

  1. TelShadow
    • premium
    • 343 kudos
    I enjoyed it and i loved the interiors, very well done, Poutinecrazed did a good job as well.. Overall a fun mod.
  2. abot
    • premium
    • 290 kudos
    Nice dungeon romp and scripted quest, I don't recall similar scripting since Sword of the Perithia :-)

    Couple glitches I noticed:
    1. the dungeon needs path grids , this should solve the problem of critters staring at the walls initially and probably also delayed critters attack
    2. couple dialog typos, "retreive" and "in once piece"

    Couple things I'd change as personal taste/to make people more likely to keep using the house after doing the quest:
    - Make the tricky mirror behavior go once the quest is done, else it may become annoying to effectively use the house
    - maybe move the house to some less iconic locations where it can more easily blend with the surroundings

    Anyway, very nice mod, Cheers!
    1. pianobadger
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback. I'll mess around with the path grids and if it makes a significant difference I'll reupload it. And fix the typos of course. ie and ei mess me up way too often.

      As far as the house, if I disabled the house behavior you would miss out on half the house and a cool and challenging new way to explore Vvardenfell. I think once you actually figure out how it behaves it's very quick and easy to use. Regarding the house locations, some are less conspicuous than others if that's your preference but it's done intentionally to show a certain amount of disdain for and aloofness from affairs on Nirn that one might expect from a powerful daedra who has been living in other realms. He just drops it wherever there's room, without thought of the consequences. It gave me a chance to write some amusing reactions for the locals as well.
    2. pianobadger
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Cell Path Grids are annoying. If you don't have one, in a large room the enemies will just follow your exact route which makes kiting them way too easy, but if you do have one the enemies are often too tempted to stick to it rather than head for you. You can't have too many nodes because they'll stop at each one to decide where to go and change direction, but if you have too few they will move awkwardly away from you to try to get to the nearest node to you before leaving the path. And even once you do it properly sometimes the enemies will still decide to go stare at a wall. I don't know why I bothered to write this comment other than to let out my frustrations with enemy AI and cell path grids.
  3. MelchiorDahrk
    • premium
    • 446 kudos
    This is a pretty clever mod! Well implemented and fun.

    Was it a bug that I couldn't get back out of the house when I entered from Vertigo? I kept going back and forth, but the teleport option never took me back outside. Don't know if it's random and I just never got the random teleporting door.
    1. pianobadger
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      It's not random, it's a puzzle. I'm sure you can figure it out. Maybe even without opening the construction set ;)
  4. capeion21
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    By the recommendation "try making another choice" when confronted by a conflict between this mod and any landscape replacers a gamer might be using, do you mean the gamer should opt for another replacer, or that your mod offers alternative options which the gamer can have his PC chose among? Also, the in-game lighting in the screenshots is dark, concealing details that might appeal to the eye. From the description, this mod seems very convenient for Telvanni-inclining PCs.
    1. pianobadger
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I mean that this mod offers multiple choices to the player. I didn't want to give away too much. You're right about the screenshots, I didn't have a lot of time for that since I was still working on it on the last day of the modathon. I'll try to replace them with some better ones. What about the description makes it seem convenient for Telvanni PCs? I don't think it favors anything in particular.