Fallout New Vegas
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VERSION 3.0 - Tweaked all companions so they now will max out at level 30 with the player. The original vanilla setting makes the companions max out at level 20 only. This tweak should work pretty well with this mod considering they don't auto heal now after combat. You will want your companion to be as tough as possible since DLCs will be coming eventually which will add even more to the game.

I also included the Veronica leveling fix in the tweak as well. If you currently have the Veronica leveling fix installed, you can remove it. I've included 8 separate .esp files in the .rar just in case for some reason a player wants to keep the vanilla companion level max at 20. More "detailed" info below.

VERSION 2.0 - Tweaked the health % at which a companion uses a stimpak in combat. Besides the no auto heal health, companion's limbs will also not auto heal after combat as well. I made 4 separate .esp files for everyone to choose from. Download the .rar and pick only 1 of the included .esp files to your liking for use in your mod loadout. Also, included a readme file as well. More "detailed" info below.


Tweaks that change all the companion scripts so they don't auto heal after combat (health and/or limbs depending on which .esp you choose). They will still use stimpaks if they take damage during combat (vanilla setting is 60% health), but after combat you will have to heal them with your own stimpaks to bring their health back up.

I've also included tweak files which bumps the base companion stimpak use in combat to 70% in case you want your companions to heal more in combat. Anything higher would probably be a waste of stimpaks since they will be burning through them quickly.

If your companion gets poisoned during combat, healing them with a stimpak after combat will take care of the poison, but better act fast because their health will keep dropping unless you heal them. You can easily see if they are poison (after a combat with a radscorp) by putting your crosshair over them so their health bar pops up in the middle of your screen. If they are poisoned, the HP shown on this bar will start to drop.

Another way to see if they are poisoned, is to interact with them with using the companion wheel. Check the "use stimpak" option so you can see their current level of health. After you see their current health, end the interaction and wait a couple seconds. Then interact with them again and check the "use stimpak" option. If their health is down a bit from when you first checked it, then they are poisoned. A single stimpak use via the companion wheel will cure them of their poison.

If you decide to play with the tweak that doesn't auto heal your companion's limbs after combat, just hit them with stimpaks until they are fully healed. It will heal up their limbs back to full which includes cripples (just like vanilla). You can easily tell if your companion's limbs are crippled because you will get a message in the top left hand corner of your screen whenever one of their limbs becomes crippled. You may also be able to tell by their movement animations. If they have a crippled leg, they will limp.

Companions will now max out at level 30 with the player (if you choose that .esp) instead of level 20 which is the way the vanilla setting is. Their skills will max out well before level 30, but they still will get health increases for each level gained. Considering DLCs will be coming eventually which will add even more to the current FNV game, you will probably want to use this tweak so your companions become as tough as possible.

With the no auto heal after combat, your companions having the most hit points possible is definitely something to consider if you want them to survive longer in battle. This will be especially useful at higher levels and with the tougher enemies you will encounter later in the game!


Here are the specific details of each of the 8 .esp files that I have included in the .rar. Make sure to choose ONLY ONE of the .esp files to use in your mod loadout. Please read the install instructions below if you are not sure how to install this mod or an .esp file to your loadout.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health.esp - I removed the line "resethealth" from each of the companion scripts so they don't auto heal after combat. Their "limbs" will still get healed to full after combat, so you don't have to worry about that. Only their health will not be automatically healed.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + Limbs.esp - I removed all the lines from each of the companion scripts which activate at the end each combat. These lines make it so each companion auto heals their health and limbs after each combat. With this .esp installed your companion's health and all limbs will take damage, but they will not auto heal after combat. Your companions can become crippled during combat as well as will stay crippled after combat. The only way to heal their limbs and/or cure their crippled effects is by hitting them with stimpaks until their health is at full via the companion wheel.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + 70 Per Stim Use.esp - This .esp is EXACTLY the same as the "HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health.esp" listed above, EXCEPT I increased the health % at which a companion will pop a stimpak from 60% (vanilla setting) to 70%. This will make your companions pop their own stimpaks more during combat (as long as you put some in their inventory). This can be good or bad because they will be using more stimpaks since they will always try to pop one at 70% health. However, they will have a better chance of not dying in combat if they take a heavy hit at 70% health.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + Limbs + 70 Per Stim Use.esp - This .esp is EXACTLY the same as the "HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + Limbs.esp" listed above, EXCEPT I increased the health % at which a companion will pop a stimpak from 60% (vanilla setting) to 70%. This will make your companions pop their own stimpaks more during combat (as long as you put some in their inventory). This can be good or bad because they will be using more stimpaks since they will always try to pop one at 70% health. However, they will have a better chance of not dying in combat if they take a heavy hit at 70% health.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + 30 Max Level.esp - This .esp is EXACTLY the same as the "HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health.esp" listed above, EXCEPT I increased all the companions so they max out at level 30 now instead of level 20 (vanilla setting) to keep in line with the player's leveling. This also includes the Veronica leveling fix, so if you already have that fix installed from before, make sure to delete that .esp out so it doesn't conflict.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + Limbs + 30 Max Level.esp - This .esp is EXACTLY the same as the "HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + Limbs.esp" listed above, EXCEPT I increased all the companions so they max out at level 30 now instead of level 20 (vanilla setting) to keep in line with the player's leveling. This also includes the Veronica leveling fix, so if you already have that fix installed from before, make sure to delete that .esp out so it doesn't conflict.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + 70 Per Stim Use + 30 Max Level.esp - This .esp is EXACTLY the same as the "HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + 70 Per Stim Use.esp" listed above, EXCEPT I increased all the companions so they max out at level 30 now instead of level 20 (vanilla setting) to keep in line with the player's leveling. This also includes the Veronica leveling fix, so if you already have that fix installed from before, make sure to delete that .esp out so it doesn't conflict.

HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + Limbs + 70 Per Stim Use + 30 Max Level - This .esp is EXACTLY the same as the "HardQor Tweaks - No Comp Auto Heal Health + Limbs + 70 Per Stim Use.esp" listed above, EXCEPT I increased all the companions so they max out at level 30 now instead of level 20 (vanilla setting) to keep in line with the player's leveling. This also includes the Veronica leveling fix, so if you already have that fix installed from before, make sure to delete that .esp out so it doesn't conflict.

The companions and editor ID's that were tweaked are as follows:

ED-E (EDEScript)
Arcade (ArcadeScript)
Boone (BooneSCRIPT)
Cass (RoseofSharonCassidyScript)
Lily (LilyScript)
Raul (RaulScript)
Veronica (VeronicaSCRIPT)

ED-E (NVCompanionEdE)
ED-E (NVCompanionEdEUpgradeArmor)
ED-E (NVCompanionEdEUpgradeWeapons)
Rex (Rex)
Lily (Lily)
Arcade (VFSArcadeGannon)
Boone (CraigBoone)
Cass (RoseofSharonCassidy)
Raul (RaulTejada)
Veronica (Veronica)

iAICombatRestoreHealthPercentage [GMST:00063E85]


I found that even after playing on the hard difficulty setting, with hardcore enabled, as well as a bunch of mods installed, and my own custom tweaks to make the game more challenging, it is still just waaaaay to easy for my tastes. I am sure other players out there feel the same way.

The main thing that really bugged the hell out of me was how your companions just auto heal after every combat like they are always in god mode or something. I put 3 stimpaks on Boone, my companion, and he has YET to ever have to use a single one. I also rarely have to use stimpaks myself since Boone and ED-E can spot enemies from afar and Boone is a pretty deadly shot with his rifle. I have a container back at the crib full of like 80+ stimpaks and I am hoping with this mod, they will finally become useful.

I believe with this mod, your average hardcore player will have to play a bit more tactically as well as think a bit more about combats rather than just run in and let the companions mop up the enemies. I realize that this tweak is not for everyone, so please don't download it if you already find the game too tough for you or if you aren't looking for an additional challenge.

However, if you, like I, find the game to be too easy and would like another challenge, please give it a try and let me know what you think. This goes out to all my "HardQor" peeps who want more of a challenge! Endorsements and kudos are always appreciated! :-)


Just download the .rar file and extract ONLY ONE of the .esp files of your choice to your "Data" folder in your FNV directory which is located in your "fallout new vegas" folder. If you are already using 1 of .esp files in your mod loadout from a previous version of my mod, just delete that .esp out of your "Data" folder and then extract 1 of the new .esp files instead. Once the .esp has been extracted and is in the correct location, run the "NVLauncher.exe" or "New Vegas Mod Manager" (if you use that) and enable the .esp/mod.


If you find the tweak to be too tough for you or if you want to go back to your original setup, just open your "Data" folder and delete out the .esp file that you chose.


Any mod or tweak that changes or edits the values/settings listed above under "DETAILS" will cause conflicts and/or issues. As long as you don't have any other mods that also change those entries, this mod can go anywhere in your load order list (after FalloutNV.esm of course).


