About this mod
Provides configurable, dynamic crosshair indicators while sneaking and for essential NPCs, quest items, owned objects, and more. In addition, a variety of settings are included to manage how these aspects of the game work.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
By: Anumaril21

I. Requirements
II. Description
III. Compatibility
IV. Recommended Mods
V. Installation and Removal
VI. Credits
I. Requirements:
- Morrowind
- MGE XE 0.10.1+
- MWSE 2.1 +
II. Description:
Essential Indicators utilizes MWSE to provide configurable, dynamic crosshair indicators while sneaking and for essential NPCs, quest items, owned objects, and more. In addition, a variety of settings are included to manage how these aspects of the game work, including a number of ways to manage the 'essential' status of Morrowind's important NPCs, allowing you the options to remove the status once they've served their purpose, render them invincible, disable the status entirely, or provide it to vital NPCs that weren't considered 'essential' before.
Most of these NPCs weren't directly involved in the main quest, but would have locked you out from speaking to their faction members who were. With this mod, you not only won't have to worry about those pesky messages insisting that a spent NPC was important, but quests like 'Sleepers Awake' will no longer lock you out from completion for having killed them, considering they're no longer essential.
In addition, quest items and essential NPCs will have their status and indicators updated to reflect when they're no longer essential for the completion of a quest.
Sneaking is also provided with an indicator overhaul akin to Oblivion and Skyrim, with your crosshair indicator changing depending on whether you're detected or not, and a number of options are provided for sets of cohesive crosshairs to use together or with the custom crosshair you already play with.
Included is a simple Mod Configuration Menu allowing you to activate and deactivate features to suit your own style of play.
III. Compatibility:
This mod IS NOT compatible with OpenMW, at least until support for MWSE mods is added. Otherwise it should be compatible with any other mod.
This mod is NOT compatible with Ownership Indicator by Petetehgoat, as its features have been integrated into this mod (See: Credits). If you wish to use his red hand indicator texture, you simply need to install the textures from his mod and they'll work natively, though his crosshair texture must be renamed to "textures/target.dds" if you wish to use it.
This mod IS compatible with all crosshair replacers, so long as their pathname is "textures/target.dds" their colors will change accordingly.
IV. Recommended Mods
Ownership Overhaul by Necrolesian
V. Installation and Removal:
To install, simply drop the MWSE folder into your Data Files folder, that's it.
To remove, simply delete the associated mod folder or the 'main.lua' and 'data.lua' files within.
VI. Credits:
Thanks greatly to Petetehgoat for his original Ownership Indicator mod, much of which was implemented into this mod for compatibility and feature completion. In addition, the Morrowind Modding Community Discord for assistance with the code and ReverendKnots for the Oblivion-style crosshairs.