Fallout New Vegas



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Mod: Critical Damage Overhaul
Version: 2.7.0
Author: ZRV01
Contact at [email protected]
Date of Release: 2/9/20

Critical Damage Overhaul is a combat overhaul, with aim on improving some other survival aspects and intensity. Raises reprecussions of the Player actions.

Has not been tested on every other mod, so it is up to your own discretion what to use it with. However, a general rule would be to
DO NOT USE WITH Immersive Hit Reactions (Despite how great it is, this mod has a Poise feature to replace the need for it)

Feel free to ask me if something would work well. My contact info is [email protected] / ZRV01#6146 (Discord)

There are plans to update this mod in the future, fixing any issues, maybe making it more lightweight AND adding more content. Balancing if issues come up.

It is recommended this is put lower in your load order so nothing else impacts how combat functions. At the very least, below all combat related mods.

If you want to make changes to this mod, please contact me first. DO NOT upload this as your own. You can make as many personal changes as you
please though. The scripts in the GECK are even annotated for anyone interested in changing values around.

---[ Install ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Just drag and drop the contents into your data folder, or preferably use a mod manager.
As stated in the description, JIP and NVSE are REQUIRED. THEY ARE NOT OPTIONAL.



V1: Initial release
Contains the required scripts for combat enhancement with changes to other features like radiation, stimpaks, super stimpaks.

Base Game (And Rest)
Added condition to Poise requiring victim to be human - no more freakouts.
Added Bandages to game. Found in medical containers, vendors, and crafting areas.
Stimpak and Super Stimpak changes - No longer trigger hazy vision for Player unless the Player is the one using them - Stimulant Hazy Vision effect separate from Stimpak healing effect
Tesla Cannon Fix - Triggers Explosion
Radaway Works over a period of 50 seconds, distributing effects. Also now weighs one pound.
Bloodpacks now restore 100 HP! But they take time to apply, and it works over an extended period of time.
Stimpaks and Super Stimpaks now decrease rad resistance for 120 seconds. This is due to their cell regening abilities making new cells extra susceptible to radiation damage.
Added Ability to stop NPCs from bleeding by crouching and activating them, just like a cannibal.
Arms now react to Poise at a lower threshold - more staggers.
Exhaustion increases when you take damage, equal to fatigue damage. Includes iLD and Poise Breaking.
New status effects for the sleepy.

Modified certain ingestibles to make them not heal - they are not covered by other ingestible overhauls and MUST be changed.
Made Auto-Injectible Stims the same as normal stims, but auto.

Railway Rifle has unique OnHit stats - Dangerous

Modified Cannibal, Ghastly Scavenger,
Added compatibility for some PERKS to impact gameplay elements.
Projectile Type RECOGNIZED for MORE dynamic effects when hit. Not currently impactful, but is there for future updates.
Proofreading of Limb scripts, just to make sure every thing is working as intended. Also, annotated for anyone interested in reading the code behind the scenes.
Stimpaks now reduce some EXHAUSTION.
Stimpaks now restore Fatigue via script, not through effect. They will appear to have no effect in their description, but they do I promise.
Changed Bandage use animation
Stimpaks now take time to use, just like bandages and blood bags. This is not the case for auto stims.
Bugfix for weapon effects - all weapons should do damage now!
Added First Aid Kit to game - can be used for First Aid on NPCs and self.
Doctor Bags now stop bleeding.
Change of Eventhandler! Now CDO uses SetOnHitEventHandler, so more than one impact can be made per frame! Truly an upgrade. Helped fix weapon effect bug.
Dynamic Shotgun Blasts! Thanks to the EventHandler, shotgun blasts do smaller amounts of damage, but are multiplied by the amount of projectiles. So, theoretically more damage! But also less.
Removal of NPC edits through FNV Edit, because they were never meant to be there to begin with.
And I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting about. Sorry this took so long to publish - that bugfix has been driving me crazy. And classes are really tough.

Critical Hits now prompt unique actions - critical hits with energy weapons will work now AND can work on dead NPCs.
Headshots that damage Poise enough will prompt the victim to drop their helmet.
Fatigue is now damaged based on TRUE DAMAGE, not LIMB DAMAGE - less knockovers and more staggers.
Chem effects changed!