We are finding out more and more with FNV that it is very buggy and the companion wheel is no different. There are some vanilla bugs with the companion wheel that Bethesda is hopefully aware of and are in the process of having fixed sometime soon. There are a couple of vanilla bugs that you will find when using the companion wheel WITH or WITHOUT my mod installed. The first bug is what it shows for your companion's health after you have gained a level.

When you gain a level, your HP goes up as well as your companions. Since the companion gained some additional HP, their health level will not automatically get bumped up to the new base unless they get healed. If you use a stimpak on them, it will bump their HP up WELL over their new current base. There seems to be a vanilla bug with what is shown for their HP after they have gained a level and you heal them with a stimpak.

Example: I gain a level and my companion's HP shows 265/275 because of the new increase in HP for the level. I heal them with a stimpak using the companion wheel to bring them back up to 275/275 and it jumps to 341/275. This is a vanilla bug. Their HP is actually at 275/275.

You can easily fix this by giving a good solid punch in the nose. After giving them a punch, take a look at their health level in the companion wheel and it will display the proper 275/275 or whatever their new base HP currently is. You can also skip the punch in the nose and go directly to combat to fix it. Basically as soon as they take ANY damage at all, it will fix itself. Next time you use a stimpak on them, they will NOT go above their current base again.

Another vanilla bug that has been reported, is the increase to health perks that Cass & Rex receive. They ONLY get these health perks if you choose a certain path with them.

Cass' health perk is Calm Heart which adds +50 HP to her base health level and Rex's is "Blood of the Legion" which adds +100 HP to his base health level. I've tested this WITH and WITHOUT my mod and it's definitely a vanilla bug that my that has nothing to do with my mod.

Here is an example of the vanilla bug with the Cass & Rex health increase perks:

Cass is level 20, and has 335/335 HP, you finish her quest nonviolently, and she gains the perk calm heart. On the companion wheel her HP will now show at 385/335 because the Calm Heart perk adds +50 HP. If her HP is at or above 335, you will be unable to use a stimpack on her to heal her the extra +50 HP.

At first someone told me that with the auto healing after combat turned on (my mod turned off), that she will script heal back up to 385/335 after the end of each combat. However, I have Cass now as a companion and I have thoroughly tested this issue/bug out. Even with my mod turned OFF and the vanilla auto healing after combat setting turned ON, she STILL WILL NOT script heal back up to 385/335.

If Cass or Rex with their health increase perk takes damage and their health falls below 335 (or whatever their current base is) the auto heal after combat will only bring them back up to 335/335 and not 385/335. This basically makes their health increase perks like a one shot use.

However, with my mod turned on or off, you can actually heal them above their base with a stimpak if they have received their increased health perk. This ONLY works for Cass & Rex as long as they have received their health perk. For instance, if Cass is at 334/335 HP and you hit her with a stimpak, it will bump her up +36, so her new HP shown on the companion wheel will be 370/335. Still, since using a stimpak on Csss only heals +36 HP, you will never be able to get her back to 385/335 again unless you use console commands.

Each stimpak that I used on my companions (Cass & Boone) healed them up +36 hit points, but ED-E healed up only +30 hit points. This is the vanilla setting without any tweaks to stimpaks themselves. YOUR medicine skill has NO EFFECT at all when healing companions with stimpaks. However, your companion's medicine skill will have an effect on the amount of HP they gain per stimpak use. I did some testing and found out that Cass has a 12 in her medicine skill and and an 11. ED-E on the other hand has a 0 in his medicine skill. This is why he only gets +30 HP from each stimpak used while Cass and Boone get +36 HP. Other companions might heal more based on their medicine skill.

Please note, I have only tested this mod out with Boone, ED-E, and Cass so far since those are the only companions I've traveled with in my current game. Hopefully Bethseda will take care of this companion wheel bug with Cass & Rex's health perk issue quickly and give us the new patch soon. Until then, I will keep you posted if I find out any new info and/or bugs and I hope you will do the same. If you enjoy this mod, please don't forget to endorse and/or vote. Thanks for taking the time to read through this and for trying out my mod! :-)


Version 1.0 - 11/08/2010
Version 2.0 - 11/09/2010
Version 3.0 - 11/11/2010


I take no responsibility if this somehow causes any issues or conflicts with your FNV game. These are simple tweaks so it shouldn't, but the current version of FNV is very buggy as is. Remember to always save often to avoid any conflicts or issues that might arise. Be sure to backup your save games from time to time just in case. It is also a good idea to backup your "fallout new vegas" folder from time to time, especially if you are running and installing a bunch of custom mods and tweaks. Better to be safe than sorry is what I always say!