  • New Feature: Image Sharing!

    Hi folks,

    I've been working over the past couple of days on a new addition to the site focusing on user uploaded images for ES games. Titled "Image Share", this new section allows any and all members of the site to upload their Elder Scrolls related pictures to the site to share with others. Users can comment and rate images in the database in the same way users can comment and rate files in the file database.

    This feature can...

  • New Staff Member

    Yesterday Dark0ne asked me if I wanted to help with the site news. And... Yeah. I did. So here I am. So for those who don't know me... I'm a 'forum regular', quest modder and now staff member. I play Oblivion and played Morrowind. I'm waiting for Spore and will probably buy Supreme Commander too. These two games also have their own Source site here.

    What you can expect from me:

    • Posts of new interviews/reviews/news on the Elder Scrolls games.
    • News on big...

  • New Upload Functionality

    Hi folks,

    I've been busy over the last 6 hours completely recoding the file database system to enable users to upload more than one file to a file entry. Downloaders will notice that the original "Download Now" text has been replaced with a new download link, along with the size of the file and it's total downloads. As authors add more files they get listed one below the other.

    Authors now have a seperate page for uploading files seperate from the "add" or "edit" system...

  • New Site Poll

    There's a new poll in town ready for the upcoming Shivering Isles release. Let me know if you're going to be buying the game or not because, well, I'm interested!

    The last poll asked "Have you bought Knights of the Nine?"

    Yes - 51% / 2369 Votes
    No - 40% / 1869 Votes
    I don't play Oblivion any more - 9% / 410 Votes

    Interesting how 9% of visitors to the site don't even play Oblivion any more. Got to wonder what they're doing here! Never mind....

  • Downloads Slow

    Hi folks,

    The downloads on the file server have been a bit slow lately. I wasn't aware of the problem and only got wise to the situation when someone informed me but, after close inspection, it seems a russian user was deliberately leeching the bandwidth off the same file on the site in order to saturate the connection on the server, slowing it down for everyone.

    Certain measures have been taken to stop this from happening in the future and, now that I'm wise to it, I'l...

  • File Database Broken Page Fix

    Hi folks,

    I've installed a new piece of code into the file database today that manually checks file pages for broken areas. Many people have found mod pages that are only half complete, often missing the right hand side of the page. If you come across a file page with this problem you can click the "Page Broken?" link next to the file name and the system will first check to make sure the page is broken (to stop abuse of the caching system) then reload the cached page if a problem is...

  • New Supporter Features and IRC Chat Room

    Over the past few days I've been busy at work trying to add a 'Download History' system to the file database for people who have paid for Supporter Time. Basically this new page allows you to see all the files you've downloaded over the past year. It checks the date of when you downloaded the file against the date of when the file page was last updated and lets you know whether there has been an update since then. This feature is up and running in a be...

  • Site Changes

    Important for Supporters
    A bug was recently found and fixed in the "top-up" system that meant that, over the past fortnight if you paid for a subscription it more than likely won't have gone through (although payment has been received) unless you emailed me letting me know.

    If you have paid for supporter time but are not receiving the benefits please contact me with the email you used to pay for the time as well as your...

  • New File Database Transfer Feature

    I've installed a new beta system which still needs full testing but has worked on every test I've tried so far.

    Authors/Uploaders can now choose from two seperate methods of getting their files on the server. The first is the normal upload method good for files up to 50MB in size. The second (new) method is the Transfer function which allows you to select a direct download location for your file and have the server upload the file for you. To futher clarify..

    Case Sc...

  • New Poll, Old Poll Results

    I've put up a new poll on the site in regards to the newly announced mod from Bethesda which introduces a new faction/questions to Oblivion. To clarify the question, it asks how much you'd be willing to spend on the new faction/quests alone (i.e. not for the boxed package you'll be able to buy in the stores).

    The last poll question asked "How many mods are you currently using in Oblivion?" with the following results:

    None - 9% / 411 Votes
    Less than 10 - 22% / 978 ...

  • File Rating System Changed

    Hi folks,

    Thought I'd post this up in the main news since many people have asked for this functionality since the rating system was first introduced. Quoting the file database change log:

    Re-Rating Of Files
    You can now re-rate files that you have already rated. Your old vote will be removed from the database and your new vote cast (therefore stopping you from voting twice for the same mod).

  • Login Issues

    A lot of people are emailing me or PMing me at the moment saying they can't login with their username and password. 99% of the time this is because you are not using your username but your "Display Name". During March and April a setting was on in the forum software that enabled you to change your Display Name, the name other people saw you as. This did not, however, change your actual user name.

    Please use your username, not your Display Name to login to the site.

    I ho...

  • Supporter system is live!

    Hi all,

    The new Supporter system is now running and live and people have already begun to help out! It is greatly appreciated and I respect the kindness and willingness of this community to support me in helping to provide the resources that I do.

    For those of you who don't know there are now two types of accounts for members. The first is the normal "free" account that does everything it currently does. Nothing has been changed and you can still download (albeit slowly...

  • Please give me your feedback

    Hi folks,

    I've put a new page up on the site regarding a voluntary subscription system that'll be put in place soon for TESSource. If you could head on over to our feedback page and leave your mark I'd appreciate it.


  • File Caching System Change

    Hi folks,

    The caching system has been changed today to stop the annoying "back button not working" problem. As a result file links should now be changed to ensure better user interaction (as well as stopping the 404 error occuring when your page hasn't been cached!).

    If you currently use the "" system to link to your file you can easily change it by taking the fileid (NOT the .html part) and changing the link to "http://ww...

  • Site Moved Harddrives

    Hi folks,

    I'm currently out of town at the moment. Simon (my best friend/host) has just informed me he has moved the site to a different hard drive. I have no way of verifying that the move has completely worked but the initial checks that we have performed give a green light, all clear.

    If any of you come across any problems with the site; problems that have occured since from today, then please let me know.


  • The Elder Scrolls Torrents

    I would like to announce that there is a new Hosting site opening unlike any other mod hosting site out there.

    The idea of the Torrent has been around for quite some time. It has been talked about for some time now about a tracker being set up for the soul purpose of sharing Modes that are far to large to be shared by normal means.

    I have set up a tracker for that one purpose in mind to allow you, the modders, freedom of creating tough huge mods without the fear of wher...

  • TESSource 5 Year Anniversary Competition

    The Elder Scrolls Source has been serving the Elder Scrolls community in one way or another for 5 years; providing download resources for Morrowind and Oblivion mods, early sneak-peaks on the games before their release and a forum community full of your usual psychotics and megalomaniacs.

    To celebrate the 5 year anniversary of The Elder Scrolls Source we've team up with the great people at

  • Recent Additions At TESSource

    Hi folks,

    I thought I'd just inform everyone of a couple of new features that have recently been added to TESSource.

    File Database Changes
    Most of you will probably have noticed two new features in the file database and a slight modification. The first is "bug reports" which enables you to file a bug report for a particular mod. Bug reports are for the site; things like broken download links, incorrect description...

  • News System Changed

    I've recently written my own news submission system for TESSource that makes things easier to administer on my end. As a result all previous news has been stripped from the site but can still be found in the news forum.

    As usual commenting on news happens through the forum posts created with each new news post....