1. CheburatorDetected
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    According to the screenshot, Doc Mitchell has the digestion of a duck.
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      I wanted (and still want) to keep the screenshot section of this mod open to General Audiences.
    2. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Interesting, thanks for reaching out about that. He do be doin' a quick meal.

      Odd (albeit funny) thing to keep in mind about placed seats, even though it does have that silly quirky-perk:
      NPC's will treat them like other chair furnishings, and when it's meal time, they might choose to sit down in the restroom for a bite to eat from their own inventory.

      I figure if an end-user isn't interested in seeing the locals do that though, there's the option to remove the seat after you (or they) get done using it. Not sure what happens if you try removing the seat while someone is on it, though, so I might need to add a tiny bit of code to make sure that doesn't get problematic!

      Comments are back open now, by the by! Viva New Vegas, all the way through 2025, and beyond!
  2. cryptid0hunter
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    An absolute Basedchad.
  3. Dxthwxvx
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Also get the Press N To Fart mod for the ultimate toilet sittting experience. 
  4. deleted180918930
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    All that aside, I claim no responsibility for over-spawning of seats due to users spamming the grabbing, and/or the end-user's duty to "tidy up" the spawned seats.
    What do you mean by "over-spawning of seats"??
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      That means, "Don't grab the toilet multiple times and spawn a bunch of seats. You'll be the one cleaning those up."

      Hopefully that clarifies that tidbit better.
  5. MF2MYT
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If anyone could make a gameplay mechanic mod (similar to hunger & thirst) where you need to "relieve yourself" every once in a while, this mod would be perfect for that.
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Such things already exist, buuuut.. I ain't going that far with this mod. At least not on my behalf.

      Now, if someone wants to add this mod in as a requirement for a new project that does things like that, that's okay, just be sure to give credit.
    2. MF2MYT
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I actually was going to ask If I could use your mod as a requirement since I literally just decided to attempt creating my idea after commenting.

      I'll credit and mark your mod as a requirement.
    3. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Thanks for asking, and for understanding. DM me if and when you get it working!
  6. Babaloo321
    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    Do NPCs sit down on them?
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      I suppose they could, if you leave the toilet seat there for them to find and sit on. Not sure, not tested, but it's possible.
    2. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Just now found out that, yes, they do sit down on them, if the seat is left on for long enough and they "sandbox" over to it.

      I might post an image to the screenshot gallery here in a bit, as an example.
  7. Rafajoerman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  8. notarandomcombine
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    can you make it give a well rested bonus
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Y'know, that's a good point. With some mods out there that add tweaks allowing you to sleep while sitting / waiting, it could be a fun little afterthought of a feature.

      However, the script would need a little tweaking in itself for such a variant. May get to it sooner or later!
    2. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Got it done! Enjoy!
  9. EmperorLondoMollari
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Can you make it so the game autosaves when you sit on a toilet à la No More Heroes style?
    1. VoxelVarmint
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      I figure there's an easier way to do this. Instead of scripting it into the object itself, I did find it's possible to create an autosave by sleeping / waiting while sitting on it.

      That said, I'd recommend IStewieAI's Tweaks to allow sleeping / waiting anywhere or just sleeping while sitting, then doing so will create an autosave with the vanilla autosave system.

      Hopefully that helps some!
  10. LorkhansLastLaugh
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    P L A Y A B L E