Mount & Blade
  • Comments and Ratings disabled

    Buddah for info: Posting this here so it is easily found. If you uploaded a file in the past 3 or 4 days and ratings and comments are disabled. No one, I repeat NO ONE, not even Dark0ne can enable them. When the forum servers went wonky....there was no file thread created when the file page was initiated so there is nothing that can be done about it. The only fix, and again I repeat THE ONLY FIX is to delete the old file page and create a new one if you want to have comments and ratings...

  • Down-time over

    The server is now back up with the necessary upgrades in place. Initial indications are good and the situation is being monitored over the course of the next week to assess whether a further upgrade will be necessary or not....

  • Scheduled site down-time today

    TESNexus will be offline today for scheduled down-time starting at 11am GMT (5am CDT) for a memory upgrade. This upgrade, along with recent tweaks in the server security, should help to stop the IPS Driver Errors and site slowdowns experienced over the past month. Down-time is penned in for 4 hours, but these things normally take less than 2 hours....

  • Millionth member milestone

    Today, the 1st of May 2009, TESNexus has hit the one millionth member milestone. This means that in the past 6 years over one million people have registered on this site and the sites before it to download files, upload files, leave comments, post images and interact on our forums. This is a proud achievement for me; to see this community continue to thrive and grow and for modders to continue to release awesome work on this site is a real honour. Over the past 8 years the sites have served o...

  • Millionth member modding competition

    The Nexus sites are very close to hitting the million member milestone which is an exciting achievement for myself and the other staff here at the Nexus. We started accumulating members back in July of 2003 when Morrowind Source was launched and the site has been receiving a steady flow of new members each day since then. The millionth member milestone is greatly coveted by me. As the owner of the site it makes me proud to see so many people registering to make use of the site's features and...

  • Changes to the way files are organised and displayed

    The way in which files uploaded to the site are organised, sorted and displayed to both file uploaders and downloads has been changed. Most importantly I have adopted a new category based system for organising the uploaded files that is changable by the owners of the files. There are five file categories. Main files. Files the user actually needs in order for the file to operate properly Updates. Files that are used to update from an old version of the file to a newer version. Optional ...

  • New premium member only file server added

    As per the recent file server consolidation announcement there is now a new Premium Member only server available. Located in Texas, this server has download resuming features enabled and is capable of multi-threaded downloading. I managed to get a good 1mb/sec download speed off the server using the "DownThemAll!" FireFox plugin. Without the plugin I get only 120kb/sec. So if you're a premium member and you're a big downloader then I'd totally recommend the plug-in to you. The London based Pr...

  • YouTube videos on file pages

    Here's something I've been meaning to do for a while! Do you like making videos of your mods to show them off on YouTube, or has someone else made a video using your mod and put it on YouTube for others to see? Instead of cluttering up your file description you can now add links to YouTube videos that are relevant to your files. YouTube videos you add show up in their own tab, next to your images tab, and provide a gallery of simple to operate YouTube videos for people to watch straight off t...

  • TESNexus records highest trafficked day of all time

    In light of the recent server upgrades it seems only fitting that yesterday (Sunday, 8th March) was actually the highest trafficked day of all the site's history, dating back to August 2001. The last record was held by TESSource on the 5th of April 2006 (just after the launch of Oblivion) where the site clocked an impressive 75,489 unique visitors. Yesterday set the record at 76,396 unique visitors and only stands to confirm the longetivity of Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series, and...

  • Down-time over

    The forums have now been moved on to their own server and I have now entered the phase of tweaking the new setup to better accommodate the situation. Please be patient if problems arise, I am monitoring all the servers in real-time and will be performing various tweaks over the next 24 hours to improve the current setup further....

  • Expected down-time Wednesday 4th March

    As part of plans to stop the recent spate of "IPS Driver" errors I will be moving the forums on to their own dedicated server. As a result all the Nexus sites, including the forums, will be offline tomorrow from 12pm GMT to 6pm GMT while the move takes place. Please be patient during this process; I will update the sites throughout the process should any potential issues arise that require me to leave the sites down for longer....

