• Nexus Mod Manager new version, introductory video and a note on site blips

    Another apology to make first guys. We hit a bit of a rough patch for an hour or so this evening with the Skyrim server. Every day we're hitting new traffic highs (525,000 unique visitors and 4 million page views today!) which means we're having to constantly adapt to the demands placed on the servers, continually optimising queries and config files and goodness knows what else. Thankfully we found the cause of today's issue relatively quickly and the server has been running sweet and sound sinc...

  • Nexus Mod Manager - 0.12.3 released

    We have just released the latest update to the Nexus Mod Manager, 0.12.3. This is a bug fix patch that should help to resolve some of the problems that users have been experiencing so far. If you load NMM (and can get to the mod management screen) then NMM will automatically tell you there's a new version and offer to download it for you. Simply follow the setup process and NMM will be updated. If you haven't been able to access NMM up until now, or you haven't got it at all, head on over to ...

  • Nexus Mod Manager enters open beta - download now!

    It is with great excitement that I am happy to announce that the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) has entered open beta and is now available for public download. NMM is the product of 11 months of work creating a simple yet feature rich tool that everyone can use to download, install and manage their modifications for the games the Nexus sites support. It is the successor to OBMM and FOMM so if you're a user of either then you'll want to move over to NMM to gain continued support and features. We curr...

  • And we're back...

    I would like to apologise for the down-time experienced today between 5pm and 8.30pm GMT. Our software and hardware have been battered by the massive influx of traffic for Skyrim and to make matters worse, today, we've been under a continued DoS attack which was the last straw for our hardware. We've moved ourselves over on to a new routed setup but our US carrier is currently experiencing difficulties working with it, so right now all traffic is going through our UK provider. Good if you're ...

  • ENB Series updated for Skyrim

    Boris Voronstov, the developer of the ENB Series; which adds graphical enhancements to several games, has been updated with some support for Skyrim. Currently it looks like he has added some SSAO effects, and offers some advice on memory management changes through the INI files to help smooth out gameplay. Head on over to the ENBDev website to check it out. Update: Thanks to tapioks for pointing out that the SSAO and other effects are not in the current version available for download. The...

  • Skyrim - Day 3 and site issues

    So we're in to day 3 of Skyrim's release and I think it's pretty safe to say that Skyrim has been a resounding success for Bethesda. A massive success. And in spite of a lack of modding tools at this time the modding community has got off to its usual quick start with over 100 mods already in our database. With the success of Skyrim also comes the masses of people looking for Skyrim mods, and Skyrim Nexus has already far surpassed our previous traffic record of 202,000 unique visitors in a...

  • Dungeon Defenders Development Kit (DDDK) released

    The Dungeon Defenders Development Kit has finally been released via Steam as a a free DLC. Here's the blurb from the download page: Create and edit maps for Dungeon Defenders: These maps can include new game code, assets, and more which will be automatically downloaded online to new players so they never have to leave the game. Create awesome new mods and become famous as their popularity spreads through the online Dungeon Defenders community! Access to all of Dungeon Defenders’ source a...

  • Skyrim Review Roundup #2

    Well, Skyrim is now released in America; and many new sites have been able to post reviews of the game. GameSpot is very impressed with Skyrim, giving it a 9.0/10 rating for their review despite saying that it has many technical glitches and bugs. The province of Skyrim might be frigid, but the role-playing game that takes place within it burns with a fire few games possess. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you take up arms against dragons, and your encounters with them are invariably excitin...

  • Creation Kit release speculation

    Congratulations to all who have the game unlocked and are playing, and good luck to all those still waiting! If you're looking to get straight in to modding Skyrim then you'll be wanting to get your hands on the SDK that Bethesda have dubbed the "Creation Kit". However, Bethesda, as is their way, are not pinning any specific time or date on a release of the Creation Kit so we're going to have to sit-tight and wait patiently. Bethesda have just opened up their mod subforum on the official f...

  • Skyrim Released and Skyrim Review Roundup #1

    Players in Australia will be able to unlock Skyrim on Steam in less than an hour as of the time of posting and other players have already been able to play. The game goes on sale today and will unlock on Steam at 12am local time for players regions. Players may check Steam to see what time the game will unlock for their region. The embargo on gaming reviews which were written by reviewers ahead of the release date but held off until release has been lifted. The first of these reviews...

