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  1. Azulyn
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    I'm wondering which lock bash is the best one to use at this stage in Morrowind modding. There is Abot's edit to MEN_lockbash, this one, and the LUA lockbashing one by opiter09. 
    1. Strix2206
      • member
      • 42 kudos
      LUA Lockbashing is the best.
  2. Kindt
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Does this work with OpenMW?
    1. christianhulen
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      Sadly no
  3. Shadeybladey
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    Thanks for this.

    My new Paladin character cannot steal, pick locks, sneak about or do other scoundrely, thiefly things. But she can bash down doors in Dwemer ruins and so on. If this was Daggerfall!

    So I do hope this works!


  4. Atom10155
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    On a previous thread started by stahpk below, it was found that using sound overhaul mods that change the sound of weapon swinging make this mod not able to function since the mod uses the native sound as the trigger for lock bashing. Would anyone be able to potentially assist with any way to make these mods compatible? I personally use Character sound overhaul.

    EDIT: I managed to find this mod which does not use a sound trigger, making it compatible with sound overhaul mods. I'll leave this here in case anybody runs into the same issue!
  5. StrawberryGirl22
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    God I want an openmw version of this so badly
    1. DanteTheKing
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      ME TOO man
  6. Luj1
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Would this work if some other mod locks and adds traps to a vanilla door? Thank you very much
  7. d181sp1
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Works like a charm. Using latest MCP and MGE XE with MWSE bundled, no problems.

    Thanks for the donation to the community.
  8. ciauz2
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Love this, but it doesn't work anymore. The only thing I changed is from MWSE 0.9.5 alpha to the new 2.1 (MGEXE internal MWSE), and when I start a new game this appears:

    script g7_bash_init
    trying to run function index greater than function count
    the scritp will not run anymore
    1. skuldure
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah, my game is like that too. It broke my heart.
    2. skuldure
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Okay so I figured out that you have to update Morrowind Code Patch and MGE EX. Overwrite the old files you have for Morrowind Code Patch and MGE EX with their newest files in your Morrowind Directory. Everything works like it should afterwards.
    3. ciauz2
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I already had the latest MCP and MGE XE, and now I updated to the latest MWSE. Still not working.
    4. skuldure
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      When you load up your morrowind client does it say MGE XE 0.10.1 at the top and later on MCP 2.4 at the bottom?
  9. Graty
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Installed this, mwse, mcp, now the game won't even launch
    1. Greatness7
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Sounds like something you should report in the MCP or MWSE pages.
  10. stahpk
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Doesnt seem to work for me. Have latest MWSE and MCP. None of the locked doors or chests in balmora open, break or give any other inclination that something should be happening.

    Cool idea though.
    1. Greatness7
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Nothing at all? Are you using some mod or weapon that removes/edits the "Weapon Swish" sound perhaps?

      Try doing these console commands before attacking a locked container:
      set g7_bash_main.ref to 0
      set g7_bash_main.ftemp to 0
    2. stahpk
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      No change.

      I hear a weapon swish when I attack so do not believe so. I thought it might of been MEN combat but I removed that and I also had no change. Your filtering mod works for me so my mwse seems to be fine.

      I attack the chest, hear swoosh (should we hear a hit?) do it for awhile and nothing. Checked multiple weapons to see if any condition changes but nothing.
    3. Greatness7
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      When you do "showvars" in the console, does it display stuff from the "g7_bash_main" script? If so, check to see if the "ref" variable changes when alternating between attacking a locked container and attacking nothing.

      And yeah, there should be feedback in both hit sounds and particle animations.
    4. stahpk
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      I think I hit a max limit in the console because it truncates anything before a certain point. Is there any way to output it to a txt file or see the full list.

      When I type sv the earliest I see before it cuts off is AO_MWSE_NPC_03->Value. Everything before that I am unable to see because it won't let me scroll up anymore.

