About this mod

Customize your game experience! Choose from lots of settings like: new game plus, skip heli rides, time scale, hardcore enemies, custom weapon and camo settings, resource multipliers, instant dev and dispatch missions, custom deployment costs, MB staff outfits, custom revenge system, wildcard enemies, player equip, custom weather and more

Permissions and credits
The Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod r71
Works only with game version 1.12
Snakebite [SBWM] version included

Special note: I know it's been a while since the last update. A certain game has taken up most of my time and life has kept me away from modding. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Special thanks to tinmantex for all his support! Check out his mod: Infinite Heaven

All my mods:
The Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod
TPP HARDCORE Mod Updated and Revised
The Legend of Big Boss
Real Time Scale and Local Time Mod
NewGamePlus Mod
Revamped Revenge System
MB Clothing Line - Battle Dress



    1. Download the manual version and go to the folder: <TPP_Game_folder>\master\0\
    2. Make sure the file 00.dat is UNMODDED! Do an integrity check on the game if you are unsure about it.
    3. Extract mod to the same folder
    4. Run 'install_and_launch.bat' to install the mod. This will create a backup of 00.dat on its own.
    5. Run 'remove_and_launch.bat' to uninstall the mod. This will restore the backed up 00.dat file and is perfect if upgrading the mod version.


    6. Download the Snakebite version to install it via Snakebite.


    7. Download the Optional settings file, place it in the game folder and edit the options to your liking.

- Option to develop online gear when offline (but buggy!):
    development_ENABLE_onlineGearOffline: BUGGY! Enable this, build everything and disable it else mission end screen will hang. Develop all online gear offline. Will be removed if you connect online however

- Added Fast Fill Staff settings
- fastFillStaff_ENABLE=false, --DEFAULT: false --Set to true and load into any mission/free roam to start filling up MB staff. Adds *both* male and female staff. If unit levels stop increasing, trigger checkpoint, return to ACC and go into mission/free roam again. Obviously this may make some missions unplayable.
- fastFillStaff_ENABLE_maleOnly=false, --DEFAULT: false --Randomizes all soldier face Ids to male and adds them for an all male MB.
- fastFillStaff_ENABLE_femaleOnly=false, --DEFAULT: false --Randomizes all soldier face Ids to female and adds them for an all female MB. Female face Id pool is quiet small so be ready for face and names disappointment

- Added new swimsuits for use by staff on Motherbase and Quarantine platform
- New options:
    mtbs_maleSwimSuit=0, --Range (0 to 3) - 0 Random, 1 for Great White, 2 Goblin, 3 Megalodon
    mtbs_femaleSwimSuit=0, --Range (0 to 3) - 0 Random, 1 for Great White, 2 Goblin, 3 Megalodon
    mtbs_ENABLE_tryForceAllFemaleMB=false, --DEFAULT: false --Set to true to try and force females only on MB *provided* you have enough females in your staffs. Max number of females will never exceed match mtbs_totalStaffCountOnEachMBCluster

- Added better increment value for demon points as suggested by SoullessMadness to tinmantex
- Option rev_ENABLE_maxReinforceCalls: Allow 99 reinforcement calls during combat alert
- BUGFIX: reinforcement calls were 99 with Combat revenge lvl 4
- Option mbBaseDev_ENABLE_maxOfflineMBStafflimits: Change staff allowed in each unit to 700 for offline MB

- Updated manual install/remove bat files as suggested by Ign0tus
- BUGIX: Demos were resetting marker and X-ray effect - thanks to InvisisbleBlack for reporting
- Modify Hand upgrade levels. Options:
    tool_bioArm_activeSonar: Change the active sonar arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
    tool_bioArm_mobility: Change the mobility arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
    tool_bioArm_precision: Change the precision arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
    tool_bioArm_medical: Change the medical arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
- Modify Tool upgrade levels. Options:
    tool_intScope: Change the intScope upgrade levels. Range 1-4. IntScope upgrades must be developed or will not equip
    tool_iDroid: Change the iDroid upgrade levels. Range 1-4. iDroid upgrades must be developed or will not equip

Settings build is finally here!

