

  1. Locked
    What's with the new MWSE folder?
    The new MWSE-Lua scripts are optional. Tamriel_Data and Tamriel Rebuilt are still compatible with OpenMW. We will make the new Lua-based features available in OpenMW-Lua too, as soon as it becomes possible.

    Reporting Bugs
    Due to development being essentially all over the place, we are consolidating the Nexus bugtracker into our Github one, streamlining development.
    Please reports bugs over there from now on.

    Why are there yellow <!>s everywhere?
  2. FilhoDeOgum
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any way I can repack the loose files into a BSA file again??
    the new loose format is littering my Morrowind folder and it´s driving me mad.
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    so ive noticed quite a lot of weapons and armor do not have any durability its set to 0 noticed it the first time when i went to firewatch in irongrips armorer looked around and seems the other stores are like that aswell
  4. truwaiter
    • supporter
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    I'm getting a weird issue. The game upon starting a new game says my BSA's aren't registered. I have the most recent version of TR.
    1. eu1inventei
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      im with the same problem 
  5. skipchazzard
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    Greetings. I am running into this issue when I get close to shores near Firewatch:
    NiAnimation Error: Object "Eye" not found in NiAnimation.
    Unable to LayerActivate for AnimGroup "Idle" for "CLONE T_Mw_Fau_Eyest_0100000000".
    Upon opening up TR_Mainland.esm and Tamriel_data.esm for research into the issue, it seems to be the Eyestars you find on the seabeds, which is odd, because they seem to be in working order besides the message being a nuisance. I just wanted to ask here if anyone had any advice as to a workaround for this message so it doesn't pop me out of the game midplay?
    1. PsychoSanta
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      Creatures and Critters includes fixed meshes.
  6. zsouza13
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Does anyone know why Tamriel data would cause me to crash on fast travel? I only have Morrowind.esm
    content=Tribunal.esmcontent=Bloodmoon.esmcontent=Patch for Purists.esmcontent=Tamriel_Data.esmcontent=RepopulatedMorrowind.ESMcontent=OAAB_Data.esm
    But when I remove Tamriel data it doesn't crash 
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    Extracting this file with 7zip is taking forever, it's at a speed of 70kb/s. Is this normal?
    1. prysmatik
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      I'm getting the exact same issue, I left my computer on overnight, and it's been stuck at 24% for over 10 hours now.
      I've tried canceling it, restarting my computer, re-downloading it, but everytime it just doesn't want to extract.

      Edit: try downloading a 7zip alternative such as Bandizip - it worked for me. looks like 7zip just doesn't like this compressed package for whatever reason.
  8. SufyanKulk
    • supporter
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    I'm creating a new Morrowind install with just MGE XE and this mod. When I perform distant land setup, I receive the following error:

    Texture 'pi\x\' in plugin 'c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\morrowind\data files\tamriel_data.esm' failed to load (The object reference is not set to an instance of an object.)

    Please advise.
    1. Toma400
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Not every error during distant land setup matters, and especially PI textures don't sound like anything capable of causing issues - there's no PI project released yet to even matter.
      But if you find that worrying or have issues, feel free to drop by Tamriel Rebuilt server and ask in troubleshooting channel ^^
  9. Sheiko
    • premium
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    What is wrong with you. What is wrong with this file, how could this be sooooo broken. 
    1. shivatheo
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      • 7 kudos
  10. Saliosnoctin
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    Hmm, coming in from a version that was downloaded in Feb of last year to this new one can be rather tricky. There are things listed that to some might not make any sense at all. Like "PC_Data.bsa". I personally have no clue as to what that is, so I'm going with I don't got to worry about it. Sky_Data.bsa, well nothing I use has ever asked or installed anything Skyrim so again nothing I gotta worry about myself. I am going out on a limb and guessing the TR_Data.bsa is from Tamriel Rebuilt, which I don't use so not something I'd have to worry about. I mainly have this mod as some of the mods I use do ask for it as a requirement. Over all the new layout is rather confusing for someone coming in from a year's old version and layout. Though I am sure I'll get used to it as I'm guessing I only have to worry about the .esm file for Tamriel_Data like before and can ignore the other stuff, I hope. Please do let me know if I need to worry about the other stuff in the pack, as I'd rather not fully destroy my saves by updating and causing an issue. Over all though from the images it's not a bad mod, and what I have noticed anyways. I suppose a good idea would be to not take year long gaps between checking for updates if it can be helped...
    1. YoshiSaito
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      • 8 kudos
      Sky_Data is used mainly for "Skyrim: Home of the Nords," which is kinda like Tamriel Rebuilt but for Skyrim instead of Morrowind, while PC_Data is the same thing but for Project: Cyrodiil, which presently has only the island of Stirk but will apparently have a big release for more later this year.

      Ultimately, I'd recommend just setting them up as .bsa files in your .cfg file to avoid any future hassles should you want to try them out and to make it easy to enable them in the event you somehow find a mod which adds stuff to the base game or TR but requires Sky_Data or PC_Data to be enabled. 

      You probably won't have any issues if you ignore them until then. Even then, enabling them should be totally safe and fine. At least on OpenMW--not sure if the normal version of the game is stricter/more finnicky about this sort of thing.
  11. concit
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    • 30 kudos
    "NOW BSA FREE!" like it's a good thing, now you need to have ten billion different folders for each data files folder
    1. Nargo44
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ^ This.

      Extracting BSA took 30 seconds, now it takes like 10 minutes.