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About this mod

Adds trailer hitches to various vehicles. No trailers included.

Permissions and credits
Trailer Hitch System
Author : Fredrik


This adds hitches to the game's vehicles (Satsuma, Ferndale, Hayosiko and Ruscko) so that trailers can be attached. Trailer mods are downloaded separately, and this is more of a framework mod, meaning it does not do much by itself. It also supports a number of custom vehicle mods, such as Tangerine FZ-120 Pickup, Second Ferndale, GAZ 24 Volga.
Modders, if you want to make a trailer use this system, contact me and I'll help, please actually have a trailer set up already and working ingame (minus the car attaching, of course), I'm not going to make your mod for you, I'll only help with making it use this system.


Hitches for trailer attachment.

Supports Satsuma, Hayosiko, Ferndale and Ruscko.

Supports mod vehicles: Tangerine FZ-120 Pickup, Second Ferndale and GAZ 24 Volga

Trailer mods using this system:

Transport Trailer

Put TrailerHitches.dll and Assets-folder  inside your "MSC Mod Loader" Mods-folder.
     eg. "Steamapps\common\My Summer Car\Mods" or
"Documents\MySummerCar\Mods" or
"AppData\LocalLow\Amistech\My Summer Car\Mods"

If you like it, why not give it a thumbs up? Feedback in any form is appreciated and encouraged.

If you have problems or need help, please post in the comments and let me know, if you've found a bug, use the bug reporter, try to be as detailed as possible.

Thank you for downloading!