More dynamically supported critical hits using a command to detect crit type rather than check projectile type. Should work better with EVE now.
Script revision to remove inconsistancies and improve mechanics. Example being helmets were bugged and would often restore condition rather than break.
Armor is useless at a larger number but breaks slower because of script fixes. Pretty dang cool. Also restores to a higher number after breaking (because no naked NPCs)
NPCs will now patch themselves up after combat finishes, so they are not bleeding to death without the Player's assistance.
Stimpaks heal less Exhaustion - only 20pts.
Shotgun slug fix?
Ability to move while using items like Stimpaks and Chems, but movement speed is seriously reduced.
NPCs will choose to take cover/retreat from combat if their immediate enemy is too powerful/they think they can't win. After a few seconds, they should recalculate their odds.
Fix for Stimpak not stopping the bleeding on NPCs. The ability to Dispel bleeding effects was removed from the script, but has been readded.
Poise effects added - Poise impacts Fatigue more at lower stagger amounts, and Poise damage to the arm can make the victim drop their weapon.
Poise also impacts force - can send enemies in a direction after knocking them over.
Melee fixes and improvements - still experimenting.
NPC combat reactions! They react to threats and will either run or fight back. If they don't fight back, they will have a chance to use a stimpak if they are human. The amount of times they CAN stim is determined by Medicine skill.
And some other stuff I forgot, but I swear I ported to all versions this time!

Added Fatigue and Exhaustion damage debuff to bleeding.
Added config item but it is not functional yet.
Added Helmet and Weapon repair recipes.
Better AI Choice making.
Some other stuff I'm sure.

Bugfixed very important things.
Yes they were very important.
Wait, you want to know what they were?
Okay, I'll tell you.
Command line bug, Power Armor Repair audio, Exhaustion bug, and some other stuff.

Massive bugfixes, more than I can count. Pretend previous 1.5 releases do not exist.

Bugfix for armor being 100% destroyed.
Added effects to Auto Stimpaks. They are now like normal Stimpaks, but auto injectable!
Fix for overdose script being kinda buggy with time passing.
Reward XP fixed, and provides XP even if you do not do the killing.
Buffed H&H Nailgun.

Fix for Players who may notice they have a Perception of 0. The Blindness effect on lasers never wore off correctly and has been fiixed. Either type "Player.RestoreAV Perception 10000000" in the console, or get blasted in the head again to
fix the issue if it is still there.
Repair kits now give back a repair kit if used on the incorrect item type. I was kind of rude in destroying them, considering I'm probably the only one who knows which go to which. Now you can experiment. Check the console for "Failed" or "Repairing".
Armor breakdown kits added.
Some Chem changes.
Added Base DR and DT to damage equation.
HP calculation reworks!
Added Cloth and Ballistic Fiber.
Changed recipes.

Fix for overdose happening on Players when NPCs are the ones using chems.
Increased compatibility for bosses, as well as tiny insects.
Light and Medium apparel is more durable now.
Power Armor helmets should not break as easily now.
Bullet penetration capability now impacts creatures, whereas it didn't before.
Healing items now take effect after the item is applied, meaning if it takes four seconds to use a stimpak, the healing doesn't happen until four seconds after.
Changes to Abomination HP and DT calculations.
Alien weapon fix for TTW.
MASSIVE change to hit reaction responsiveness. Triggers much more now.

Added blood trail visual to bleeding effect.
Some bug fixes I think.
Repair Kit model for repair kits.
New inventory images for custom items
Nerf to Welder item.
Med-X incredibly buffed. Restores massive amounts of Fatigue, basically preventing takedowns.
Syringes added to inventory post use are now dirty, and require cleaning via recipe.
Syringe value reduced.
First Aid Kit nerf: Takes time before bleeding stops.
First Aid Kit buff: No longer takes 20 seconds to use in combat.
New distance equations - projectile damage range is now something to consider.
Energy Weapons buff.
Flames now debilitate with fatigue damage. Victims now drop to floor burning in pain.
Dynamic DT calculations based on armor class. Aka, Blunt damage, sharp damage, penetration, laser, plasma, fire, electrical and pulse.
Non physical wounds now leave burns, not bleeding.
Burns can be healed with bandages, and treated bandages.
Craft Treated Bandages at campfires to relieve burns.
Hydra can relieve HEAVY burns.
NPCs react to assaults now, but will only trigger the assault alarm if they aren't already in combat. Basically, no more yelling "Check your fire!" at enemies, which was silly.
Removed PrintC statements for the most part.
Removed projectile detection for bullet based weapons, now based on ammo for optimization.
Revamped stats of custom ammos. Armor Piercing more powerful, and Hollow points are weaker against armor but stronger on unarmored.
New use of GetCreatureCombatSkill to calculate robot HP and DT.
Rad-X and Radaway buff.
Bugfix for Fast Metabolism perk equation.
Optimized script
Added dynamic inclusion of items from the mod in human NPC inventories, without editing forms or level lists.
Addition of "X-Haust", a new sleep medication that decreases Exhaustion quickly and seriously, but increases gain of Exhaustion for a long period

