Fallout New Vegas


  1. rockbiter68
    • premium
    • 734 kudos
    Hi everyone!

    First of all: if you asked a question here, and it went unanswered, it's probably answered in the description. Double-check the description, and if you still don't have an answer, ask again--we probably just missed it.

    Otherwise, please recognize that all of the animations included here--as well as bringing everything together in this user-friendly package--represents an absolutely astronomical amount of work on both of our ends. If you'd like to thank us, please endorse. Otherwise, if you're able, you can donate to us, which is especially helpful for both of our financial situations this time of the year and deeply appreciated.


    Finally, please enjoy the mod. We primarily do this out of love for the game and love for the hobby, so we hope you enjoy playing with these animations as much as we enjoyed making them. :)

    If you say something nice to us, and you don't get a comment back: we'd like to, it's just that we're receiving a lot of comments right now. Your love and support is appreciated! Thanks friends.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure you have of any of our old animation packs uninstalled before installing this pack.
  2. rockbiter68
    • premium
    • 734 kudos
    Please, please, please, before you post a bug report, read the information included in the spoiler below. If you report a bug without having read these requirements (which will be obvious), we will just close it down without explanation. Help us help you.


    Do not report the following as bugs, because they are not bugs caused by this mod/have clearly indicated fixes in the description/requirements for this mod.

    • Please examine your own Load Order before posting here. No one is going to do so for you.
    • Please triple-check your have all requirements installed and up-to-date, and that you have uninstalled all of our old animation packs. We are having trouble reproducing several bug reports, and we strong suspect it's for these reasons--which would mean that it's not a bug with our mod, but more a problem with how you installed it. Triple check everything. There is no earthly way we can do this for you, and you are not helping yourself if you haven't checked these things before posting a bug report.
    • Do let us know what preset you're using in your bug report. Texture mods don't matter.
    • Your character moving around in first person (locomotion). This mod does not include any locomotion files, period. It is compatible with all locomotion mods, period. If you don't like the way something looks with your preferred locomotion mod, that's just because it's how it looks.
    • This mod is compatible with B42 Ammo Inspect, or B42 anything, really. If you're seeing condition inspect animations/ammo inspect animations that don't look like they mesh with the idles, it's because hitman and I did not make dedicated B42 animations for the majority of these sets. It's not a bug. We never advertised as this mod coming with it's own B42 animations--any included are holdovers from when we both did that/a bonus.
    • Anything related to third-person is not a bug caused by this mod. We included zero (0) third-person animations.
    • Always receiving the full reload animation first, regardless of how many rounds fired, is a well-document kNVSE bug. It needs an update. It's not a bug on our end.
    • Iron sights/B42 Optics: download this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/81933. It's listed as a requirement for a reason.
    • Clipping with WAP meshes is not a bug, even in the WAP preset. Please see the description.
    • Enable partial reloads in StewieTweaks. Enable NoAutoFiring delay in StewieTweaks. Our mod takes advantages of these features; you not seeing them because you didn't enable these features is not a bug.
  3. rockbiter68
    • premium
    • 734 kudos

    • Basic incompatibility with a mod you like IS NOT A BUG. Please stop reporting things like this. We've been overwhelmed in our Bugs section, and the vast majority of reported "bugs" are not bugs.
    • This mod DOES NOT HAVE b42 Inspect and Ammo Check support. You can still use it without any real issue, but any visual weirdness you see is BECAUSE WE DID NOT CREATE b42 INSPECT ANIMATIONS FOR THE VAST MAJORITY OF ANIMATIONS. Please stop reporting this.
    • You installing the mod wrong IS NOT A BUG. If you need help with your install, post in the comments section. I will close any bug reports that are people asking for help with the install process/a result of someone not following the install process. You can bypass all of this by simply reading the Description.
    • This only covers vanilla weapons from base NV and TTW. Anything else WILL need patches. Nobody here has the time for that right now, so you will have to wait, and even so, we cannot reasonably patch any mod you might want these applied to. Creating patches is very simple, though. If you want to do so, visit the kNVSE mod page and do some reading.
    • Iron sight transitions are handled at the engine level, not an animation level. If your iron sights are snapping to center, you need to install Smooth True Iron Sights Camera.
    • The FOMOD issues have been ironed out. You NEED TO FOLLOW THE GUIDE IN THE DESCRIPTION TO INSTALL THE MOD CORRECTLY. A weapon not receiving an animation set/switching between animations is an install issue, NOT A BUG. If you still encounter these issues, double-checked your requirements are installed/up-to-date and re-read the description and CLARIFY THAT YOU HAVE DONE SO IN YOUR BUG REPORT. Reports that do not clarify this will be closed without comment.
    • Other people's animations not working right ARE NOT BUGS. They're literally not part of this mod by definition.
    • The first reload of your weapon always using the empty reload instead of the partial IS NOT A BUG. This is a well-known bug with the current issue of kNVSE. We can't do anything about it.


