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About this mod

Governors of towns and castles will resolve all issues with towns and attached villages.

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In case you were not aware, unresolved quests in towns and villages will harm prosperity and loyalty of towns and castles. This makes it very difficult and grindy to play late game when you have many settlements to your name.

  • Your governors will resolve issues in your towns and attached villages, removing all associated loyalty or prosperity penalties
  • Higher governor skills (see required skills) will increase the quest success chance
  • Solving issues requires garrison troops, which can be killed or wounded during the mission
  • Your garrison troops that participated in the mission will gain XP
  • You receive whatever rewards are associated with the quests (see quest details)
  • Your governor will gain XP in one of the required skills, and you will receive the quest reward gold
  • Higher tier troops have a higher chance to be wounded instead of killed
  • You can disable quest types you don’t want the mod to resolve
  • If you want to make the game harder, you can enable a skill check for governors—required skills are the same as the “send companion” option for quests
  • Save game compatible
  • Option to destroy hideouts during quests like "Nearby Bandit Base"
  • Option to resolve/grant rewards for AI clan governors as well
  • The original Governors Handle Issues mod simply cancelled all quests if you had a governor, without any of the functionality the mod has today. If you prefer that version, you can disable “Quest Resolution Mode” in the options or download the legacy version of the mod


None! However to edit the options you need Mod Configuration Menu. It is not a requirement and you can play without it. MCM settings are PER SAVE: Press ESC -> Options -> Mod Options Tab -> Governors Handle Issues. If you are getting there from the main menu and don’t see the options, load up a save game.


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If you want to talk to me about something, join #carbons-corner on the ROT discord.