Mount & Blade
  • Nexus Mods now has 10 million registered members

    It is with great pleasure and pride that I can announce that Nexus Mods now has over 10 million registered members, of which over 4.2 million of those have been active on the sites in the past year. Not bad for a 14 year old site!

    While our new member sign up stats have remained pleasantly constant since the release of Skyrim, the recent release of Fallout 4 has catapulted the registrations over the past week to ground-breaking levels and sped up our rise to 10 million members i...

  • Nexus Mod Manager (0.61.0) with Fallout 4 Support Released!

    It’s been amazing to see the reaction to Fallout 4 modding so soon! We knew it was going to be big, but the response has been phenomenal! So, DuskDweller and Luco81 our illustrious NMM dev team, have been working like Dogmeat updating Nexus Mod Manager to handle Fallout 4 mods. We’re happy to say, it’s ready!

    Release Notes

    Download Link

    This is a preliminary release that may have some wrinkles to iron out, but internal testing has gone sm...

  • Fallout 4 Launch Day News

    So, how’s everyone fairing out there in post-apocalyptic Boston? We know it can be a lonely place out there, so to help we’ve opened 5 new Fallout 4 forums including “Mod Suggestions” and “Spoilers” sections, so be sure you’re posting to the appropriate section please.

    Also, we’ve heard your requests for recoloring the Fallout 4 Nexus Site. Robin has the photoshop files in storage at the moment while he sorts some things out with his house. We’ll be making some cha...

  • Fallout 4 Nexus Site Launched

    In anticipation of next week’s launch, we’ve opened the doors to the Fallout 4 Nexus Site today!  Starting now, you can begin posting to the new Nexus Fallout 4 forum.

    Fallout 4 Image Sharing and Mod Pages are also functional in preparation for next week. We don’t expect the file sharing features to be used until then, so please refrain from posting content prematurely. Also please remember, if you decide to post spoilers in the forum, make sure that you are labeling the...

  • Focus group full!

    Well that certainly didn’t take long! Thank you to all those that have emailed in with regards to joining the closed focus group. Your enthusiasm and willingness to help out the Nexus is amazing and as I keep repeating, I’m glad to be working with such an awesome community.

    I’ll be sending those that will be involved an email this week with information on what is going to happen next and how to get involved with the discussion. If after reading through, you still feel that...

  • Witcher 3 MODkit Update Released

    The Witcher 3 MODkit Update has arrived! This update includes support for custom textures, expanded documentation and more. Here’s the feature list from CD Projekt RED:

    Fixed a bug causing wcc_lite to fail when uncooking the game.
    Added the ability to mod textures from the textures array.
    Added a warning information when wcc_lite failed due too long file path.
    Cleaned up wcc_lite output log.
    Fixed a bug when some normal maps and speculars were importe...

  • Where are we at with the redesign?

    Hey, it's been a while so thought I should better let all you good folks know what's happening in regards to our site redesign.

    We started off with all of the survey results which I covered in a previous post. These turned up a lot of interesting and useful ideas, some pet peeves and lots of suggestions for the future. There was definitely plenty to go through and we thank every single one of the current 26,577 people for all the time and effort that you put into these.

  • Custom Texture Support Announced for Witcher 3 Modkit

    Our friends at CD Projekt RED have just released some information regarding an update for The Witcher 3 Modkit. Listed unassumingly near the bottom of the list describing upcoming features is the following bullet point:

    It is now possible to add new textures using mods.

    This addition to the collection of creation tools they’ve provided will potentially allow mod authors to alter or create all new looks for Geralt and his Pals, perhaps even The Continent itself&...

  • Hello Nexus!

    Thank you Robin, for the warm welcome! I'm Dave, your new Community Manager humbly reporting for duty!

    I'm a lifelong mod enthusiast. Starting with ZZT as a kid, I’ve been fascinated with modding both as a consumable and as a creative outlet. I've had the privilege of dabbling with many game engines and interacting with the communities they inevitably spawn. From Doom to GTA V, if it's moddable, I've probably played it. Though as I'm sure some of yo...

  • Introducing our new Community Manager

    Back at the beginning of March I announced a job opening on the sites for a new Community Manager role. Putting a friendly face on the sites from someone who could dedicate all their time to bettering the community, within the community, has been long over-due and now, almost 7 months later, the position has finally been filled.