    • Animations behaving incorrectly: flickering out of existence, not allowing you to move, parts of the gun doing weird things (the revolver gate doesn't close when you interrupt it's bullet-counted reload, for example), etc.
  4. EternalTaros
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I believe I found a bug that affects the caravan shotgun and the study caravan shotgun.
    If you fire the gun in VATS and then reload in VATS, the animation will become stuck. You can still fire the gun, but the ironsights won't work because the gun is mid reload.

    1. skilfultree
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I just want to report that I have had the same issues but I think it is due to a mod that is incompatible or my load order.I couldn't recreate the issue with just NVAO enabled. This issue is also not unique to the Caravan Shotgun as I experienced it with the Mercenary
      Grenade launcher
      and is probably any weapon during cinematic kills. My mod list is mainly engine and bug fixes + Blended Locomotion, B42
      Inertia and Smooth True Iron Sites. Also New Vegas True Scopes.
      I know its not the developers job to fix load orders but most of this is from Viva NV which is listed as compatible in the description. Ill keep
      trying loading one mod at a time to figure out what it is.

      Edit: I actually managed to recreate this with just NVAO (but the same save) enabled so I think it is a bug.

      Full load order is:
    2. rockbiter68
      • premium
      • 734 kudos
      Yeah, this definitely isn't a bug with your load order. I'm sure this is happening b/c some of these animations are longer than their third-person counterparts. kNVSE fixes most bugs with that, but it's possible this is an ongoing issue. I'll ask Korma about it--it might be more kNVSE related than this-mod related.

      Or it could be this mod. Either way, nothing you did wrong, but getting to the bottom of it might be tricky.
    3. Torment1K999
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    4. Torment1K999
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  5. Emerald422
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    For whatever reason, whenever I use the Plasma Rifle it goes BALLISTIC with how fast it fires. I picked the WAP preset if that'll change anything.
    1. rockbiter68
      • premium
      • 734 kudos
      That's weird, it shouldn't be doing that anymore. It's possible that we forgot to update the attack animation for the WAP preset, though. Will investigate.
    2. Emerald422
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I tried on the normal one too actually, it also had it for whatever reason. 
  6. UiliamShinob
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    My Sniper's crosshair is not aligned, when I aim, the scope is on the left side of the monitor not aligned in the center
    1. rockbiter68
      • premium
      • 734 kudos
      Install all of the requirements.
    2. skilfultree
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have the same issue, I have all the requirements installed and using B42 optics. For whatever reason its just the Sniper that doesnt zoom correctly.All other weapons work and I cant figure out why.

      edit: Sorry rockbiter68, the cause is your animation for the Sniper, idk why. Switching to hitman's Sniper animation and b42 optics works for the Sniper now.
    3. TheJhowBoy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm, the scopes work for all weapons except the sniper rifle and its variants.
  7. Dead47
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
  8. betterman1
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Are you planning on making a redux of plasma wep. animations?
  9. SoulWanderer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do i install this manually?
  10. snorkenhaufer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Installed alone with vanilla preset, medicine stick is doing its special animation every time I pull it out. Assuming its an issue with 2hrEquip.kf but editing whatever a .kf is, is out of my wheelhouse.
  11. Stargazeer
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, loving the mod.

    Just wanted to know, is there a recommended way to make special animations, like the first equip animation for some special guns, play on command?
    Or is it not possible?
  12. TitanOfTheModNexus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So ive turned off basically every mod besides the bare necessities to run TTW, this one and Just Crosshairs, and im pretty sure the iron sights on the 32. rifle are misaligned? If i turn on the Just Crosshairs for ironsighting, it shows it off-set compared to the actual ironsights. And that seems to be case when shooting as well, if I shoot by aiming with the actual ironsights, it misses just sometimes, even when the crosshairs are seemingly right on target, and when aiming with the crosshair, it goes where it shows. The rifle has been modded to have very little spread and those (forgot to mention) remained on for testing as well.

    Addition: Its not a big deviation, only really matters when trying to snipe at long range, since up close the deviation is small enough to hit either way.

    2nd addition: Seems to only be an issue with the vanilla preset. If i do a custom preset and choose the Hitman animation for the hunting rifle, the sights are aligned properly (maybe a bit too high compared to vanilla F3/NV, but thats basically irrelevant). But then, the irons sights on the actual hunting shotgun (not shotgun, hunting RIFLE, my bad) are offset
    1. rockbiter68
      • premium
      • 734 kudos
      We'll have to look into it, but it's really easy for sights to get misaligned depending on your mod list. Just use ISControl Enabler's in-game menu to fix 'em.
    2. TitanOfTheModNexus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Alrighty, ill give that a try, thank you very much!
    3. Stentorious
      • premium
      • 503 kudos
      Make sue you have Iron Sights Aligned.
    4. TitanOfTheModNexus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had it installed and on for the test. Also reinstalled it just to be sure.
  13. Dexter307
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Image The FO3 bb gun seems to be messed up, its held wrong and has no iron sight animations. The new vegas bb gun is just fine.
    1. rockbiter68
      • premium
      • 734 kudos
      Erm, I don't remember us covering the BB Gun at all? I thought that was still on our to-do list, but I'll double check with Hit.