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About this mod

A confused old Dunmer is visiting the Ald Skar Inn. Medyn Ren wants to share his stories with others, but his head has been cloudy lately. There is an amulet he thinks will help him clear his head and remember his stories. Is there enough truth in his memories for you to find his amulet?

Permissions and credits
  • Russian
Of Memories and Mementos:
An Old Mer's Life

A confused old Dunmer is visiting the Ald Skar Inn. Medyn Ren wants to share his stories with others, but his head has been cloudy lately. There is an amulet he thinks will help him clear his head and remember his stories. According to him searching for this amulet may lead you to ogres, lurchers, haj mota, even wererats.

But can his memories be trusted? What is true, what is misremembered, and what is made up? Is there enough truth to be parsed from the memories he does have to lead you to the amulet?

  • Morrowind
  • Tribunal
  • Bloodmoon
  • OAAB Data

To Start:
  • Medyn Ren can be found in the Ald Skar Inn in Ald'ruhn

  • Vvardenfell is very crowded nowadays.  Let me know if you find a conflict between this and another mod.

  • The Morrowind Modding Discord for being an inspiration and for helping with my modeling questions.
  • The OAAB team for creating great assets.