About this mod
Allows you to control troop recruitment and behavior of clan parties.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Ukrainian
- Turkish
- Spanish
- Russian
- Portuguese
- Mandarin
- Japanese
- Configure party composition percentages (infantry, ranged, cavalry, horse archers)
- Configure troop templates with the max level troops you want in your party.
- If you are the ruler of your kingdom, you can control all parties in your kingdom.
- Automatically create clan parties
- Add Clan Parties to your army even if you're not in a kingdom or are serving as a mercenary.
- Access clan party inventories by talking to your party leaders.
- Custom control panel accessible with CTRL+P.
- Allows clan parties to convert recruits to troops of the troop template you've selected. The cost of the recruit will be adjusted accordingly, so be careful selecting only elite troops--your party expenses could be quite high.
- Disable raiding, army joining, and garrison troop donations if desired.
- Safe to add or remove from existing saves. If you remove the mod and save the game you'll just wipe the mod's settings.
- Command Parties Feature - Press ALT+X to select nearby parties to command, then hold ALT while clicking to command them. Clicking parties will tell them to escort/engage, clicking on settlements will tell them to visit. Clicking on the ground will tell them to follow you.
My Other Mods
- Party AI Controls
- Kingdom Politics Expanded
- Governors Handle Issues
- Heal On Kill
- Inventory Search Enabler
- Super Speed
- Bodyguards
- Stop Starving Yourselves
If you want to talk to me about something, join #carbons-corner on the ROT discord.