      Edit - I guess it must be loading I removed the mod reloaded game and received a g7_init script error. I just can't see those variables.
    5. Greatness7
      • premium
      • 110 kudos
      Ok, yeah... Seeing AO prefix made me download and check out the Acoustic Overhaul, and it doesn't look good.

      I can't fathom how he thought it was a good idea, but MAO is doing immediate calls to [StopSound "Weapon Swish"], meaning that while it is active no other mod would ever be able to use the native sounds as efficient triggers for detecting player attacks...
    6. stahpk
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      lol awesome. Well thanks for helping me troubleshoot it. Might be a good idea to list it as MAO incompatible since we know now.

      I'm gonna yank it out and give this a try tomorrow. Again appreciate the help.

      Edit - PS.. what happened to andrano pt 2?
    7. abot
      • premium
      • 292 kudos
      personally I just comment out the AO_PCSound line, it is harder to hear new sounds, but it is more compatible
      if ( GetSoundPlaying "Weapon Swish" == 1 )
      ; StopSound "Weapon Swish"

      [EDIT]another possible way might be using the mouse left button detection like MEN_Lockbash.esp instead of getSoundPlaying in MWSE_LockBashing.esp
    8. stahpk
      • premium
      • 26 kudos

      did you only comment out the

      StopSound "Weapon Swish"

      line to get it to work?

      Also what is MEN_Lockbash.esp, I do not think I have ever seen that anywhere.
    9. 652009
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      heres a copy of MEN_LockBash.esp - DL the Source code for it
      warning: you will break every weapon you use with this
    10. stahpk
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Thats awesome, abot gave me his edited copy but really appreciate the links. I really like MEN combat.

      You rock!
    11. 652009
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks, i only wish i could use it with my current setup
    12. stahpk
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Did you try Abot's tweaked version?
    13. 652009
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      no, whats different about it?
    14. Logitech1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm the author of MEN_lockBash.esp and MAO scripter. What do you mean by "you will break every weapon"? Some kind of bug or you are referring to weapon condition degradation feature? I'm interested in making a fix if there is a problem with current implementation.

      As for the compatibility problem between MAO and Greatness7's mod than you are supposed to use "MAO_ScriptExtender_alternative.esp" plugin on top of MAO.esm (or instead of MAO_ScriptExtender.esp if you're using standalone plugins) to make MAO compatible with mods that needs Player's/NPC sound detection to work. It's a bit more performance heavy implementation (longer scripts, probably near the engine limit + more variables) and not fully tested, so not implemented by default but still included in the package.

      Sorry Greatness7 for hijacking your comment section. Now with Bethesda forums closed I'm not sure where to post. Where did everyone migrated?
    15. stahpk
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Hi Logitech

      I really love your stuff. I'm not at my home computer but I think I am using the merged plugin and that was what I Had an issue with this plugin. But the MEN combat lockbash works fine.

      I guess everyone just hangs out in the Discord chat now. Not really sure what forums are used.

      PS you should make a nexus page with your mods. MEN Combat is one of my favorite mods and it seems not many know about it and instead just complain about MW combat sucking, when it doesn't have to.
    16. Logitech1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Dunno, when I now think about it I don't really have anything to share for now. MAO is prohibited on nexus due to copyrighted music and it would land on Peter's section either way (I'm just a scripter there). MEN_lockBash seems obsolete with this Greatness7's new lock bashing plugin (since his mod already implements traps exploding that I've planned to add back in the day and other features are similar, so I think I will just use this mod from now on, maybe with a little code tweak to use button detection instead of sound). And I'm not really happy with the MEN_Combat after playing several hours with it (recently I came to conclusion that massive damage reduction for level 1 character with low weapon skill doesn't make it an enjoyable experience). There are also some (probably) better alternatives to MEN_Combat released on nexus by Apoapse. So, yeah

      Once again sorry for spamming unrelated stuff.
    17. Dusky247
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Would not disabling the swish sound, and replacing the "swish" or "swoosh" sound files with silent files, make the mod work with others while allowing MAO to use the sound trigger and hear the new sounds as intended?