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About this mod

Adds rare lucky coins that grant you small buffs as long as you have them with you

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UPDATE 1.3.4
updated for Wares 2.0

- not edits to vanilla npc, list, containers or cells
- if using Ware-base.esm only (in this mod), the items will appear at relevant traders across Vvardenfell
- if using the full version of Wares, you will find the items in Tamriel Rebuilt and in some containers
- if using Friends and Foes, F&F npcs will make use of the items

Part of the May Modathon Month 2016

This mod adds very rare coins that will grant you minor buffs so long as you have them in your inventory.

There are 90 different coins in total with a total of 45 effects

The coins have a very small chance to be found in containers where you would normally have a random amount of gold.

The lucky coins have their own retexture.

The buffs come in 2 flavours, minor and major but are kept small so as to not being unbalancing.
New: you now have the choice between 3 esp to decide how rare the coins are.

No cells were modified in an way but you will need to merge your leveled lists

Currently not compatible with Animated Containers. Loading Animated Containers after Lucky Coins should do the trick :)

Thanks to DarkElfGuy for the vid.

1.0 initial release
1.1 modified levelled lists to prevent the player from getting multiple coins at once.
1.2 fixed texture paths
1.2a optionnal esp to choose how rare the coins are.
1.3 ware-aware
1.3.1 Fixed stacks of coins spawning