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Poison Redux-ion 1.4.2 README
*When reading this file, the "Word Wrap" feature of Notepad (found under Format), or its equivalent, is highly recommended.*

Poison Redux-ion aims to offer a modernized, plugin-less, fancier (but not, in any absolute sense, improved) take on Greatness7's old standby Poison Crafting. Instead of a little HUD Icon, Poison Redux-ion now inserts the potion's effects into the item's own enchantment, in a manner consistent with how Skyrim works (or at least with how I half-remember it working). In this way, one can have any number of poisoned weapons, all tracked separately and able to be used up in any order. Additionally, almost all features from Poison Crafting have been ported over into this mod, with the exception of enemies using poison.

a. MGEXE: this contains MWSE. As always, run MWSE-Update.exe, found in your Morrowind folder
b. MCP: you need quality-based potion icons if you want to use Poison Crafting's models and icons (optional)
c. The aforementioned files, that is, all of Poison Crafting other than the ESP and MWSE stuff (optional)
d. mwse_PoisonCrafting.esp: this is also from Poison Crafting. It is not in any way necessary, but it distributes poisons to merchants' inventories, which is a nice touch you may wish to incorporate (optional)

Install the files into their proper folders. Namely, place the OEA8 folder into Morrowind-->Data Files-->MWSE-->mods-->OEA, creating OEA if need be.

Simply delete the files. I'd like to think it won't mess up your save, but I'd resolve all poisons first just in case.

1. Poison Brewing: Unlike Poison Crafting, poisons do not get their own menu. Instead, you simply chose whether you are making poisons or potions at the alchemy menu. In so doing, this determines which effects are boosted/reduced by apparati (i.e. poisons flip everything). This was done both to fit into the game a little better, and also save me a ton of time and eliminate code which has a chance of somehow bugging out.

2. Poison Application: When you are ready to apply a poison, simply equip a weapon or ammo (bows cannot be poisoned, since that would be useless, nor can Bound items for logistical reasons). At this point a prompt will appear, and clicking yes offers up a field to type in a potion name. Upon either pressing "Done" or hitting Enter, the potion will be removed and applied accordingly. What happens next depends upon the following:
a. if it is a weapon with a Strike enchantment, and has enough charge to use it, you will get an enchantment of the same max and cost charge, with both the potion and original effects.
b. if the above with not enough charge, the enchantment with be only the potion effects, max at original enchantment's, and cost 1.
c. if you have a weapon with a non-strike enchantment, it will be temporarily overwritten by an enchantment with the potion's effects, cost 1, max same as the original enchantment's.
d. if you have an unenchanted weapon or missile, you just get a max 20 cost 1 enchantment, of the potion's effects.
e. if you have an enchanted missile, you get an enchantment with the same max as the original enchantment's, cost 1, with the effects of the original plus the potion.
Poison is expended either through doing damage with a weapon, or a projectile hitting something, with how many instances it takes to do so adjustable in the MCM (see Mod Config section below). Overall, after the poison is expended, everything should revert to normal, with maybe a point of charge lost here or there. Also, while poisoned the little enchantment swirl on your equipped weapon will be a nice green color.

3. Poison Resistance: If enabled (see Mod Config section below), your enemies have a chance of resisting your potion entirely, in addition to whatever effect resistances come up. This is done by RemoveEffects'ing all effects in the current enchantment (so all instances of that effect are dispelled). Not the most ideal means, but I tried alternatives and they didn't pan out.

4. Worldspace Activation: Apparati can now be activated to bring up the alchemy menu (you get a copy in your inventory temporarily). If you try to activate an owned apparati you trigger a crime, though like with containers you still get the chance to use it. Owned or otherwise, to take something normally you can hold (either) Shift, or go into Sneak mode while not holding Control (to make thieves' lives easier), and activate. If you wish to activate multiple apparati, you must hold (either) Control, then activate each one, then release. Please note that if you enter a menu, and while there release Control, you will have to repeat this process entirely.

