Fallout New Vegas

3rd person animations when paired with Titans would often cause an issue with the head scaling. The head would change size back and forth, when going in and out of the animations. This is due to redundant scale keys on the head bone.

Steps to patch:

  • Open the .kf file in NifSkope
  • Click on "NiControllerSequence"
  • Expand the "Controlled Blocks" array
  • Find and expand "Bip01 Neck1"
  • Click on the linked "NiTransformInterpolator" next to "Interpolator"
  • Edit the Scale value to "<float_min>" if it is not
  • Click on the linked "NiTransformData" next to "Data"
  • Expand the Scales tab, set "Num Keys" to 0

A little explanation on how the scaling works. As you may or may not know, animations in New Vegas are layered on top of each other. For example, on the base level, you have the idle, then you have maybe an aiming animation once the weapon is drawn, then if you are moving, you have a directional movement animation on top, etc. The head scaling in Titans is set on the idle animation level, so as long as all of the animations layered on top have no values set on scaling the head, or the "Bip01 Neck1" bone, the scaling will stay that way, and the head won't change in size when blending between those animations.

Vanilla animations never use scaling keys, so it's something I never had to worry about. It seems to me this is an issue with Blender users, whereby upon export, it sets redundant 1.0 keys on scaling, which messes with the head scaling. All that needs to be done is open the .kf file and look for the "Bip01 Neck1" bone and clear the keys, like I have outlined above. It takes perhaps 10 seconds to patch an animation file.

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