Perisno is a total conversion light fantasy mod based in the fictional land of Perisno. Encounter unique factions, races, unexpected events, and discover unique opportunities!
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Author notes
Speicial Thanks to the following for Artwork:
- Jordy Lakiere For letting me use his doodles as menu art >> - Kory Hamaker >> - Michelle Tolo >>
File credits
Mods/Parts of Mods: Waihti (Diplomacy) soulmata (Native Expansion) DOMA_ (Cinematic Compilation),199149.0.html Lav (Civilians Mod),183200.0/nowap.html TLD Team (The Last Days),20.0.html Fantasy Warror (1429 la Guerre de Cent Ans) Features: Dunde (Dynamic Troop Trees) neil_v (Blood enhancement tweak 0.5) Swyter (Mount&Blade Font Customiser) Openshaw (Expanded Horizons 1.1) OSP Forts (Lumos) OSP Some Scenes from Utrehds Castle Pack OSP Scene Props/Scene: Johao (Tavern & Street Prop Set) Jaakko (Roman Era Buildings & Monastery) FantasyWarrior (Terrain Border Props) The Bowman (The town of Akkerman) Contributions/Other: Windyplains (Helping me set up Dynamic troop trees, Modmerger, and lots of other things&bug-fixes) The Dark Robin (Coding) Adorno (Historic Castles Project & Arena Overall Mod) Idibil (clerics and random events) Zephilinox (A lot of coding, and a former Developer) Codes/Quests: Albertus Magnus (Filpping coins with tavernkeepers) OSP Caba`drin (Custom Player Party Name) (Village Raids & Sieges-Allow Player Party Actions) OSP FantasyWarrior (Drinking Game) OSP Lav (Trade Goods Mod) OSP Glabrezu (Manhunter: attack or sell/ Selling at taverns Code) OSP rubik (view items in-game) (Gambling System) OSP Zephilinox & MadVader (New & Improved Deathcam) OSP Motomataru (Improved AI) OSP Tocan (Bandit Gathering Under NPC) Zaitenko (reinforcement script) Keedo420 (bounty quests) Music/Sounds: (For Detailed Music Credits Please go to bottom of this file) Checkmaty (Sounds) ; rejenorst (some voices) Silberfalke (Music- “In jedem vollen becher wein”) Items: Wanderer949 and Njunja (Plated Chargers) OSP Lucas_the_Benevolent (Items Packs) OSP Wanderer949 (OSP Horses) OSP Xenoargh (original camel mesh; OSP Armor Items; Horses) OSP Njunja (eastern_1.5) OSP Akosmo (Warhorses; armors; bows) OSP Narf (Rus_armour_pack) OSP zagibu (heraldic armors) OSP shutbruck (new crosshair) OSP Alex Dragon 's ROTK Team; William Berne's OSP elephant based model (Elephant) OSP Rigadoon, Barabas, Deras (Gray Elephant Model) OSP Nema (Guardians party items) Special Permission Andragorn (swords) OSP Baraban (Armor) OSP Runico (Itmes) OSP Bloc (Northerner Horses) OSP Narf and Abhuva (Plate and Trasitional Armour Pack) OSP Subotai (Female Mini-Mod Armor) Addonay (Elf Items) yamabusi (Highlander) OSP igorbb (Items) OSP Nertea (scale texture) Pino (Armors Pack - Volume 2) OSP dejawolf (medievalhelmets) OSP rathos (Helmets Pack) OSP Kovas (Teutonic and Lithuanian items) OSP wei_xiadi (Items) youhou (Items) ThrottleKitty (TESNexus) – Models Ren (TESNexus) – Models RoseSim – Models Jaymosuke- Uvmapping the models and making import versions (Hair-pack) OSP Triple Ballista (oolonglgx, The Tripartition) Special Permission Dragon Model (oolonglgx, The Tripartition) Special Permission docm30 (lotrweapons) OSP Septa Scarabae (Great Helms) OSP Harry_ (Wooden Items) OSP Taro8 (Gondor Items) OSP Frell (kazakh_armor) OSP dia151 (Mongol Stuff) OSP maw (Horses) (Armors) OSP IL_Scippio (Mount&Gladius Stuff) drakharios (Shields) OSP Spak's items (Spak) OSP SacredStoneHead (Nord Armor Pack & samurai armour set) OSP bluewolf123 (Bows) OSP poiuytrewq (Black Fantasy Armor Set) OSP zy900610, sddkle, qt911025, wingman (cold-blooded cavalry Nightmare) The Specialist (Lord of the Fan Items) OSP tianzhao (Full Fur Armor)
Donation Points system
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Perisno is a total conversion light fantasy mod based in the fictional land of Perisno. From battling factions of all sizes, encountering unexpected events, and discovering unique opportunities, Perisno is full of opportunities. Seek total domination or support another Lord in the rise of their kingdom. Only you, the player, can get a proper feel of what it is really like.
Perisno implements a fitting array of fantasy races; elves, dwarves, and giants. There are mythological creatures and magic; though magic is out of the player's reach. You can also choose to wield powerful relics like the mighty Flamebringer and Skyfall.
Numerous factions of both major and minor importance together bring different strengths, balance, and styles of war to the field. And remember, no one is created equal. Some factions are purposely insuperior in certain situations. You may find taking a town or castle from Elintor exceedingly difficult, but then you turn around and crush twice your number in elves with a group of Drachenritters in the field.
From heroic knights to opportunistic bandits and the lost Kingdom of Perisno itself, the player can ally or oppose whoever they like, as every faction has the potential to gain power and even dominate Perisno. However, all who venture must be wary; for the land of Perisno is full of dangers and enemies at every corner. The unwary traveler may find themselves suddenly opposing invading forces from lands unknown, or even the Dreaded One itself.