

  1. Navriin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Installed this mod manually (linux gaming ftw lol) as well as the uhd fonts, installed skybsa, and changed the ini, but i still have chubby weird fonts. Any suggestions? Also casting spells cause CTD
  2. psychotrip
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Is there a way to uninstall this mod? It interferes with enhanced hotkeys, but every time I try to remove this mod it crashes my game. I changed the ini file back to normal, too. Any fix? Thanks!
    1. FireTehVahu
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      That would depend on how it was installed. Uninstall through OBMM, perform a manual uninstallation, or uninstall through wrye bash. You can view the Bain Mod to see which files to remove, or use the Bain archive to uninstall through wrye bash.
  3. jrrydha98
    • supporter
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    It says that some universal fonts are not being detected. And the dialogue texts from NPC's have a weird transparent frame around it. 

    How to fix? 
    1. Zopiahh
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      If you're using a mod that edits Menus/Faders/Black.dds such as the Back Rectangle Ultrawide Fix, that will cause the dialog texts to have a weird transparent frame.

      You can fix it by finding all references to Faders/Black.dds in the DarnUI files and replace them with something else such as Faders/Background.dds, and then make a new background.dds which is just a black square.
  4. hangzdog
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    • 0 kudos
    I followed the instructions with OMM but I crash on game launch. Any ideas?
  5. KaiTheDeerGuy
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    This is absolutely my fault but I am looking for some help on how to fix this. I tried installing this on my Steam Deck through Mo2, but it didn't work out. Now I get an error on MO2 that says "an error occurred: Failed to save '{}', could not create a temporary file: {} (error {})". 

    Now I can't launch oblivion at all via Mo2. Before I dare try to reinstall and get Oblivion and mods working on Deck again, I thought I'd see if anyone had an idea how I could fix this.
  6. matias9122
    • supporter
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    Since I have this mod, the popups disappeared.
    Any solution?
    1. FireTehVahu
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      The 'No more quest popups' is an optional addon in this installation. Reinstall without it.
    2. matias9122
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      what I did was delete the xml file in menus\generic\quest_added.xml.Was it a correct action or will it have consequences in the game?
    3. FireTehVahu
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      That was correct.
  7. soleadoo
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Absolute must for PC player experience!!
  8. AllenLeila
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    对于中文玩家来说,安装了来自b站的汉化可能会导致该UI mod与汉化冲突,导致在读条的时候闪退。我对mod安装的原理并不是特别了解,但我可以提供我的解决办法作为参考。正如前面评论提到的,现在mod安装请用MO2安装,在MO2里安装该mod后,去3DM论坛里面找(DarNified UI 下载与汉化)就叫这个。然后在该帖子的下面找到额外的字体补丁(『DarNified UI』与『TLF内核汉化补丁』共用的较完美的字体设置(重新配置、上图))就叫这个。在4k分辨率下,行间距可能会有点问题,但问题不大。UI的设置需要到xml文件里修改。
  9. lieutenantkhaos
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Didn't change anything.
    1. FireTehVahu
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      As with any texture replacer mod in Oblivion, you need to use proper archive invalidation (BSA redirection) and reset your BSA timestamps to force Oblivion to load the next textures. The easiest solution is to just simply install SkyBSA after installing a version of OBSE.
    2. lieutenantkhaos
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      It worked, thanks.
  10. diegofiuzab
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I absolutely love this mod, can't really play nowadays without it. This comment section is full of questions and instalation problems, I had some myself and my most sincere recommendation is to use MO2 (Mod Organizer 2) instead of other managers like Vortex or OBMM. It made my life so much easier.

    Really don't know if this was poited out (more than 2,5k comments), but for anyone tired of configuring the settings for the UI every single time because the game would reload the initial configurations, there's a solution! As the mod itself indicates, these settings are stored in a file named "hudmainmenu_config.xml", so all the changes can be made permanent by editing this file in <menus>prefabs>darn>.

    If there's any doubt about which variable in the xml is responsable for each setting, just place the mouse ingame on top of anything you wish to change and the mod will display a help text indicating what that config does and the variable name. Hope everyone having this problem can solve it! :)

    #edit: just found out there's also a mod for that: DarNifiedUI Config Addon.
    1. edgarthedog
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what should we change in the file buddy