Fixed bugs, like melee causing burns.
Updated First Aid actions.
Changed how Burns heal
Burns no longer cause damage if treatement is in progress.
NPCs no longer drop unplayable items when hit.
Added a feature where NPCs will pick up the last item they dropped.
Med-X gives a flat buff to Fatigue, not regeneration.
New nagging feature to make you really annoyed if your NVSE, Johnny Guitar, or JIP NVSE are not up to date. It makes the game virtually unplayable. Update your extenders reguarly.
Shotgun buff.(+5 Damage per pellet)
Addition of support for throwable weapons. They do sharp damage, and can become quite strong
Changes to creature based DT values. It is now heavy on "GetCreatureCombatSkill", allowing for certain creatures to dynamically have massive armor values. This increases the threat posed by
traditionally dangerous creatures, like Deathclaws, Cazadores, etc.
New script function to detect ammo and projectile from some well known mods and add ons.
Fix to XP bug, where more XP was rewarded for kills than should have been.
Rework of bleeding mechanic, providing a more intense, less lethal experience.
Bleeding looks good now.
Update of DT equations for non humans.
Removed weapon and helmet drop function from unplayable items. Lanius may be harder now.
NPC AI updates.
Fix for Player animation bug when using Stimpak.
Finally fixed alien weapons.
Gauss nerf.
Combed through repair kits and optimized them.
Slight EMP changes.
Removal of redundant GameSetting changes.
DLC FIX FOR ZION: Happy Trails likes to get angry for no reason, patched on entering Northern Passage.
"Heartless" Perk from Old World Blues now prevents death upon Overdosing.
Bugfixed blocking to run values from the VICTIM weapon, not the attacker.
Nerfed spawn rate for CDO loot on NPCs
New HP equations for creatures.
Modified DT equations.
New Poise values for all creatures and humans, and it is the value that provides Fatigue.

Redone projectile values
Increased Bleeding values to be more dangerous. Bleeding is more limb dynamic again.
Bleeding happens more easily. Rather that 50 for HEAVY bleeding, it is now 35+.
Fixed burns from healing INSTANTLY
Burn recovery times increased
Stimpaks and other syringe items no longer crash games
Massively optimized CDOMainScript! Increased performance as a result.
Overhauled limb dismemberment system.
Added explosive support to CDO. Explosives are more dangerous than ever before!
Stimpaks no longer are evil/lethal
Fisticuff combat is more drawn out, and less lethal.
Sharp weapons have new damage equations.
Bleeding visuals improved, as well as bleeding rate.
Poise damage modified by damage type.
Fatigue percentage added to Poise equation.
Wounded NPCs can drop to the ground and perform the dying animation.
My name is listed in the author description.
Changes to HP and DT equations. No more indestructible enemies.
Fixed XP reward system again. Hopefully it works as intended finally.
Animations upon item use should be more reliable now.
Nerfed Doctor's Bag. It no longer instantly heals bleeding.
Bandages and other bleeding stoppers now have a recovery time. During that time, bleeding still harms the victim, but at a 1/5 the intensity.
Stimpaks now make you hungry and thirsty in Hardcore.
Exhaustion is not configurable in the ini.
Doctor Bags and First Aid Kits stop Heavy Bleeding extremely quickly compared to normal recovery time.
First Aid Kits require 30 seconds of time to apply.
Heartless Perk works as intended now. Can actually prevent overdose death.
Fixed the crash issue?

Bugfix dumb AI.
Limbs can break if damaged while crippled. This means they need a 48 minute recovery time before they are properly healed.
Stimpaks damage Exhaustion, no longer damage hunger and thirst.
Blunt damage does not cause bleeding any longer.
Finally fixed auto stims

Fixed issue where ballistic (bullet) damage caused burns instead of bleeding.
Improved explosive damage. More lethal and less inconsistent.
Fixed issue where NPCs with melee could snipe you from long distances
Improved throwing weapon equations
Improved melee detection. Melee is now blade/blunt realistically, and not determined via weapon weight.
Fixed issue with NPC assault recognization. NPCs no longer falsely accuse you of attacking people you never attacked.
Creature enemies deal less damage.