5. Extra Experience: Potions with many effects now yield slightly more XP. I upped the addition from 1/10th a potion per effect beyond the first to 1/7th, because you can only get 7 effects beyond the first and I wanted some nice aesthetics here.

6. Replacement Icons: This mod supports the original Poison Crafting's fancy new icons and models. Just drop them where they go, and turn on the appropriate feature (see Mod Config section below).

7. Base Statistics: Optionally, Alchemy will make use of your base stats (by temporarily decrementing your stats equal to any fortification). Note that this will not ameliorate any Draining. I was not in a position to test this bit; let me know if there are any issues.

8. Name Standardization: I have discovered that some potions inconsistently have "Potion" at the end of their name. This is a little feature to rectify that, because I found it annoying when typing in names.

One of the primary advances of this mod is that it has a proper MCM, without having to equip an apparatus or some such. This section will elaborate on the options, in the order that they appear.

Enable poison crafting/application messages: toggles whether the initial messages to poison a weapon or pick which kind of alchemy to do appear. Turning this off allows you to "disable" the mod whole having poisons etc. resolve with no issues.
Default: True

Allow yourself to apply poisons outside of menus: decides whether quick swaps etc. can bring up the poison message. I figured most people want this off, but why not make it an option?
Default: False

Allow yourself to apply poisons during combat: chooses whether you can poison in combat. if out of menu and in combat, the above will override this one's choice.
Default: True

Re-apply poisons to inventory on loading a save: unfortunately I have found that poisons disappear on loading a save. This has the ability to restore them, however at various points it has crashed on loading from within the game. For more info, see the Known Issues section below. Please note that this only applies poisons to things in your inventory, but no poison is ever "lost," per se, and if you load a save with something previously in a chest it may be re-poisoned.
Default: True

Allow enemies to resist your poisons: Toggles whether enemies can resist at all. There is a second page with a slider per class that details their resistance chances. The default is exactly as it was in Poison Crafting, but you can modify it to your heart's content.
Default: True

Use Poison Crafting's additional icons and models: toggles the models. Must restart to change. No matter what, this feature does nothing unless you have "quality-based potion icon" on in MCP, and the attendant files exist (well it checks for one of them, but that seemed sufficient).
Default: False

The next 4 are self-explanatory. Defaults:
a. Extra XP = True
b. Base Stats = True
c. World Activation = True
d. Name Fixing = False

Up to how many projectiles should be poisoned at once?: This feature allows you to determine the maximum number of projectiles you can poison at once. Once you have shot this many projectiles, or run out (since you don't have this many), the projectile will revert to normal. Note that as long as the projectile is poisoned, all projectile of that type fired against you will be too, and not count for the count, and that the count carries over through all time (so dropping your current ones and gaining new ones of the same type will continue the count). This is quite awkward, but is alas an engine limitation, as I have to directly modify the item itself.
Default: 1

How many hits of poison do weapons get?: Similar to the above, this determines how many successful hits with a weapon it takes to dispel its poison. Similar limitations (e.g. an opponent can hit you with something poisoned, which does not count for the count) apply as above, for similar reasons.
Default: 1

This mod is most likely incompatible (in a soft way, no errors or anything) with Colorized Enchantments, since they both mess with the weapon swirl.

This mod will not work with MM Cast-on-Swing. This mod only dispels poison on attack damage, and Cast decouples attacking from enchantments. Besides, it would kill the immersion, as the "poison" would be a magic projectile.

Because you type in a potion's name, not its ID (because how would you know that?) there is a chance of the game grabbing the wrong potion if you somehow have different ones with the same name. To prevent this, simply drop potions with problematic names before poisoning.

Lots of stuff for poison re-application on load: Consistently, I have found strange phantom enchanted items named after poisoned objects on loading from within the game; simply select a real item to dispel them (or select one of them, that seems to work too). I find that this feature rarely crashes nowadays, but it has been capricious enough that I still want you to be able to turn it off. Interestingly, the one thing which appears to be reliable is that loading a save without reapplication from a save in which you previously reapplied will crash the game (so don't do that!).

