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About this mod

Now with Saveable Weapon Designs! Better Smithing attempts to fix everything wrong with the smithing menus, and also offers configurable quality of life improvements when Forging, including batch Smelting/Refining/Crafting, Automatically adding Tier prefixes to crafted weapons.

Permissions and credits
Originally, this mod was created with the intent of fixing TLSmithingFasterMod as it was broken in a recent update. However, as I was working on it I realized just how many things were bothering me about the whole crafting system.

This Mod does not do any changes to smithing stamina, resource costs, or Legendary/Masterwork/Fine chances, although it should be compatible with any other mods that do. The goal of this mod is simply to make crafting less tedious.

- Requires version 2.1.0+ of UIExtenderEx to function.

Main Features
Saveable Weapon Designs
Save/Load/Edit/Delete weapon designs. Play the following video to see it in action!

The weapon designs are saved Globally (accessible across all of your saves).

Smelting Screen Optimizations
Pimped up the smelting screen item list algorithm to be much more performant. Performance issues were really noticeable when you started having 300+ distinct weapons in your inventory. See demo for glorious proof.
Note: Since this feature is incompatible with the BannerlordTweaks Hide Locked Weapons in Smelting Menu” option, that option will be patched out (non-functional) while you're running BetterSmithing (The feature will run normally if you deactivate BetterSmithing at any time). BetterSmithing offers an alternative solution in the form of a "Hide/Show Locked Weapons" toggle in the smelting menu.

Smelting List Filters
Added the following toggleable filters to the smelting screen:
- Show/Hide Locked Weapons.
- Show/Hide Player Crafted Weapons (Face icon).
- Show/Hide Non-Player Crafted Weapons (Shield icon).
Also added filters for every resource material obtainable from smelting. When these toggles are enabled, weapons must give at least one of the enabled toggle's resource types to appear in the list. Toggles preview here.

Add Weapon Tier Prefixes (Configurable in ModOptions/BetterSmithing/Crafting)
If set to true, Any newly crafted weapons will be prefixed with their appropriate tiers (Legendary(3), Masterwork(2), Fine(1), Crude(-1), Rusty(-2), Broken(-3) ). 0 Tier (Normal) weapons don't get a prefix.
Does not apply retroactively to weapons crafted before adding the mod.
NOTE: The Prefix is baked into the name at crafting time, which means removing this mod will not remove the prefixes 

Group Identical Crafted Weapons (Configurable in ModOptions/BetterSmithing/Crafting)
As a serial crafter, one of my biggest annoyances with crafting is having to scroll through hundreds of the same crafted item after completely flooding the market. This option when enabled will stack all identical crafted weapons together. For 2 weapons to be considered identical, they must have the exact same name, be the same weapon type, have identical weapon part scales and identical stats.
When toggled on, this option will apply retroactively to any crafted weapons that already exist in your save. Turning this option off will not undo any grouping that has already been done.

Batch Operations Hotkeys
See here for details.

Cycle current character hotkeys
Added hotkeys to cycle the current smithing character back and forth (Defaults = A and D - Configurable in Options/Mouse and Keyboard/Menu Shortcuts).
Added 2 toggleable buttons below the character portrait to change character cycling logic:
- 1) Toggle to only cycle between character's that have enough energy to perform the currently selected main action (Wheat icon).
- 2) [Refining Screen Only] Toggle to only cycle between characters that have the currently selected recipe unlocked (Pitchfork icon).

QoL Features (aka should have been natively implemented this way)
Skip New Weapon Popup Toggle
Adds a button in the Forge tab next to the Forge button. When toggled off, the "New Crafted Weapon" popup dialog will be skipped. If you want to batch-create a weapon with a special name, make sure you open the popup at least once to name your weapon first.

Remove Superfluous Refining Recipes
Characters that have advanced recipes unlocked that are better versions of other recipes will only display the better recipes. See here for example.
Recipe removal is dynamic, so should work with mods that add new recipes as well. Conditions for recipe removal are: Identical input type and quantity, identical output type.

Smelting Last Weapon of the Selected Type sets focus to next logical item instead of reverting to the first item in the list
This just makes sense to me. I hated accidentally smelting all of my crafted weapons at the top of the list.

Changing character does not revert currently selected smelting weapon to the first item in the list
I mean really. Why?

Changing character does not revert currently selected refining recipe to the first recipe in the list
Nothing more annoying than accidentally refining your last wood when you're trying to refine some Thamaskene steel.

Additional Info
All in-menu toggle states are saved globally (not per save) when you exit the smithing menu.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an engine bug where Deserialized player crafted weapons were not flagged as being "Player Crafted". Should not interfere with any other mods that might do the same thing.
- Fixed an issue where gained smithing skill points would not be reflected in the difficulty bar in the crafting screen until you either left/returned to the Smithy, or until you changed the current crafting character.


Honestly I may have missed some of the things I worked on. This mod fixes a lot of things, and I kept running into janky things I felt needed fixing as I was working on my main features.

Please report any issues you find in detail in the bugs tab.

If you have any suggestions on improvements you'd like to see, please post them here.

This mod can be safely uninstalled/disabled without affecting your save.