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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

jsawyer - Roy Batty

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About this mod

jsawyermod for NV with additional bugfixes and forwards from YUP

Permissions and credits

This mod is an edit of jsawyer's mod. It is NOT jsawyers mod exactly. I was given permission to upload it here under the agreement that I make it clear that it is NOT purely his mod.

This mod IS intended to be an exact compatible only version of his mod! His mod also contains a few errors and bugs which I've fixed.

This mod is intended to bring the jsawyer experience to NV with the bugs and inconsistencies fixed.


  • Bug Fixes included in YUP are forwarded.
  • Power Armor training is handled by the vanilla function instead of removing the flag from armors which breaks the idle stance and IsPowerArmor script function and Condition.
  • Additional bugs and inconsistencies fixed.
  • Leveled list changes done via script are removed and hardcoded for easy patching with other mods.
  • Items added to vendors are done in a different way that is safe to uninstall.