This seems to also be more common on loading from within the game, but mods like UI Expansion, HUD Weapon Charge, and Weapon Sheathing that check for enchantments seem to throw fits in the log with this mod. The errors seem to be harmless, although they are unpleasant to look at. In early testing Weapon Sheathing frequently caused crashes on similar grounds, but that seems to have disappeared.

In the resistances section of the MCM, some of the sliders may look a little glitchy. They all work fine, though.

As mentioned back in Features, resisting poison uses the vanilla RemoveEffects feature. As such, any instances of a poison effect will be removed from that NPC--so don't cast a fireball then use a fire poison, for example. Further, for whatever reason magic visual effects are not removed, and if you directly damage an enemy for X seconds, the first "second" still goes through. Additionally, if you use a poisoned and enchanted weapon, all effects from both things will be removed.

Because the poison is now part of an enchantment, it can be resisted by the vanilla resist effects, in addition to what is found here. Given that poison resistance only affects NPCs, this won't come up too much, except for fire against Dunmer. What will come up is Putting Power in Willpower: that mod can allow NPCs to skirt your effects, and easily create quasi-duplicate messages. The former effect isn't that big a deal (high willpower means you can fight through the poison, checks out), and the latter feels like it would be far too difficult to try to sort out. Ergo, if you find this bothersome, simply disable this mod's resistances, and use PPIW as a sort of substitute for the mechanic.

Throwing weapons are weird, because they are of the weapon objectType but function like projectiles. Everything seems to be working fine for them, but if you're doing a ninja play-through or something let me know if there's some peculiarity I missed.

To avoid annoying delays, weapons will become un-poisoned both after the requisite number of hits, and if you strike with them and thus cause their charge to go to 0. Because of charge regeneration, however, you may end up in a weird spot where a previously enchanted weapon is at charge > 0, but < cost (normal weapons get poisoning "enchantment" cost 1). In this case, you'll have to keep on hitting until you get to the MCM number.

Control is, by default, bound to Sneak. Ergo, if you use MCP's Toggle Sneak feature, some mild oddities may occur when holding down Control to activate multiple apparati. Namely, releasing Control will not change your sneak state; you would have to press it again.

In 2090, I will redo most of this mod to incorporate tes3weapon:create() and tes3ammunition:create(). Poisoning a weapon will at that point yield a separate item, that affects no other copies or anything. Additionally, I could then distribute various "poisoned" weapons to NPCs, maybe even in the midst of battle and based on the weapons they already have, without needing any sort of ESP.

As always, I will look to fix whatever bugs crop up that are actually fixable.

Unless I am contacted and told otherwise, everything I incorporated into this mod is open-permissions, and since IDGAF, this mod as a whole can be freely used for whatever. Just make sure to give credit where credit is due. Similarly, since this is my first ReadMe, I feel an obligation to point out that all of my mods (those found inside an OEA folder) can be freely used for whatever, as long as I, O. E. Academics aka OEA, am credited.

Obviously, a giant thanks to Greatness7, without whose pioneering work this mod would never have been dreamt of, and without whom the code I blatantly copypasted would not exist.

Thanks to R-Zero, who if folder names are to be believed made the wonderful new icons etc. for potions from the original mod.

Thanks to Blobby/Safebox for creating Coloured Enchantments, whose code (or at least some code I found on Discord that I think became this mod) was incorporated to make the enchantment swirl green.

Thanks to Nullcascade et al. for MWSE, and all the work put in to switch over to Sol3.

Thanks ahead of time to Sebastian Levy, with whom I briefly chatted about expanding MWSE's create capabilities (since this person made the current ones). If anyone is going to bring these functionalities to life, it will be this person. Please do not take this as any sort of impatience on my part; I simply wish to acknowledge the work of this individual whom I had never even heard of until recently, especially since this mod makes heavy use of tes3enchantment:create().

Thanks to the MMC for general help etc.

I can be contacted through Discord, as I am "O. E. Academicus" on the MMC server. I am also "opiter09" here on NexusMods, if for some reason you wish to contact me thusly.