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  1. Eddoursul
    • premium
    • 187 kudos
    I have moved my mods from Nexus, including updates to this mod.
    Next versions of Hardcore Helper are available on ModPub.
  2. kisbiflos
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone who needs this mod is clearly playing the WRONG gamemode. Seriously, whining about getting hungry during a fight?! The point of hardcore mode is to PLAN AHEAD, to decide what weapon and ammo you take with yourself to Vault 22, and the come home and change your whole inventory because now you are going to hunt robots. If you forget to eat before getting into a fight then hardcore mode is NOT for you.
    1. Rebelscum86
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I know I am necroing this, but the challenge is resource management. Find, procure, keep stocked. Not clicking through menus. Same with table top, crunching ammo, encumbrance is boring, but having to account for, find, plan, and problem solve resources is not.
    2. UlyssesSinclair
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Second necro for this, food and water aren't anything that you need to plan ahead for. None of the fights in NV are that hard, and with the exception of Chems, the only reason you'd enable food and water is for immersion. Rebelscum is right; it's resource management, and after a few hundred-thousand hours playing NV, you get tired of having to go through menues every time you need a snack.

      This mod fixes that. You still have to go out and gather supplies, keep your water and food stocked, etc, only with this you can leave it at that -- and, like another commenter said, with the animated ingestibles it just adds to that immersive quality of 'yeah, if I don't eat something I'm gonna die'.

      On a side note, it also makes things a tad more difficult for resource management, as you're no longer actively using food/water. which means if you forget to keep track of it all you might end up burning through your supplies and not even realize you're out until you are -- which then means you have to stop whatever you're doing to go out and get some water, or find something to eat, and depending on where you are in the game that could very easily mean having to go all the way to a town to resupply.
  3. bct18181
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    It mostly works. Only the rad-x portion is finnicky. It works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't.
    Annoyingly, it sucks down my Rushing Waters. I think it should blacklist any item that gives a temporary stat boost like that.
    1. Eddoursul
      • premium
      • 187 kudos
      I've just released version 3.0, which excludes Rushing Water. It requires a new game, though.
      To disable autoconsumption of Rushing Water in 2.x, open the mod in GECK and remove
              if IsModLoaded "LonesomeRoad.esm"
                  let rItem := GetFormFromMod "LonesomeRoad.esm" "009180" ; Rushing Water
                  ar_Insert Drinks 0 rItem
      from HardcoreHelperQuestSCRIPT.
  4. LizardestBethany
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone else having trouble getting the MCM to work for this? I don't know what the issue is and I'm not familiar enough with mods to fix it myself. oHud, PN, Weapon mod menu, and GRA Merged all work fine. I don't have any other mods in my MCM

    EDIT: I swapped all of my mods from FOMOD to Vortex and yeah, just use vortex like the description says. That fixed all of my MCM mod issues
  5. ZomTroz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod goes perfect with animated ingestibles!!
    But some times, with Just Sprint, animations delay too much, can you add a compatibility patch for this mod, Just Sprint and animated ingestibles?
    sometime anims for animated ingestibles doesnt play, idk why
  6. shittakaburi
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    Not sure how you were able to update this mod without my permission, but, as long as it works, thanks for doing so. I am very dumb. I gave permission to Eddoursul ages ago.
    1. Eddoursul
      • premium
      • 187 kudos
      Not sure what you mean. You added me as editor 08 June 2016, and I'm maintaining it since :)
    2. shittakaburi
      • supporter
      • 23 kudos
      You're absolutely right. Sorry! Thanks for updating it!
  7. oicher
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how are hard to add auto use a stim at a health threshold ??
  8. grasscid
    • premium
    • 118 kudos
    Doesn't this defeat the whole point of playing on Hardcore mode?
    1. Eddoursul
      • premium
      • 187 kudos
      As for me, I'd like to play a harder game but skip playing Tamagotchi.
  9. mongbong
    • BANNED
    • 8 kudos
    essential for hardcore, i just change the corner message back to vanilla in geck (i dont like mod who change syntax)
  10. raverbane
    • premium
    • 40 kudos
    Why isn't Prickly pear fruit on the list?

    Nevermind. Answered my own question.. hehe
  11. shittakaburi
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    I fixed the Jules error reported by Destynova99 in the official plugin and the Chet version.