Place the 'TUPPMSettings.lua' file in the game directory (where the exe file is) and edit whatever you want! Every setting can be switched on or off! Don't want to switch off anything and love the mod as it is? Can't say I blame you. No need to place the settings file at all.

The mod uses a default settings profile. There are lots of settings not used by the default mod profile so you may want to use the optional settings files and experiment!

Any inputs on better formatting of the settings file are appreciated! Yes it's a bit of a clean mess.

Reload mod settings at any time by holding <FIRE> + <DASH> + <CALL> for 1 second. If the game refuses to load your customized settings file when starting up, then reload the settings when in game using the mentioned key combination. This will print the exact error message to the iDroid console(hopefully!)

New Game+ Settings:
- newGamePlus_ENABLE: Switches the mod to New Game + mode. BACKUP your save before you switch this on! No issues but your save state will never be the same!
- Be prepared for a VERY long rewards screen after beating Mission 2 - Diamond Dogs
- New Game+ features:

Heli Settings:
- heli_ENABLE_skipRides: Skips Heli Rides!
- heli_ENABLE_forceSearchLightAlwaysOn: Force the heli search light to be always on
- heli_ENABLE_heroicMusicOnLeaveMotherbase: Plays the awesome BGM from M2 every time you leave MB via heli
- heli_ENABLE_customLife: Set custom heli health
- heli_lifePoints: Set heli health points

Time Scale Settings:
- time_ENABLE_customScale: Allows setting a custom time scale in the game
- time_clockScale: Set to 1 to have real time scale. Set to large values to view a time lapse. Does not time lapse soldiers like the Phantom Cigar however
- time_ENABLE_localComputerTime: When true, the game's clock will sync with your computer clock whenever there is any kind of loading or if you use the Phantom Cigar. Yes! as soon as the Phantom Cigar is finished, time of day will sync to system time so day may turn to night!

Hardcore Settings:
- hardcore_ENABLE_useCustomSoldierParams: Set custom soldier parameters below. Does not affect FOBs. Will override Hardcore mod
- hardcore_maxLife: Soldier torso life. Less than 530 will instant kill
- hardcore_maxStamina: Soldier stamina
- hardcore_maxLimbLife: Soldier limb life. Less than 530 will instant kill
- hardcore_maxArmorLife: Torso health for ARMORed soldiers
- hardcore_maxHelmetLife: Helmet life
- hardcore_sleepRecoverSec: Sleep recovery time
- --NOT USED --hardcore_faintRecoverSec: Faint recovery time
- hardcore_dyingSec: Dying time for soldiers. Set to 0 to never die
- hardcore_enemySightScale: Multiplier for soldier sight. Value of 1.5 means 150%. Set to 0 to never be seen, except when using Phantom Cigar
- hardcore_enemySoundScale: Multiplier for soldier noise hearing. Value of 1.5 means 150%. Set to 0 to never be heard

Weapon Settings:
- weapons_ENABLE_useCustomWeaponsSettings: Enable to use custom weapon settings. Will override Hardcore mod
- weapons_infiniteSuppressorsValue: Set value for the infinite suppressors
- weapons_normalSuppressorMultiplier: Set value for the normal suppressors
- weapons_totalAmmoMultiplier: Multiplier for weapons ammo
- weapons_supportAmmoMultiplier: Multiplier for support weapons and items
- weapons_supportMagazineValue: Set the amount of spare magazines you want
- weapons_damageMultiplier: Multiplier for all kinds of damage!
- weapons_weaponSwayMultiplier: Multiplier for weapons sway in Third person/ADS mode

Camo Settings:
- camo_ENABLE_useCustomCamoSettings: Enable to use custom camo settings. Will override Hardcore mod
- camo_camoIndexValue: Camouflage index