  • Skyrim Nexus unlocked

    The game might not quite be unlocked yet but if all goes to plan with Bethesda's global launch, where each country gets to unlock Skyrim at midnight their time, then the first people will be playing Skyrim in just under 12 hours time. So I've now officially unlocked all of Skyrim Nexus's features including the file database and image share in preparation for the release of Skyrim! The file database has been fully categorised and tagged, but if you have suggestions for either then let me kn...

  • Final Skyrim competition winners announced

    So here we are, week 4 of our Facebook and Steam group competition. This is the final week of results before the release of Skyrim. As promised upon reaching 2,500 members in the Steam community the number of winners has gone up from 1 to 2, and, literally just this minute, our Facebook page has hit the 10,000 likes mark (I wonder why it took me so long to announce the winners today...) and so there will be 2 Facebook winners as well. Lets do the Steam winners first. TwistedNav and No Name...

  • Blocking files with specific tags from category view

    One thing I hear a lot from people when browsing the file databases is that finding a file that suits what you're looking for can often be quite hard when browsing categories that have hundreds and hundreds of files in. The tagging system was brought in a couple of years ago to help with that problem by allowing you to only see files in categories with specific tags attributed to them that provide a bit more drill-down depth in category browsing. However, what if there's a specific tag that ...

  • Dungeon Defenders Nexus launched

    And now for something completely different..! I'm pleased to announce the launch of Dungeon Defenders Nexus which I hope will be a helpful resource for Dungeon Defenders players and mod authors. It might come as a surprise to be launching this site so close to the launch of Skyrim but I have Dungeon Defenders to thank for helping me retain my sanity while we all wait for Skyrim to come out and I've clocked countless hours already levelling up all my characters. If you haven't heard of Dungeon...

  • Third Skyrim winner announced

    It's Wednesday again and you know what that means? That's right, I'm here to announce another winner in our Facebook competition. Entering is simple; all you need to do is like us on Facebook and/or join our Steam group. The winner receives a free copy of Skyrim via Steam. This week's winner is Annabelle Rivera. Annabelle, you'll need to PM me on the forums here with a link to your Facebook page (you can get the link from the top-right hand corner of Facebook when you're logged in) so I can v...

  • Nexus Mod Manager in extended closed beta with mod authors

    As per my recent news on the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) we are finally ready to go in to an extended closed beta with the mod authors on the Nexus sites. If you're a mod author with access to our private mod author forums (that's about 7,000 of you) then you'll find a new forum has been setup for discussion about NMM along with the download location to get the client. While NMM currently only supports Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas you'll be able to access the beta whether you've modd...

  • Ripten previews Skyrim

    Gaming website Ripten have posted a preview based on a three hour play session. The preview recounts Dave Oshry's journey from Riverwood to Winterhold. It contains a large number of spoilers. Another thing I noted during my time down in the BFB was the fact that I could use the environment to dispatch my foes. At one point I was being hounded by a group of Draugr (Faendal’s useless Elven arse was already uncounsious on the ground) when I noticed a puddle of oil on the ground. I thought...

  • First Skyrim team diary

    The first Skyrim team diary — “Completely Blue Sky: The Concept of Skyrim” is now released on the official Elder Scrolls website The diary features concept artists Ray Lederer and Adam Adamowicz, with a full article, over 40 pieces of concept art and a slick concept-to-reality montage video. Also catch the first Skyrim podcast, featuring Todd Howard, Ray Lederer and Adam Adamowicz!...

  • New Skyrim footage at G4TV and Xplay

    G4TV and Xplay have 11 and 3 minutes of new Skyrim footage available respectively. The G4TV contains some new footage and is narrarated by Jake Gaskill and Nikole Zivalich about their experience with three hours of Skyrim. The Xplay segment contains a mixture of old and new footage. Thanks Bethblog....

  • Second Skyrim competition winner announced

    We're now in to week two of our Facebook and steam Skyrim competition and we're well on target for getting to the 10,000 likes on Facebook and 2,500 members in our Steam group before the 9th of November (at which point the last draw will be for 2 free copies of Skyrim for each competition!). And on to this week's winner, a Steam gift of Skyrim goes to Marcus A David. Marcus, you'll need to PM me on the forums here with a link to your Facebook page (you can get the link from the top-right hand...