About this mod
A Sleeping Bag and Campfire that you can drop anywhere. ESPless
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Formerly "Sleeping Bag". Creates a new miscellaneous item for a Sleeping Bag and Campfire! Get some sleep anywhere. Drop the Sleeping bag or Campfire from your inventory to spawn a bed or fire respectively, and pick it up when you're ready to go.
- No ESP
- Buy a Sleeping Bag or Campfire from a Vendor that sells Miscellaneous items
- -OR- Grab any Sleeping Bag from the world and take it with you.
- Drop the Sleeping Bag from your Inventory to place one at your feet
- Hold Shift (or Left Trigger) and Activate to pick up your Sleeping Bag
- New in v1.1 Grab any Campfire to take it on the go!
Should be compatible with everything!
NOTE: Works with Animated Campfires such as those from Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged and Burning Campfire REDONE, but the "fire effect" from those mods will remain if you pick up a burning Campfire in the world. It will eventually go out on its own though.
Available Configuration
Included Configuration is at: "Config\SleepingBag.ini"
iModifier- Default: 42 (Left Shift)
- Modifier key
iQuickDropSleepingBag- Default: 0 (Disabled)
- Quick Key for Sleeping Bag
iQuickDropCampfire- Default: 0 (Disabled)
- Quick Key for Campfire Kit
sName- Default: "Sleeping Bag"
- Name for the Sleeping Bag Item
iWeight- Default: 15
- Weight of Sleeping Bag item
iValue- Default: 150
- Set a value for vendors to buy/sell the Sleeping Bag
sName- Default: "Campfire Kit"
- Name for the Campfire Item
iWeight- Default: 15
- Weight of Campfire item
iValue- Default: 150
- Set a value for vendors to buy/sell the Campfire
sType- Default: CampfireCrafting04
- Which Campfire to spawn when you place it down.
- Available types are:
- CampfireCrafting01
- CampfireCrafting02
- CampfireCrafting03
- CampfireCrafting04
- NVDLC02Campfire01
- NVDLC02Campfire02
New in v1.1 KEYWORDS is required to pickup the Campfire item.
How it works/Why
I was experimenting on the things I could do via a ScriptRunner, and found the TempCloneForm function. Turns out I can clone anything and make a new item "procedurally". So, I cloned the "AbraxoCleaner" item, and I just assign whatever stuff I want from there.
Using this, I decided to make something more immersive than the default Sleeping Bag in the Lonesome Road DLC.
PS: There is no animation btw.
Credits and Thanks
jazzisparis - For JIP LN NVSE Plugin
carxt - For JohnnyGuitar NVSE
Demorome - For ShowOff XNVSE Plugin