Resource Harvest Settings:
- res_gmpSmallDiamondMultiplier: Multiplier for small diamonds GMP
- res_gmpLargeDiamondMultiplier: Multiplier for large diamonds GMP
- res_gmpMissionsMultiplier: Multiplier for missions GMP
- res_gmpSideOpsMultiplier: Multiplier for side-ops GMP
- res_gmpPostersMultiplier: Multiplier for posters GMP
- --NOT USED --res_BaseExtractingTimeMinuteMultiplier: It should reduce the resource mining time but any value less than 1 seems to stops resource mining entirely!
- res_fuelResourceMultiplier: Multiplier for fuel collectibles
- res_minorMetalMultiplier: Multiplier for minor metal collectibles
- res_parasitesMultiplier: Multiplier for parasites secured from each SKULLS
- res_plantResourceMultiplier: Multiplier for plant collectibles
- res_preciousMetalMultiplier: Multiplier for precious metal collectibles
- res_autoMiningAmountsMultiplier: Automatic resource mining reward multiplier
- res_bioticResourceMultiplier: Multiplier for biotic collectibles
- res_containerRedMultiplier: Resource multiplier for red containers
- res_containerWhiteMultiplier: Resource multiplier for white containers
- res_containerYellowMultiplier: Resource multiplier for yellow containers. FOBs only(I think, maybe wrong) but you are not supposed to play online with mods anyway!
- res_combatSectionAutoGmpMultiplier: Automatic combat deployment GMP reward multiplier
- res_commonMetalMultiplier: Multiplier for common metal collectibles
- res_containerProcessingAmountsMultiplier: Container resource reward multiplier
- res_containerProcessingTimeMultiplier: Container processing time multiplier
- res_ENABLE_additionalMissionCompletionRewards: Receive a fixed amount of resources based on mission clear rank
- res_ENABLE_doNotReduceFultonedContainerResources: Containers fultoned repeatedly in certain missions do not reduce resources received. Seems to be for mission specific containers only like in M12
- res_ENABLE_doNotReduceMissionGMPReward: Mission GMP reward is not reduced upon completing a mission multiple times
- res_ENABLE_instantRepopOfCollectibles: Instantly repopulate collectibles in the game world. This includes diamonds, processed resources and plants

Motherbase Gameplay Settings:
- mtbs_ENABLE_randomMBStaffOutfits: Allow MB staff to use different outfits from Tiger stripe camo, Sneaking Suit and BattleDress
- mtbs_ENABLE_alwaysUseSwimsuitsOnMB: Always use swimsuit on MB for Staff
- mtbs_ENABLE_outfitRandomizationOnCheckpointReload: Randomizes DD Outfits on checkpoint reloads to be in sync with faces, names and guns
- mtbs_ENABLE_extraSoldiersOnMB: Allow extra soldiers on MB
- mtbs_totalStaffCountOnEachMBCluster: Sets the total staff per MB cluster
- mtbs_ENABLE_moreFemalesOnMB: Allows more females on MB cluster
- mtbs_ENABLE_staffOnMBQFAfterCapture: Allows staff to show up on Quarantine platform after SKULLS/MOF have been captured
- mtbs_ENABLE_mixedStaffForMBQF: Allow staff from all units on Quarantine platform and allow females as well
- mtbs_ENABLE_lethalWeaponsOnMB: Allows lethal weapons on MB and Quarantine platform
- mtbs_ENABLE_moreSaluteDialogue: Enables more salute dialogue by not disabling salutes due to story progress
- mtbs_ENABLE_randomShifts: Enables frequent staff patrol shifts on MB
- mtbs_ENABLE_unlockFOBGoalDoors: Unlocks FOB Goal Doors on MB
- mtbs_ENABLE_theBratDidntReallyStealSahelan: Always show Sahelanthropus
- mtbs_ENABLE_bbPostersOnMB: Enable BB Posters on MB even after beating M43
- mtbs_bbPostersChance: Percentage(%) chance for BB posters to show up even after beating M43
- mtbs_dDogMovementRadius: Define how far DD can follow you on MB. Min 45(vanilla), Max 3000(enough to cover all 7 clusters)
- mtbs_ENABLE_maxStaffMorale: Max out staff morale and keep it there

- *NEW* mtbs_maleSwimSuit=0, --Range (0 to 3) - 0 Random, 1 for Great White, 2 Goblin, 3 Megalodon
- *NEW* mtbs_femaleSwimSuit=0, --Range (0 to 3) - 0 Random, 1 for Great White, 2 Goblin, 3 Megalodon
*NEW* mtbs_ENABLE_tryForceAllFemaleMB=false, --DEFAULT: false --Set to true to try and force females only on MB *provided* you have enough females in your staffs. Max number of females will never exceed match mtbs_totalStaffCountOnEachMBCluster

