We changed the archive format from .zip to .7z, now when extracting you won't have the .dll unlock problem! To extract the archive, download 7-zip. DO NOT USE ANYTHING FROM THE WINDOWS APP STORE.
The CAUTION screen that you get when you launch the game with mods should be ignored! It gives misleading info!
The game developers assume that we target specific dependency versions in our mods (like, we require Harmony 2.0.2 SPECIFICALLY), but in reality, the standard practice is to declare the minimum supported dependency version for a mod (like, we require Harmony 2.0.2 or NEWER). Because the game developers do not follow this practice, you get this CAUTION screen that gives you misleading information. Do not follow it's recommendation and do not downgrade dependency versions!
All BUTR mods (UIExtenderEx, ButterLib, MCM) report their dependencies as minimal requirements. So if something depends on Harmony 2.0.2, for example, you can use both Harmony 2.1.x and Harmony 2.2.x and further!
We released BUTRLoader - a new native launcher extension that works like Fixed Launcher, but that does not cause any Harmony related issues! It will automatically sort correctly mods that support our DependedModuleMetadatas xml tag that UIExtenderEx, ButterLib and MCM uses!
The initial release only fixes mod load order related issues, but we plan on extending it functionality!
Good day. My game crashes and i get this message in modules log - [2025-02-05T20:52:48.9663880+03:00] [MCM.UI.Adapter.MCMv5.Providers.MCMv5ExternalSettingsProvider] [WRN]: GetSettings BannerlordCheats_v3 returned null
If anyone is still having issues with it crashing at startup saying it cant find v5.10.2 I think I figured it out.
Download the .nupkg package from https://www.nuget.org/packages/Bannerlord.MCM and rename it to a .zip. Extract the MCMv5.dll & .pdb to both \Mount & Blade II- Bannerlord\Content\Modules\Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client & Gaming.Desktop.x64_Shipping_Client
I wish I knew what I'm doing different but my game runs fine (v1.2.212). At least you know theres some form of hope.
I do think something is screwed though bc I cant update/save mod settings now but look above and i posted the workaround in case you guys figure it out and come across the same issue
Hi, When I have Mod Configuration MenuV5 I can't save my game. I tried to take from Steam and I have the same result. I only have enabled Harmony, ButterLib, UIExtenderEx and Mod Configuration MenuV5. And the save only goes through when i disable Mod Configuration MenuV5.
i cant use any MCM required mods because MCM v5 doesn't work at all when I try playing on any of the following. 1.2.9, 1.2.10, and 1.2.11. Please update and fix!
Yeah doesn't appear in the in-game/map menu either, just the main menu screen. Even at the main menu, it-doesn’t show the mods that should also appear there.
Arkadaşlar versiyonuna uygun mod versiyonları harmony için, butterlib için, UIextenderex için, mod yapılandırma menüsü için'dır. Umarım herkes faydalanır, çok uğraştım.
Arkadaşlar sürümüne uygun mod versiyonları Harmoni için, Butterlib için, UIextenderex için, Mod ayarları için'dır. Umarım herkes faydalanır, çok çalıştım.
To extract the archive, download 7-zip. DO NOT USE ANYTHING FROM THE WINDOWS APP STORE.
We also added an article on how to install and use 7-zip!
The game developers assume that we target specific dependency versions in our mods (like, we require Harmony 2.0.2 SPECIFICALLY), but in reality, the standard practice is to declare the minimum supported dependency version for a mod (like, we require Harmony 2.0.2 or NEWER).
Because the game developers do not follow this practice, you get this CAUTION screen that gives you misleading information.
Do not follow it's recommendation and do not downgrade dependency versions!
2.0.2, for example, you can use both Harmony 2.1.x and Harmony 2.2.x
and further!
It will automatically sort correctly mods that support our DependedModuleMetadatas xml tag that UIExtenderEx, ButterLib and MCM uses!
The initial release only fixes mod load order related issues, but we plan on extending it functionality!
My game crashes and i get this message in modules log -
[2025-02-05T20:52:48.9663880+03:00] [MCM.UI.Adapter.MCMv5.Providers.MCMv5ExternalSettingsProvider] [WRN]: GetSettings BannerlordCheats_v3 returned null
Any ideas how to fix it?
Download the .nupkg package from https://www.nuget.org/packages/Bannerlord.MCM and rename it to a .zip. Extract the MCMv5.dll & .pdb to both \Mount & Blade II- Bannerlord\Content\Modules\Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client & Gaming.Desktop.x64_Shipping_Client
After that it shouldn't crash on startup anymore.
At least you know theres some form of hope.
I do think something is screwed though bc I cant update/save mod settings now but look above and i posted the workaround in case you guys figure it out and come across the same issue
Butterlib V2.9.18.0
UIExtenderEx V2.12.0.0
Mod Configuration V5.10.1.0
I use MCM v5.10.1.0
(i'm using v1.2.9)
Mods that should appear in the MCM also aren't present.
(i'm also on v1.2.9)