    It's taken a long time due to, in no small part, the sheer number of people who applied for the position. After only a few weeks I took down the job lis...

  • Update on NMM version 0.60 and FAQ

    Yesterday we released version 0.60 of NMM, which, as the announcement said, is a major update to the way NMM handles files.

    While the update seems to have worked for a lot of people (as in, they installed it, NMM successfully migrated their files to the new system, and everything continued as normal), it also doesn't seem to have worked for some others. We're struggling to actually ascertain how many people it hasn't worked for because most people are focusing on sending...

  • NMM 0.60 Beta released with profiling. Sharing profiles to follow soon.

    We released the Alpha version of our major milestone 0.60 version of the Nexus Mod Manager back at the end of January. The idea of the Alpha was to provide an optional download for users who wanted to test out the NMM profiling functionality and help us to get it ready for an official Beta release without forcing everyone to update their NMM installations. 40,000 users downloaded this version of NMM and, over the past 8 months, the NMM programmers have been working on refining this functionality...

  • Why we can't use Patreon, and talking about donations and doing more to support mod authors

    It's been just over 4 months since the paid modding fiasco failed and Valve stopped the sale of mods on the Skyrim Workshop. I'm not here to beat the dead horse on what happened then, but I am here to talk about one of the major fall out points (pun not intended) from that situation, specifically, donations to mod authors.

    During the time when paid modding was active, and in the aftermath, two things became very clear; a lot of users on the Nexus didn't know it was even ...

  • Witcher 3 modding tools released with NMM support

    Robin is currently away on holiday so he's asked me to post this for him today on his behalf:

    We're massive fans of CD Projekt Red here at the Nexus. Not only do they make awesome games like The Witcher 3, but they've consistently shown themselves to be champions of PC gaming above and beyond any other major game developers or publishers out there. And most importantly, they show this in their actions, not hollow words and unfulfilled promises. DRM free games, huge free "Enhanced Edi...

  • UX / UI Designer needed

    If you have read my previous news post you will be aware that we are now looking to recruit a part-time User Experience / User Interface (UX/UI) Designer. This is integral to getting the redesign of the site correct and we need a professional to come onboard as soon as possible to help us!

    We've received a heck of a lot of feedback from the survey we ran and on top of that lots of members have been sending me personal messages about what they'd like to see changed on th...

  • Survey Responses!

    The results are in!

    Well the results are in and I thank you for all the time, effort and input that went into completing the surveys. We had over 25,000 responses in a two and a half day period which took both Robin and I totally by surprise and just reinforced our belief in the passionate community we have here at NexusMods.

    I've put all the comments into two different documents and am now in the process of reading them, making notes and tallying the suggestio...

  • A big "Hello" to the Community

    Hi all,

    If you’re reading this and you're wondering who I am then you might want to check out Robin's news post that briefly introduces me. But let me explain a little more about myself. Firstly, a big hello!

    Okay, so my name is Paul and I go under the forum name BlindJudge - which comes from one of my favourite looking wakeboard tricks and no, I can’t do it - yet!

    I’m a passionate gamer who enjoys pretty much any game going, my St...

  • Introducing our "Director of Content" at Nexus Mods

    Back in March we put up a job posting for a Community Manager position at Nexus Mods. I was looking for someone who was a part of the modding community who could be a friendly-face on the sites and would handle a lot of the PR and community side of things on the Nexus which has been lacking in recent years.

    Over 400 people applied for the position and over the course of a couple of months I whittled down the applicant list to a "short-list" of 30 people, and then further dow...

  • It's holiday/DDoS season

    Over the past 24 hours the Nexus sites have gone down 3 times, sometimes for as much as an hour. It's school holiday season which means it's also DDoS season, typically a time when an abnormally high amount of DDoS attacks happen (logical conclusion is...?). We're told by our hosts that we are not the target but unfortunately we're being taken down due to the attacks happening against our host's and main data centre's infrastructure. It's nice to know we're not th...

  • Changes to forum structure

    As you might know we've been struggling with our forum server after the past few weeks and have been working towards getting them on the same Cloud setup that's worked so well for us with the main sites themselves.

    However, we'd struggled to understand why, all of a sudden, the load times on the forums went from fine to absolutely awful in little to no time at all. There wasn't any sort of traffic spike and the servers weren't being constantly DDoS'd so there...