Revenge Settings:
- rev_ENABLE_maxRevengeAlways: Max all revenge levels always
- rev_ENABLE_maxRevengeLvlLimitFromStart: Enable max revenge level irrespective of story progress
- rev_ENABLE_customModAbilitiesProfile: Enable custom mod based abilities profile. All soldier attack and defense abilities are maxed out. Fulton shooting ability is varied from soldier to soldier for better balance, instead of having them always shoot down the balloon
- rev_ENABLE_customModRevengeProfile: Enable custom mod based revenge profile. This changes the vanilla revenge settings and also adds a lot of randomization
- rev_ENABLE_powersForLRRPAndGuardposts: LRRP and Guardpost soldiers have revenge applied to them as well
- rev_ENABLE_weaponCombos: Enables new weapon combos
- rev_ENABLE_weaponsVariety: Enables weapon variety. Weapon Variety: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HN94eVd7-vc
- rev_ENABLE_allWeaponsInRestrictedMissions: Removes weapon restrictions from certain missions
- rev_ENABLE_ARMORInExtraMissions: Allow use of ARMORed soldiers in free roam and extra missions
- rev_freeMissionARMORCountPerOutpost: Set the number of ARMORed soldiers per outpost in free roam
- rev_ENABLE_allMinefields: Enable all mine fields around an outpost
- rev_ENABLE_2ndStrongestMines: All mine fields have the 2nd strongest mines. Strongest mines cannot be marked by D-Dog
- rev_ENABLE_strongerGrenades: Enables strongest grenade type to be used by enemy soldiers
- rev_ENABLE_moreChatDialogue: Enables more chat dialogue by not disabling chats due to story progress
- rev_ENABLE_minOutRevengePoints: Reset revenge points to 0. This is a one time setting and you do not want it enabled all the time!
- rev_ENABLE_maxOutRevengePoints: Max out all revenge points. This is a one time setting and you do not want it enabled all the time!
- Option rev_ENABLE_maxReinforceCalls: Allow 99 reinforcement calls during combat alert

Reinforcements Settings:
- reinforce_ENABLE_customModRevengeProfile: Enable custom mod based revenge for reinforcements
- reinforce_ENABLE_redReinforceHeli: Reinforce heli is RED - strongest heli type
- reinforce_ENABLE_reinforcementsWithHeli: Will spawn reinforcements with the reinforce heli call
- reinforce_ENABLE_ARMORedReinforcements: Allows reinforcements to be ARMORed

Enemy Phase Settings:
- phase_ENABLE_alwaysAlertCPs: When true alerts will be triggered regularly for nearby CPs

Wildcard Soldier Settings:
- wildcard_ENABLE: Use wild card soldiers in missions and free roam

Soldier Routes Settings:
- routes_ENABLE_shuffle: Shuffles routes for enemies soldiers as well as MB staff

Gameplay Settings:
- game_DISABLE_missionRankRestrictions: Disables rank being restricted on the use of Stealth Camo, Fulton Launcher, Parasites, Infinity Bandanna, High Grade Sneaking Suit/Battledress, Heli support, Fire support
- game_ENABLE_autoMarking: Enables auto marking if Intel Unit Scouting Function is S rank
- game_ENABLE_autoMarkWithoutSRank: Enables auto marking even if Intel Unit Scouting Function is not S rank
- game_ENABLE_armoredVehiclesAndTanksInFreeRoam: APCs and Tanks are seen in free roam
- game_ENABLE_hideCredits: In game and cutscenes credits are not shown
- game_ENABLE_highRankingSoldiersInTheField: Enables S++ and S+ soldiers in the field as average base unit level increases
- game_ENABLE_clearCompletedTasksDuringMission: Clears mission tasks during a mission so they do not appear grayed out
- game_ENABLE_mbMoraleBoost: Allow MB morale boost from time to time
- game_ENABLE_noWaitAfterLoadingScreen: No need to hit SPACE to start a mission after loading
- game_ENABLE_awardHonorMedalToStaff: Allow Honor Medal to be awarded to DD staff if a mission is S ranked with no kills and no alerts
- game_ENABLE_fastHeliPulloutDuringFreeRoamAlert: If an alert has been triggered during free roam, the heli will pull out with a 1 second(minimum possible) delay when you get in
- game_ENABLE_realTimeSpySearch: Enable real time, highly accurate spy search for Intel A/S Rank Scouting Unit Function for Intel Unit
- game_ENABLE_repopRadioCassettesInGameWorld: All radios in the game world are repopulated with Cassette tapes so that the world feels a bit more lively. This seems a little off and may not always work for a reason I haven't tracked down yet
- game_ENABLE_resetAllGimmicks: Gimmicks like cargo containers, guard towers, AA guns, mortars, machine guns etc etc are reset between missions
- game_timeToLittleChickenHatReuse: Decides time(in seconds) before little chicken hat can be used again. Min 1 second, Max 1 day(vanilla). Current value is 1 day
- game_ENABLE_missionFailureOnCombatAlert: Instant mission failure on combat alert
- game_ENABLE_ignoreFreePlayForMissionFailureOnCombatAlert: Ignore free play from instant mission failure when
game_ENABLE_missionFailureOnCombatAlert is set to true

