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  1. NEWTYPE06
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hoping for an OpenMW version!
  2. LeavingUndad
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Nice mod, thank you, endorsed! I have a humble request though: could you, please, make the sneak icon position settings available in the MCM? I'd like it not to obscure the crosshair at all. Thanks in advance.
  3. Wubbledee
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Some Legion and Imperial Cult quest items are not appearing as essential.  The Lords Mail and The Silver Staff of Shaming for example.
  4. Wubbledee
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Are some quest givers not included?  I've noticed a few.  Crassius Curio for example does not appear as a quest giver but has a large amount of quests.
  5. Vashra1
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Everything seems to work, definitely endorsed.

    I noticed one very small not-quite-conflict:

    If one has the option to toggle the crosshairs bound to a key via MGE-XE, then it works *slightly* differently with this mod than without.

    Using that key with MGE-XE alone immediately toggles the crosshairs, no matter what you're doing at the time.

    Using that key with this mod toggles the crosshairs the next time you shift focus from "not looking at anything important" to "looking at mob/npc/container/etc." or vice versa. It's like a delayed reaction while the two scripts play rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to poke the cursor settings first or something.

    And...using the MGE-XE bound key while having this mod's "auto hide the crosshairs" option enabled is just...weird. It doesn't *break* the crosshairs, but it's...weird. They're on, they're hidden and seem stuck hidden till you look at something else etc.

    So yeah...that was a LOT of words for, "could you look into your script and a) make it obey MGE's "toggle crosshairs on keypress" script or whatever MGE-XE is doing that lets that happen...or b) give a "toggle crosshairs" option in addition to the auto-hide option?"

    I'm quite loving the sneak crosshairs! The vanilla bag icon doesn't seem as accurate by comparison.
  6. rusheretic
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    So ownership indicator hand cursor is not going to work?
    Please at least change readme file for the mod if it is not working as of yet. I spend half an hour trying to figure out how to make hand icon work. But after looking at the comments turns out this feature is not working.
  7. TimThe7th
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    First, I want to mention that I consider this mod essential and plan on using it regularly.

    I have run into some problems with the customizability aspect, though, and I don't understand how it is supposed to work.

    EDIT: Changed a couple of things, still some issues.

    1. Skywind Crosshair (resolved - changed pixel size to 32x32) - I'd like to use this crosshair instead of either the Oblivion one (I'm otherwise using Oblivion crosshairs).  I've placed it in the correct folder and named it appropriately, and it does show up in place of the Oblivion crosshair/the vanilla one.  However, now only the left-right axis highlights red/blue instead of the whole crosshair.  This is the crosshair I am using:

    2. Ownership Indicator - I've followed the instructions on the main page, keeping the name ( and placing it directly in the textures folder.  It's not even being picked up by the mod--it's still using a red-highlighted crosshair (in this case, the flawed highlight on the Skywind one).  Isn't it supposed to automatically pick up?  This is the texture I am using to replace it:

    Further Edit: I see no reference in the code to  How does it pick up the ownership texture? I've confirmed several times I'm using the latest version.

    3. Other crosshairs - In place of recolored crosshairs, I want to use the moon and star for essential npcs.  An earlier comment indicates this is possible per the description.  I am not seeing where that information is.  Where do I place the questgiver crosshair and how should it be named?
    1. Anumaril21
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      Replacing the texture altogether was removed for compatibility purposes in the last update, I'll be adding it back in when I get the chance. As it stands whatever texture you're using for the base and sneak indicators will automatically just change color when looking at an owned or quest item/npc.
    2. TimThe7th
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Understood.  Definitely still the definitive cursor mod for me.

      Out of curiosity, would it be possible to add functionality that would also change the cursor when hovering over an item? So a "take" cursor, but also a "steal" cursor?

      Just a thought.  I'm going through the code myself to see how this all works, so I may just do it for my own install at some point.
    3. Anumaril21
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      I'll consider it, still some time before I revisit this mod though, have one I've been working on for a long while nearing completion then I'm updating a couple older ones.
    4. Stiffkittin
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I have made an edited version of this that adds the ownership indicator replacement functionality, for my own use. If Anumaril21 gives their permission I would be happy to share it.
    5. deleted20546769
      • account closed
      • 1 kudos
      Yo, you could've changed the description so I didnt just spend legit an hour trying to replace the texture...
  8. ZeBoXeS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mods! Just one question - what main menu replacer is that in the screenshots?
    1. Anumaril21
      • premium
      • 54 kudos
      Morrowind Screens Redone
  9. baldurssw
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Edit: Apologies, wrong mod.

    I'm very much enjoying this mod, however. Thank you for this!
  10. Necrolesian
    • premium
    • 120 kudos
    When I start a new game, the crosshair isn't visible until I enter the Census and Excise office. I hadn't noticed before because I've been using QuickChar.
    1. Stiffkittin
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Me too. The same thing occurred with Ownership Indicator as well but Petethegoat was never able to replicate the issue.
    2. AYLeiDRuiN
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Just a guess: The game locks-out menu's at the beginning until it introduces it to you. =Something to do with it?

      btw, Excellent Mod Anumaril21 :D
    3. TimThe7th
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I noticed this too, but I'd consider it a non-issue because it doesn't really have an impact on the game itself.