Removed fatigue loss when melee attacking, further incentivising melee playstyles and removing headache.
Reduced reliance on condition for sharp weapons.
Improved Armor Damage values, allowing for more realistic use of high velocity bullets.
You do not lose stimpaks when you use more than one at a time.
Added Treated Bandages to First Aid Kit requirements.
Increased weight of Doctor's Bag and First Aid Kit.
Changed limb healing properties of Doctor's Bag.
Re enabled animations for the Player.
Animations are optional.
Exhaustion should be a thing of the past for (casuals) non Hardcore Players.
X-Haust changed to be more like a sleeping medication, not caffine in a syringe.
Radaway now has impacts on Hardcore Players.
Some explosives changes.
Fixed only getting one syringe from cleaining syringes.
Can use water instead of Abraxo Cleaner at campfires to clean syringes.
Cloth can be turned into two(2) Bandages instead of one(1) now!
Armor Breakdown Kits no longer destroy armor, but simply reduce it to minimal condition.
The "Wrapped Wound" effect that acts as a recognizer that a bandage is applied will now be called "Treated Wound", and won't last for ages.
Doctor Bags now provide a boost of limb health at once, but ultimately less than before.
Doctor dialogue should stop bleeding and even some burns.
Throwing weapons are still strong, but no longer insane.
X-Haust can be used to put out NPCs if injected into them.
Rebalance of most projectile values.
The "Treated Wound" Effect has a slight restorative effect for staying on the go.
Major debuffs for broken limbs, like lowered SPECIALs.
Fixed script to detect helmet class for headshots. Whoops.
Ability to access quick crafting menu through crouch activate on Breakdown Kit.
Renamed "Breakdown Armor" kit to "Breakdown Kit"
Choose whether or not NPCs will have limited ammo. Off by default. (Once turned on, any weapon impacted by it in gameplay is irreversible. Exercize caution.)
Fixed the bug where some instances of burn healing items would work instantly. Should be perma fixed for real this time around.
Allow toggling of broken limbs.
Mesh for Ballistic Plates added! Thanks ACBRadio
Fixer removes Overdose progression.
Crouch and click on Breakdown kits for an on the move "Quick Craft" menu

Stimpak Weapon now is the exact same in usage as NPCs using Stimpaks of their own volition.
Streamlined some code.
Addition of an Eventhandler to detect combat starting. This allows NPC AI to improve BEFORE they get shot.
Higher shotgun armor damage value.
Fixed creature armor equations.
Script stability improvements
NPCs no longer regain health for no reason. If they do, they will immediately take as much health as was restored. Still no idea WHY that happens, but it has been circumvented.
Improved TTA Config options. Prevents speed slowdown on useage of items too, now.
Fixed Stimpaks not stopping bleeding.
Fixed NPCs not performing the needle inject animation.
Scaled some projectile values.
Improved NPC medicine useage.
Improved NPC AI stuff.
Removed extra Fatigue damage for landing headshots on PA units.
Nerfed amount of Fatigue damage incurred from Poise damage.
Actually added CDO items to merchants!
Added creature damage to CDO!
; // Not actually in yet // Added experimental creature damage through CDO scripting...
Nerfed EMP damage to people in Power Armor
Added .45 to the repair list for simple weapons.
Energy resistances raised for all armor types.
Reduced chance of NPCs not having their weapon drawn in combat.
Changed bandage sound effects. Sound like wrapping wounds.
Drastically improved AI, actually.
NPC AI is handled by an Eventhandler AND Spell now, optimizing performance and how tasks are carried out.
NPCs are smoother now, and will not run away unless it makes sense.
Weapons are now labeled. They require use to be synchronized. Otherwise, they will be the FALSE base game value. The values will likely be off by some amount,
but give you some idea in game how effective they are.
X-Haust gives the sleep prompt a little quicker.
Modified armor resistance values.

