Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Mod Settings in Mass Effect have long been an issue when it comes to user and mod author convience. Typically, to create settings in Mass Efffect games, one would need to modify the same pcc more than once. For instance, if a user wanted to have two hairstyles for Miranda, they would have to modify all of Miranda's pccs twice. One for each hairstyle. Then they would have to create  a patch DLC or use ME3Tweaks Mod Manger to create alternate installation files . Not only is this ineffeciant for mod creators, it also presents an issue for mod users. Mod users have to decide what settings they want before they install a mod and there is no changing this without reinstalling the mod (for the vast majority of mods). If a user installed texture mod, and the mod had alternate installations files, a complete restore of the game is needed for a settings change.

As of version 1.3 of Community Patch, this problem has been mostly resolved throught the new settings menu. Mod Settings menu allows a mod to change settings in game. These changes will either apply automatically or require the player to reload the game.

For Community Patch itself, anything labled (Optional) on the mod page can be decided in settings menu. All of these options are disabled by default.

To access the mod settings menu, all you have to do is go the the pause menu/mission computer screen and click on mod settings. You can then toggle on/off your desired settings.

Will other mods be able to use Settings Menu?

Yes. Settings Menu is designed for other mods to build their own menus into it. The menu itself is currently in an early state. Once enough time has passed and feedback provided, a tutorial will be made to allow modders to build their setting sub menus.

An enourmous amount of thanks is given to DropTheSquid. None of this would've been possible without him.

Community Patch Sub Menu in Mod Settings

Sub Sections in Community Patch Settings

Toggle Settings On/Off

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  1. RoBu74
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    That's a magnificent addition, thank you.
  2. SourceOfTruth
    • member
    • 1 kudos