UI Settings:
- Option ui_disableHeadMarkers: Disables head markers for soldiers etc
- Option ui_disableXrayMarkers: Disables X-Ray effect for soldiers so you cannot sense them through solid objects. Changing this effect requires a checkpoint reload
- Option ui_disableWorldMarkers: Disables world markers etc
- Option ui_disableAnnounceLog: Disables announce log completely. While re-enabling this, the message for TUPPM settings being reloaded will not appear

Motherbase Development Settings:
- mbBaseDev_gmpMultiplier: Base dev GMP multiplier
- mbBaseDev_resourceMultiplier: Base dev resources multiplier
- mbBaseDev_ENABLE_buildTimeOverride: Allow changing base dev time
- mbBaseDev_fixedBuildTime: Set a fixed time for base platform development
- Option mbBaseDev_ENABLE_maxOfflineMBStafflimits: Change staff allowed in each unit to 700 for offline MB. MB will still have max staff count of 700 only

Motherbase Support Settings:
- mbSup_enemySoldierEnmityMultiplier: This sets the multiplier for the brig time it takes for captured soldiers to convert to DD Staff
- mbSup_medBayTreatmentTimeMultiplier: Med bay treatment time multiplier
- mbSup_supportAttackGmpMultiplier: Support strike GMP multiplier

Equipment Development Settings:
- development_gmpMultiplier: Dev GMP multiplier
- development_resourceMultiplier: Dev resources multiplier
- development_timeMultiplier: Multiplier for equipment development time
- development_ENABLE_reduceUnitLvlReq: Reduce dev unit level requirements to 1
- development_ENABLE_removeSpecialEquipDevReq: Removes special requirements from equip dev like Tranq Specialist etc
- *NEW* development_ENABLE_onlineGearOffline: BUGGY! Enable this, build everything and disable it else mission end screen will
hang. Develop all online gear offline. Will be removed if you connect online however

Deployment Settings:
- deployment_gmpMultiplier: Multiplier for deployment GMP costs
- deployment_resourceMultiplier: Multiplier for deployment resource costs

Dispatch Mission Settings:
- dispatch_ENABLE_highRankStaffRewards: Dispatch missions will give S++, S+ staff as reward
- dispatch_ENABLE_ignoreBlockedForRevengeDispatchMissions: Ignores that a
revenge type is blocked and still shows it's dispatch mission
- dispatch_missionsGmpMultiplier: Dispatch mission GMP reward multiplier
- dispatch_resourceDrawCountMultiplier: Dispatch mission resource amount multiplier
- dispatch_staffDrawCountMultiplier: Dispatch mission staff amount multiplier
- dispatch_staffHitRateMultiplier: Dispatch mission staff % chance multiplier
- dispatch_ENABLE_customNormalMissionsTimes: If true, normal dispatch mission times can be controlled below
- dispatch_normalMissionsTimeFixed:  Set normal dispatch missions fixed time
- dispatch_normalMissionsTimeRandom:  Set normal dispatch missions random time
- dispatch_ENABLE_customRevengeMissionsTimes: If true, revenge blocking dispatch mission times can be controlled below
- dispatch_revengeMissionsTimeFixed:  Set revenge dispatch missions fixed time
- dispatch_revengeMissionsTimeRandom:  Set revenge dispatch missions random time