  • Data Center issues causing problems with the site

    It has come to my attention that my main web server provider is having some quite major issues, so much so that even their main website is down for me. For those with a technical mind I haven't gotten around to setting my own name servers up since the site move a couple of weeks back and so my domains DNS reside at my server provider. Since they've gone down the domains no longer route to where they should. Sites affected include the file servers and Fallout 3 Nexus. TESNexus and the forums, ...

  • Nexus reaches 750,000 registered members

    It's milestone time again, and a couple of days back TESNexus (and now FO3Nexus!) reached the 750,000 registered members mark. The last milestone of 500,000 members was reached on January 2nd 2008, the 250,000 member milestone was reached on October 13th 2006 and the 100,000 member milestone was reached on the 30th of March 2006, so registration rates are increasing. The recent launch of FO3Nexus helped to more than douple the daily registration numbers from 800 new members a day up to 1800 ...

  • Expected down-time today

    There is an underlying issue with the network infastructure of the two new servers that needs to be resolved. Work will be taking place some time today for approximately two hours. During this time the site may be offline or you might see "IPS Driver" errors and other similar mysql related errors. Please be patient while I continue to weed out the teething issues of the server move. Thank you! Edit@16:40GMT: This work has now been completed. No more expected down-time \o...

  • File server issues

    There is currently an issue with accessing all the file servers as a result of the domain switch yesterday. While a fix has been made that should sort the issue the problem will not actually be resolved until the name servers have updated, and then your ISP's DNS cache has propogated. This can take anywhere from 1 to 72 hours. I apologise for the inconvenience and recommend you check back regularly, making sure to try the different file servers available. Also please note that some people wil...

  • Server move complete

    Welcome back! If you're reading this message then you're browsing The Elder Scrolls Nexus at its new home on a new server. I pulled both TESNexus, FO3Nexus and the forums down at 14:20 GMT and as of 17:00 GMT the site is back up and operational, an hour earlier than expected. Thank you for your patience while the site was unavailable. There are still a few issues to iron out in regards to the name servers the domains use that might mean over the next few days you get limbo'd about between the...

  • Scheduled site down-time for 8 hours

    As a follow up to my last news article on FO3Nexus in which I detail the reasons why the two Nexus sites are performing slowly I have hammered out a deal with my main server provider for a new rack provisioning that should better accommodate both sites while providing me with ample room for expansion in the future. In order for me to make the transition into this new server rack I will need to bring both sites, as well as the forums, down during the move. This is to insure that the versions o...

  • Fallout 3 Nexus launches

    This is just a quick one for all the users of TESNexus who are going to be buying Fallout 3 that I have just launched Fallout 3 Nexus to the public. The hope is for FO3Nexus to be to Fallout 3 modding what TESNexus is to Oblivion modding. If you're going to be playing Fallout 3, hope to mod the game or if you're interested, head on over to the site now for a peek at what's to come. Of course the site is rather bare at the moment, what with the game not actually officially released for a few m...

  • Scheduled site downtime

    TESNexus has scheduled down-time starting at 2AM CDT (8PM GMT) on the 17th of October 2008 for four hours, although ideally this down-time should last no longer than an hour. This is so the server memory capacity can be doubled to guys sure like to guzzle up the server's resources! During this time both TESNexus and The Nexus Forums will be unavailable. Thank you for your understanding....

  • Important new site poll, please vote!

    Away with the old and in with the new, and this time it's a poll where your votes get a relative look in on something on this site, so get on it! Firstly, the last poll asked "Are you going to buy Bethesda's upcoming game, Fallout 3?". Here are the results: Yes, 8092 votes (48%) No, 2768 votes (16%) Maybe, 3923 votes (23%) Only if it comes with a construction set, 2056 votes (12%) 16839 total votes. Impressive statistics that a potential 84% of TESNexus visitors could be buying Fall...