• Uploading files from the Japanese Community, If you do not have permission, please don't.

    Recently there were several Japanese mods uploaded without permission. After numerous reports about the files being stolen/uploaded without permission the files were hidden from public viewing and downloading. Subsequently the mods have been deleted, as per the wishes of their authors/creators. I have spent the last several days making contact with the Japanese modding community trying to get permission from the various authors with some level of success. Most of the files in question ar...

  • Tamriel Rebuilt; Telvannis beta v2.0 released!

    At last, the long awaited update to Tamriel Rebuilt map 1 has been released today. The big difference between this beta and the last one? It has quests now! This version doesn't add all the quests yet, but more than enough to keep us entertained for a while.

    Go get it now!

    As always, the Tamriel Rebuilt team is recruiting new modders for the project (For ...

  • ModDB Mod of the Year 2007 -- Support Nehrim

    The first stage of voting at the 2007 Mod of the Year awards at ModDB is over and it's now into the gritty stage. The contestants have been rounded down to 100 hopeful mods from a range of games. The only Oblivion mod to feature in the list is Nehrim: At Fate's Edge, a total conversion for the game, listed in the "Best upcoming mods" category. Now, I don't know where I, or the folks on the Nexus forums, have been, but this mod looks pretty damn cool. I'm not a regular at the official forums s...

  • Morrowind Modding community

    You'd think that 4 years after the last expansion for Morrowind was released the Morrowind Modding forums would be rather quiet. Well it's not! While it is not as hyperactive as the Oblivion forums, Morrowind mods are still being updated and released. I wanted to mention a few mods that have been created or updated in the last months, for those people who own Morrowind and would like to give it another shot. If you don't have it, read a bit about it and then buy it! :) Julan Ashlander Co...

  • Current Interesting Mod Projects

    In this news post I'll mention certain mod projects which are either released and still being worked on, or are unreleased and being worked on. For those not familiar with Bethesda's official forums, 'WIP' means Work In Progress, and 'RELZ' means release. 'REQ(Z)' means request but that's not really relevant. Also, 'OBSE' means Oblivion Script Extender, and for those who have been living under a rock for the last 10 years: 'mod' is modification. Enhanced Daedric Invasion BETA It would seem t...

  • Oblivion Expanded Weapon-Drawing Contest

    Septim741 is holding a weapon-drawing contest for his mod Oblivion Expanded. You can read the interview about Oblivion Expanded we had earlier here. Septim741: To get ideas for new weapons to be used in Oblivion Expanded, we are having an art contest. We are challenging everybody to create a new bow, mace, axe, or sword. Your weapon can be hand-drawn or made in a graphics program. The weapons cannot be taken from a movie or other source. We want you to use your imagination and talent for th...

  • Current Interesting Mod Projects

    In this news post I'll mention certain mod projects which are either released and still being worked on, or are unreleased and being worked on. For those not familiar with Bethesda's official forums, 'WIP' means Work In Progress, and 'RELZ' means release. 'REQ(Z)' means request but that's not really relevant. Also, 'OBSE' means Oblivion Script Extender, and for those who have been living under a rock for the last 10 years: 'mod' is modification. Deadly Reflex 3.3 (OBSE) NEW Deadly Reflex 3...

  • Oblivion Construction Set update

    V1.2.404 of the Oblivion Construction Set has been released. It requires the V1.2 patch of Oblivion or higher. Bugfixes: 'Fixed error with preview window not displaying art properly.' This was the largest bug in the V1.2 Construction Set. Unfortunately, there were more bugs that weren't fixed in that version: Some issues with the Height Map Editor. The lip-synch generator (using .wav files option) is broken. There's probably more. And from what I've heard this new version also cr...

  • Project Serpent (TC) Q&A

    I had an interview about the TC (Total Conversion) Project Serpent with its leader, Serpent of Shadow. Their official site can be found here and the forums here. A snippet: Pov: Could you give us a general outline of this project? SoS: Project Serpent is a total conversion for Oblivion that takes its basis from the Heretic/Hexen game series by Ravensoft. We have created our own world that takes key aspects from the Heretic/Hexengames, allowing us to both satisfying fans of the series ...

  • Oblivion Expanded (unofficial expansion) Q&A

    Yesterday, I had a Q&A interview with Septim741 about his unofficial expansion: Oblivion Expanded. A snippet: Povuholo: Could you give me a summary of what this mod is about? Septim741: Sure. Oblivion Expanded, which is an unofficial expansion for Oblivion, adds a ton of new content for the player to experience. The following has been announced already: five new sets of armor and weapons, three new races, two new locations, a creature, a companion, at least a dozen miscellaneous quests...

  • Updated Oblivion Construction Set

    V1.2 of the Oblivion Construction Set can now be downloaded from the Official Elder Scrolls site.

    But, before you download it, there are a few things you should know:

    • You have to use the 1.2 patch for Oblivion as well, if you want to use this new version.
    • When a mod is edited with the 1.2 version of the Construction Set, it can no longer be edited with the original version of ...

  • Middle-Earth Mod Interview

    "The Grey Leader", project manager for the MERP Mod for Oblivion has taken part in an interview with The Chamber of Records. I don't know much about this mod since I rarely lurk around the official forums but it could quite possibly be from the foundations of the folks who worked on an early mod for Oblivion which brought certain aspects of Middle-Earth to life. Don't quote me on that though. Talking of quotes, here's a snippet:

    COR: From what I've heard, you're very cautious...

  • Top 99 Feature

    Hi folks,

    Feedback suggested that people wanted a list of the top rated mods in the file database but I wanted to avoid a generic list of top files by mean averages for each individual file because, upon searching the database, it turns out that over 100 files in the database have a rating of "10" (the top rating) if doing rounding. Queue my trusty online site, imdb.com, which has a top 250 movies section as rated by their members, but it uses the bayesian formula -- something I ign...

  • Database Reset

    Hi folks,

    Due to a security flaw found in the code today someone has managed to exploit a hole in the system and subsequently remove all download information for all files on the database. As a result I have had to restore the system to the last database backup, which was on the 26th of November (6 days ago).

    I apologise for the inconvenience but all database related information, including download stats and any new downloads added to the database since this date will n...

  • Infinite Adventures

    Infinite Adventures is a new work in progress that seeks to add many new dungeons with unique custom rewards. Each of the dungeons is to have a backstory, traps, unique puzzles, and most have a bossfight. A teaser is already released on TESSource.

    However, it's not just for one group to go at alone. The unique thing about this mod is that anyone can contribute a custom dungeon to this project, with the ability to get it involved in a reasonably larged sized mod, and with the creator...

  • Marine O'keefe's Modding Forums

    Marine O'Keefe/ByblosHex/Cleitanious/Modder_300

    Would like to announce the re-launching of our forum-based website. This is the ONLY place to find support and up-to date downloads and information on all of my plug-ins.

    Link: http://byblos.2.forumer.com/index.php?act=idx

    My Currently supported Plug-ins are:
    Knights Of The White Stallion
    Regal Imperial City
    Darker Cyrodiil

  • Fake Mods Being Uploaded

    Hi folks,

    It has come to my attention over this past weekend that someone has been creating fake accounts at TESSource with names that are similar to current mod author's. This person has then been uploading semi-malicious mods to the database with names very similar to current mods; trying to pass it off as a legitimate modification.

    I believe one mod titled "No Psychic Guards" randomly spawns an Arena spectator to your location who is invincible. The description on th...