Power Armor helmet protection has been buffed x2.
Power Armor now requires a cooldown. If it does not cool down, there are serious consequences. It is lorefriendly according to some research I did on actual Fusion technology.
Improved how well repair kits repair items. They fully repair weapons now. Power Armor repairs restore 1000 condition.
Bleedout animation begins on HUMAN NPCs when they get hit by an explosive and it breaks enough Poise.
Assault Alarm taken out of CDOMainScript. Pretty sure it triggers fine without it.
Improved friendly fire detection for NPCs. No more bullet sponges for NPC on NPC combat.
Added bloatflies as their own projectile type.
12.7mm armor damage value improved.
Railway Rifle ammo armor damage improved.
Minor embedded Frontier compatability. Still needs separate esp for the time being.
Essential NPCs can no longer be turned into piles of ash/remains.
Stimpaks restore full Fatigue value, allowing them to pull you out of incapacity situations.
Stimpaks no longer stop bleeding.
Bleeding edits.
Improved stability.

Removed some features from V2.3 to fix combat. It slipped past me that enemies became spongey and unreactive.
Frontier compatability removed.

Stimpaks now only give a fixed 25 Exhaustion, rather than a number based on how much it heals.
Loot tables have been fixed for enemies,
Notorious "Victor bug" has been fixed once and for all.
Double damage bleeding bug has been fixed.
Explosion damage lowered, still one shots.
Power Armor cooling system changes.
Remove lower levels of bleeding if you begin experiencing the higher tier. Same for burns.
A burn on a limb removes bleeding on that limb.
General stability improvements to the scripts.
NPC Reaction usless features cut, optimized.
Creature attack rework, focusing on knocking enemies down and attacking weak spots.
Small chance for live dismemberment. Target will not survive.
Fatigue damage is not taken if the target is ragdolled.
Bleeding optimization.
Bleeding no longer deals damage as it begins. It takes a second to initialize.
Added cooling options to cool off Power Armor.
Power Armor cooldown mode has a cap of 500 now, with thresholds of 300 and 500.
Restored the old effects of some old DLC items.

Treated Bandages now heal burns in only 15 minutes, compared to 30. Normal Bandages still take 30.
Treated Bandages now restore health, as they have been treated with Healing Powder.
Finally fixed bug where Player becomes unresponsive. Players no longer take Fatigue damage from non creature attacks.
Added 12 and 20 gauge weapons to the simple complexity repair list.
Power Armor helmets no longer can be shot off.
Helmets cannot be shot off by energy damage.
Light armor values nerfed.
Dragbody armor fix, since he makes all the clothes the same value as combat armor, and they equip on the head.
Most Caliber-X Compatibility! Should work 90% unless you use some obscure ass ammunition type
Removed bug where burns could occur from blunt melee.
Fixed scope bug (I believe)
Headshots do x3 damage now (used to be x2.5)
Limb shots do x0.33 damage now (used to be x0.5)
Permitted NPC fatigue damage to allow long ragdolling.
Only Player gets Exhaustion now.
Stimpaks only give Exhaustion when in Hardcore now. Same with X-Haust.
INI option "NPCReactions" has been removed. AI is essential.
Fixed bug where NPCs did not get health calculated properly
Fixed bug where you would "fall" when bleeding without even jumping.
Fixed bug where NPC reactions to combat are delayed. They will mow you down
Lowered restore amount for medium armor repair to +400 armor condition (still enough to fully repair combat armor)
Lowered amount of XP given for medium armor repair from 30 to 5.
Removed medium helmet repair kits from the game.
New model for bandages provided by georgem1010
Bugfix for ballistic plate pathing.
Easteregg image in files