Player and Equipment Settings:
- player_ENABLE_avatarWithoutBeatingM46: Unlocks Avatar from the start without having to complete M46
- player_ENABLE_avatarInM1WhenPlayingNewGame: When playing a new game, start M1 with Avatar instead of Snake
- player_ENABLE_disablingFultonOption: Fulton disabling device is optional. When 'No Fulton Device' is equipped you cannot fulton anything. If true and when playing a new game, remember to switch to the Grade 1 Balloon Fulton at least once to re-enable fultoning
- player_ENABLE_additionalNoneWeaponSlots: Adds NONE slots for Primary Hip and Secondary weapons. Do not use these NONE slots on FOBs!
- player_ENABLE_ddSoldiersInCutscenes: Allows use of DD soldiers and Avatar in all cutscenes
- player_ENABLE_ddSoldiersForM2andM43: Allows use of DD soldiers and Avatar for M2 and M43
- player_ENABLE_autoAcquirePerishableCassettes: Perishable tapes will be automatically added to your tape player between missions provided M31 has been completed
- player_ENABLE_equipmentDropping: Allows dropping of weapons and support items. Hold <AIM> + <TOGGLE FLASHLIGHT> for 2 seconds
- player_ENABLE_keepWeaponsBetweenFreeMissionTransitions: Keep weapons between free roam to missions and vice versa
- player_ENABLE_missionPrepForMoreMissions: Allows Sortie Prep for all missions except M0 and M46. Enables buddy, vehicle and time selection for certain missions
- player_ENABLE_refreshBloodyEffectBetweenMissions: Refreshes the player between missions, easily get rid of bloody effect.  Does not remove flies effect though! This is on purpose
- player_ENABLE_refreshFliesBetweenMissions: Refreshes the player between missions, easily get rid of flies.  Does not remove blood effect though! This is on purpose. This resets the health to max
- player_ENABLE_stopRadioWhenPlayingCassette: Stops all radio calls when a cassette tape is playing
- player_ENABLE_demonPointsManipViaZoo: Kill animals at the Zoo to gain 90,000 demon points each. Fulton a single animal at the Zoo to reset demon points to 0
- player_ENABLE_customHealth: Change player health. Works even when disabling cheat mode. Does not affect FOBs
- player_customHealthPoints: Set player health points

Tools Settings:
- tool_bioArm_activeSonar: Change the active sonar arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
- tool_bioArm_mobility: Change the mobility arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
- tool_bioArm_precision: Change the precision arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
- tool_bioArm_medical: Change the medical arm upgrade levels. Range 0-3. Hand upgrades must be developed or will not equip
- tool_intScope: Change the intScope upgrade levels. Range 1-4. IntScope upgrades must be developed or will not equip
- tool_iDroid: Change the iDroid upgrade levels. Range 1-4. iDroid upgrades must be developed or will not equip

Buddy Settings:
- Option buddy_ENABLE_setCustomPoints: Set buddy points for each buddy. Reload mod settings to view changes instantly

Camera Settings:
- Option camera_ENABLE_customSettings and camera_settingsTable: Customize third person shoulder camera settings. Reload mod settings to view changes instantly

Game Startup Settings:
- startup_ENABLE_autoSavePopUpSkip: Skip the auto save pop-up during game startup
- startup_ENABLE_loginSkip: Skip the login during game startup
- startup_ENABLE_reattempLogin and startup_maxReloginAttempts: Attempt re-login on failed login attempt at startup
- startup_ENABLE_logosSkip: Skip logos during game startup

Pause Menu Settings:
- menu_DISABLE_checkpointReloadOption: Disable checkpoint option in pause menu
- menu_ENABLE_restartOptionForFreeRoam: Add restart option to free roam pause menu. Not very useful unless debugging
- menu_ENABLE_restartOptionForZooAndMBQF: Add restart option to Zoo and Quarantine platform pause menu. Not very useful unless debugging

