Cities and much more, they work all perfectly so it point's toward the mod being at fault not me. Especially since cearly by this poster I am not the only one with this issue.

      PS: I installed UV3 after trying this as I was having issues with Deadly Reflexes and Drop Lit Torches specifically. I am aware of inherent conflicts.
    4. AllisterHenderson
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      hmmm... I just want to be 100% sure that your OBSE is installed correctly, so it can be ruled out. Can you 'humor me' by installing this mod : https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/33574
      When installed and activated, startup Oblivion and load a game. I text box will come up straight away in-game informing you that OBSE is either installed correctly or not installed correctly.

      If OBSE is installed correctly then perhaps Drop Lit Torches is conflicting with something. Try moving it's plugin lower down in the load order, so it will override the mod it was conflicting with.....

      PS I am using Drop Lit Torches and it is working for me.
    5. MotokoKHammond
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I tried the OBSE test plugin and it states my OBSE is installed correctly and I have v21. I can try Drop Lit Torches again and put it at the bottom of my load order even bellow the bashed patch and get back to you.
    6. MotokoKHammond
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Nope still does not work.
    7. AllisterHenderson
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Can I see your load order.... do you have any other torch type mods installed?
    8. MotokoKHammond
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I can send you my entire load order in a private mail if you would like. However the only other torch specific mod I have is Com's Torch Compendium.
    9. AllisterHenderson
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      hmmm... Drop lit torches might not be working with Com's Torch Compendium correctly.
      I did a quick test now with Com's Torch Compendium + drop lit torches, it kind of worked for me but the light/shadow was a little glitchy on certain angles... plus I was using a vanilla torch. There was a couple of comments in the Com's Torch Compendium posts, stating it wasn't compatible with Drop Lit Torches. I suspect that Drop Lit Torches is only going to work for the original vanilla torches, but will not work for any of the new torches added by Com's Torch Compendium.
    10. MotokoKHammond
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Well thankyou for testing that for me, much apreciated.
    11. AllisterHenderson
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      You're welcome :)
  6. itsbooby
    • premium
    • 104 kudos
    When dropping an unlit torch from your inventory, it will make fire sounds as if it is lit. This issue is fixed using the patch included in the download.
    Excellent mod.
  7. pncampbell
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    When using this mod I no longer get the a lit torch auto equipped when I change from 2 handed to one handed weapon. I bit of a deal breaker for me sadly.
  8. zdswulyx2
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Sorry for the noob question... but how can I drop the light torch?
    If the characters has a torch in the hand and I equip weapons the torch goes in the inventory. If I use the hotkey special item, the torch light and extinguish... but how can I drop the light torch to use a bow and have light?
    1. LordAltrath
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      shift click any item in your inventory to drop it
  9. caralampio
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    The hotkey torch seems to be keyed to 'T' which is of course the hotkey for waiting. So I hit T and the torch goes on or off, and I also get the prompt for waiting how long. How can I change the default hotkey for the "hotkey" torch?
    1. rkatt
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      It's in the DropLitTorchHotkey.ini file. Variable is "set addtorchkey.hotkey to 11" which is the '0' key or set the variable to '10' if you prefer to press the '9' key.
    2. caralampio
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      In the ini the value is 11, and in fact the torch goes on and off with the 0 key, or the 9 if I change the value, but it also goes on and off with the wait key T which is a bit problematic.
      EDIT: Found the problem: It was another torch mod which I failed to uninstall before installing this one. My bad :-)
  10. rkatt
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Is it normal for the torch to be extinguished for a moment after picking the torch back up off the ground? When I pick up the torch off the ground, it goes back into inventory for a brief moment and then gets pulled back out.