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Me - carxt and c6 fixed the transition bug - Obsidian made the imagespace

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About this mod

Restores the intended High Noon imagespace, which means the middle of the day won't have the orange tint, which seems to have actually been unintentional.
Made in light of the recent bugfix by JohnnyGuitarNVSE!

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Failure to install that will result in very broken transitions.
The Johnny Guitar fix has been deprecated as a more reliable version is now included in JIP.

Since the bug was recently fixed by JohnnyGuitarNVSE (Bug details here), High Noon can now be used in mods.
Obsidian originally intended for this to be used in game, but they made many mistakes in coding it and it was very broken indeed, and may have caused some sudden transition bugs you've seen in weather mods around morning and noon.

I went through the weathers using the main orange tint imagespace and replaced the High Noon imagespace with the intended one (Obsidian used the normal orange one through to High Noon to mask the bug), which results in times from ~8:00 AM to ~6:00 PM being clear of the orange tint. It clears up most around 12:00 PM.