Fallout New Vegas

File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Zedas - Ashens2014

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Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

Hoover Dam Jets Restored and Distant (GIR) - sound update - you can now hear the water jets all around hoover dam area .

Permissions and credits
Hoover Dam Jets Restored and Distant (GIR)
if you want the standalone version Hoover Dam Jets Restored and Distant at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com) - 

Important to note that the standalone version made by Zedas is now very different from the GIR version- 

The GIR version has more audio coverage around the dam -
The GIR version changes the assets to fix the freezing bug present in the standalone version. 

Mod updates

Version 4 update - Honest Hearts sound inheritance fix - Legion Fort load in - 

Requires GIR version 2.66.209

Important - 
if you have Honest hearts and downloaded version 3 - Please uninstall it and all its assets before downloading version 4 - 

Increases the area in which the model can be loaded in - 

Version 3 update - bug fix - model consistency fix - and removal of a bunch of no longer used data. 

Fixes an issue were the model would pause when passing through a 32k unit distance from the object center, which would require a cell change to refresh the object - the model will now have no issues - and works perfectly - 

I did playtesting and everything worked fantastically. no pausing good sounds, good experience. 

Only likely update this mod will get from now on will be a region update that improves visibility from the Fort, which is handled by GIR - so next time GIR gets an update This mod will get an update as well -

Version 2 update - Sounds

In version 1 you could not hear the Water jets unless you were standing right beside them, version 2 fixes this

This mod only exists to give GIR users access to this feature without issues - Massive thanks to zedas for creating this, and allowing it to be published as a GIR mod.

Nexus mods
obsidian/bethesda - 
Blender nif extentsion
Geck extender
credit for extra waterfall sound goes to user A.deathy at freesound.org