Weather Settings:
- weather_ENABLE_customSettings: Enable setting custom weather, like rain in Afghanistan and sandstorms in Africa. Does not affect FOBs. This has to be true for ALL of the duration/probability settings to take effect
- weather_ENABLE_keepCurrentWeatherBetweenTransitions: Sandstorm or Fog is not cleared between mission transitions. Does not affect FOBs
- weather_ENABLE_randomDurations: Randomize weather durations to mod's settings
- weather_ENABLE_randomProbabilities: Randomize weather probabilities to mod's settings
- weather_ENABLE_wildWeatherMode: Enables wild weather! This settings allows for slightly more control over special weather types. Basically, special weather types can be made to start a little after or as the mission starts
- weather_ENABLE_startMissionWithWildWeather: Start the mission/demo with preferred weather type. Set custom durations and probabilities to have it always rain for example. Some missions/demos force weather types at certain times/events
- Individual weather duration and probabilities options to customize the weather to your liking

Fast Fill Staff Settings *NEW*:
- *NEW* fastFillStaff_ENABLE: Set to true and load into any mission/free roam to start filling up MB staff. Adds *both* male and female staff. If unit levels stop increasing, trigger checkpoint, return to ACC and go into mission/free roam again. Obviously this may make some missions unplayable.
- *NEW* fastFillStaff_ENABLE_maleOnly: Randomizes all soldier face Ids to male and adds them for an all male MB. Have an empty MB at first so you can gather male soldiers much faster.
- *NEW* fastFillStaff_ENABLE_femaleOnly: Randomizes all soldier face Ids to female and adds them for an all female MB. Have an empty MB at first so you can gather female soldiers much faster. Female face Id pool is quiet small so be ready for face and names disappointment

*CHEAT Mode*:
- cheats_ENABLE: Enables cheat mode - Super Health(plus removes damage and damage collision completely), Infinite ammo, Infinite suppressors, Infinite fultons and Player Warping. Hold <AIM>, <RADIO CALL> and <QUICK DIVE> for 2 seconds to activate cheat mode - hold again to deactivate. Remember to reactivate after loading checkpoints/missions
- cheats_ENABLE_cheatsAlwaysOn: Always start the game with cheats already enabled
- cheats_DISABLE_godMode: Disable God mode settings if you do not want them - this includes infinite health, no damage reaction and infinite ammo
- cheats_ENABLE_wormholeWarping: Hold <CALL> + <ACTION> for 0.25 seconds to warp to last placed marker. If set to true, warping will use the wormhole effect. When false warping will be instantaneous
- cheats_wormholeWarpOutHeight: Set the height for wormhole warp-out. 3 is a decent number and ensures you do not clip through the floor
- cheats_ENABLE_quickSaveAnywhere: Hold <CALL> + <RELOAD> for 0.25 seconds to save the game anywhere while in game. BACKUP your save before you try this everywhere as it may cause issues.  Cannot save during cutscenes or certain missions
Cheat mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2TO2uUE2Ek
Warping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUiS0nscH0E&t=1m5s

*DEBUG Mode*:
- _debug_ENABLE: Enable or disable debug mode. Hold <DASH> and <RELOAD> at any time to enable debug mode
- _debug_ENABLE_forcePrintLogs: Enables forced logging to work
- Enabling debug logs will create the folder 'TUPPM' inside the game folder and print logs to the folder as long as Debug Mode is enabled (Windows only). To do this a CMD command is called from withing the game. Can somebody hack your PC by hooking into this call made by the game? Probably. Can somebody hack you PC anyways? Yes. Still, you've been warned
- _debug_ENABLE_skipMissionAndGoToACC: This will return you to the ACC if you are stuck/facing loading issues in any mission

- Snake's head replaces every other head during final cutscene in Mission 43 - Shining Lights
- Female DD staff have a eye blinking problem with Tiger camo and Swimsuits on Motherbase
- Armored vehicles and tanks in free roam cannot be used/driven
- After playing an FOB event, DD shields will have a different emblem than yours. Haven't found the code for fixing this yet
- When using skip heli rides, Quiet will start at a default pos on the game map if you exit to title screen before the first checkpoint triggers and then continue the mission
- Heli doors are closed as Quiet and D-Dog jump out of the gimmick heli.... lol
- Armored soldiers during free roam may not have proper collision and may have other issues like disappearing bodies