Bleeding no longer gives Exhaustion unless in Hardcore.
Bandaging will now only heal one limb at a time, requiring multiple bandages for multiple wounds.
"Broken" status renamed properly to "Wounded"
Bandages now entirely stop damage from being taken while bleeding, yet can require changing (wearing off)
Doctors actually stop bleeding when you see them for treatment. It also applies a Treated Bandage for burns.
Burns now can be treated through bandages with progressive healing. A 3/3 burn will now drop to a 2/3, and so on. Bandages need to be reapplied for continuous treatment or the burn will continue to be sufferable.
REQUIRES STEWIE TWEAKS: Burns will no longer harm you while sleeping. Allows sleeping while burning.
Treated Bandages last as a healing solution much longer than standard Bandages.
Treated Bandages will heal faster than normal bandages.
Bandages now apply their burn help in only 6 seconds, whereas before it was 10
Forced increased Fatigue Damage on headshots, allowing for enemies to drop.
Added graze mechanic where you can graze enemies, or land lethal critical hits.
Light armor repair kits now repair 300 condition.
Changed creature DT calculation, because I found out Cyberdogs were literal gods.
Changed sharp melee weapons to draw damage from crit damage value.
Changed thrown weapons to also draw damage from crit damage value.
Reduced reliance on condition for sharp weapons from a value of 33 to 20. Still important to keep sharp weapons maintained.
Melee damage for sharp weapons greatly improved.
Improved blocking capabilities. Less damage on blocks.
Reduced chance of extra bugged damage being done ???
Added check to see if creature is small (GetCreatureFootWeight < 3) if so, reduce DT value greatly.
Energy weapons now factor in weapon condition into damage. They will begin to do less damage at less than full condition.
Energy weapon buffs for more damage. Fully repaired energy weapons are nearly instakill threat level.
Except pulse weapons, which downgraded.
Changed live dismemberment feature to use limb damage for more living dismemberments.
Live dismembered NPCs without arms will now flee.
Live dismembered NPCs without legs will fall to the ground and not be able to get up.
Unable to live dismember heads anymore unless Wild Wasteland is on.
Applied fix to Big Mountain Stealth Suit. Will now just apply health instantly.
"Kill" now included in the critical energy weapon effect, preventing the "Ghost NPC" bug
Improved script to remove more null references for better performance.
Nerfed medium armor defense values for types Unknown, Bullet, Laser, Plasma, Explosive
Changed Ballistic Plates to be wearable armor pieces that reduces damage from the front to the chest.
Staggers do not trigger if the victim is sitting.
Added wearable Ballistic Plates to level lists, replacing the misc item.
Removed all instances of misc item Ballistic Plates. Any that exist in your save can be converted into wearable Steel Plates.
Increased amount of scrap repair material in loot list.
Optional combat debug INI for seeing graze intensity, and damage dealt.

Fixed bug that allowed NPC inventories to update when being hit even if they were dead.
Reduced ceramic plate ballistic resistance value from 40 to 30.
Fixed file path for female ballistic plate models.
Added optional invisible armor plate esp.

Changed "IsMoving" To "IsRunning" in the bleeding condition. Now "moving" will not cause more bleeding, only running.
May have also fixed "jump" bug by changing bleeding explosion (Method of blood trails) to originate from location other than immediate victim.
Fixed bug that plagued mod since early days. Player will no longer randomly become unresponsive after being shot.
Improvements to dismemberment. Less buggy, happens more for shotguns. Leg dismemberments now kill.
Changed behavior of Wild Wasteland headshots.
Optional "Bandages Heal Bleeding" where bandages will immediately stop all bleeding (fur casuls)
General stability improvements.
Limb detection system fixed. It was bugged to hell.
Toggling the Poise ini setting now only stops stagger animations. You can experience other cool settings (like NPCs dropping weapons) without forced staggering now.
No more weird glitching when shooting non-humans. (Was a Poise stagger animaiton problem)

Added condition for damage. Fixes issue where you get XP for shooting people that are already dead.

Fixed bug where creature NPCs would do additional damage.
Fixed bugs with creature NPCs not knocking the Player into a downed state, and with them not knocking NPCs down.
Reduced bleeding damage for medium bleeding.
Fixed bug where robot NPCs are able to regenerate infinitely, being invincible.
Fixed bug with Arc Welder from Lonesome road. It was doing zero damage.
"You survived your overdose" messages no longer appear after death from overdose.
Nerf to shotguns.
Massively improved Power Armor poise. (x30)
Fixed bugs where bandaging animations wouldn't trigger.
Fixed bug where explosions would fail to blow bodies into tiny pieces.

Fix for explosives not working.
Fix for explosives doing damage on impact before they explode.
New texture for ballistic plate icons by ZR9Z.
Changes to bleeding system.
Main script fixes. (Bleeding related)
Renamed bandaged limb effects.
Increased bandages in level lists
Added message on loading CDO listing the danger of not backing up saves before use.
Removed visual of worn armor plate.
Bleeding now stops after 15 minutes.
Fixed configurable bandage animation.
Nerfed creature damage when you are downed.

Fix for NPCs sometimes not being able to harm other NPCs. ???
NPCs should now always wear armor plates if they have them
Bottle Caps have weight.
Fixed infinite bleeding 2/3 glitch with left arm.
Fixed issues with B42 Melee Bash and B42 Interact Skinning (And other fake explosions causing damage)