Mass Effect 2


  1. CreeperLava
    • premium
    • 243 kudos
    I'm tired of answering questions that are already in the FAQ. Or helping people that didn't follow the instructions. RTFM before posting anything !
    If your post is removed, you know why.

    If you have a legitimate issue not answered in the FAQ :
    - Make sure it's not answered in the FAQ (see description)
    - Make sure it's not answered in the tutorial
    If both the above don't cover your issue, please open a bug report in the Nexus bug section :
    - Send the links to the log and diagnostic of your Installer. See how to upload a log and make a diagnostic.
    - If the issue is texture-related, send screenshots and a save game where it can easily be seen.
    - Pirated games aren't supported. They may or may not work.

    EDIT 31/01/2017
    A.L.O.T for ME2 2017 has entered BETA phase. You'll find a link on Discord to try it out :).

    EDIT 08/12/2016
    Me and AlvaroMe are working on a gigantic update / overhaul of A.L.O.T. Let's call it A.L.O.T 2017 :).
    If you're in a rush, here's the short version : more textures, better textures.

    Also, you can join us on Discord ! Link !

    There are multiple aspects we will be improving :
    - The first is creating an exhaustive database of "portable" (ie identical) textures between the entire trilogy games.
    - Since Bioware downscaled many textures and upscaled others through the development of the 3 games (eg a texture could be 1024px in ME1, 512px in ME2, 256px in ME3 // I'm not making it up ! ), we'll be able to normalize the textures (same resolution everywhere). We'll have a vanilla plus base to work with, if you want. Let's call these textures vanilla upscales.
    - Afterwards, we'll compare this vanilla plus base with current A.L.O.T textures. One by one. To see which modded textures are worth keeping, which would be better replaced by vanilla upscales. We'll also try to catch any remaining bugs or inconsistencies in the A.L.O.T textures.
    - Then comes the most interesting, and long part. It's the manual upscale of dozens, if not hundreds of textures. I won't be doing it entirely by hand, fortunately. Upscale algorithms have greatly advanced since bicubic and bilinear, and the results I've got now are very promising.
    I won't be doing any bulk upscale, as this gives very inconsistent results.
    - Finally, we'll switch from ME3Explorer to MassEffect Modder for texture installation. This tool is much (!! ) faster than ME3Explorer, and fixes a few of it's glitches regarding texture installation (ie no more Aquarium TPF). The installation tutorial will be redone, in time. In the meantime, the wiki of MEM has a lot of information, if you feel like learning by yourself :).

    This won't be done in a fortnight. We have a lot of work ahead of us, so please be patient ! There won't be any updates to A.L.O.T in the meantime, consider it's current state as final while waiting for the overhaul.

    EDIT 23/04/2016
    ME3Explorer 2.0 was just released, the new stable !!! No more bugs, yay ! Links are in the description.

    EDIT 08/04/2016
    There will MOST LIKELY be bugs in these release, please report anything strange you may be experiencing !
    This release couldn't exist without the spreadsheet mastery of AlvaroMe, thank you for working with me on this release !

    Massive update :
    - Ported 373 textures from A.L.O.T ME3 and MEUITM to A.L.O.T ME2.
    Basically, there is A LOT of textures that are strictly identical between the 3 games, and thus texture mods can often be used in more than one game, with just a bit of tweaking.

    General cleanup :
    - Includes all bugfixes from 1.5.6
    - Removed 0x5D2725D5, 0xE5100929, 0x171B6F9A, 0x4A1283F8, 0x8BF84879 (Star Trek consoles that just don't look right)
    - Removed 0x7EE85592 and 0xFF48AA3F, that were the same size as vanilla.
    - Removed buggy 0x1CED8B2E (entirely black hair texture)
    - Removed 0xE07C5310 and 0x2C0A611F, quarian retexture that strays too far from vanilla.
    - Placed 0xE224ED25 in the Aquarium TPF (GUI texture that can't be upscaled)
    - Fixed HMF_ARM_CTHh_Nor_Diff_Stack (0x8A5CB7F3) and HMF_ARM_CTHh_Nor_SPwr_Stack (0xC871165B) to not display 'Chief Medical Officer' on the shoulders, since the outfit is used both by Dr Chakwas and Shepard.

    Misc :
    - Updated mirrors, torrent links and MD5 hashes.[/b]

    EDIT 04/02/2016
    Weekly update, more bugfixes. Also added a bunch of hair textures from CDAMJC. Should fix all the problems reported by now.

    EDIT 28/02/2016
    Version 1.3.2 fixes (again) A LOT of problems, see changelog for more details. A HUGE thank you to Alvaro for his invaluable help. Having all the hashes saved me a lot of time when fixing all the textures.

    EDIT 26/02/2016 :
    Version 1.3 should fix A LOT of problems (pun intended). I removed the METPF version, 7z is simply much better in all ways : smaller in size, faster to install, easier for me to update, etc... If there is demand, I may bring the METPF version back.

    20/02/2016 :
    Initial Release !

    Please stop reporting issues here, use the bugs section for that.

    Then, and only then, write a comment or come on Discord if you still need help. Please. Help us keep our sanity.
  2. r1i2c3o4
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can i install project variety after this mod?
    1. CreeperLava
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      No, only before
  3. Shabdez
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Is the Dropbox file download for FemShep Textures that is linked in the installer broken only for me or is the file no longer available?
    1. CreeperLava
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      Indeed, it looks like the files are down. I contacted the author to get them to reupload them. For reference, here is where they were found:
    2. dnafilmmaker
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I found a backup of the male textures and have uploaded it to google drive. Unfortunately I did not have the female textures.

      [ME2] broShep High Quality textures
    3. CreeperLava
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      Found a backup of both, they're uploaded here.
  4. Ahaenobarbus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How to install this if Mass Effect Modder doesn't like it? I've gone up to version 500 trying this.

    1. CreeperLava
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      I would recommend using the ALOT installer, but if you insist on using MEM, use a version older than v500. For instance:
  5. ishouldbeatwork
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ALOT cannot find the game installation. Suggest you dont get your hopes up on the mod working.
  6. AlphaCrownerThe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, first of all, congratulations for the mod, I found it now and I'm going to use it. Another thing, I really understand that the promotion is legal and everything, but it bothers me a little to change the logo of the game, of the distributor. But, could you tell me how do I remove mention of your mod in the game's home menu? Thanks.
    1. CreeperLava
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      There's an optional file available in the files section to restore the menu :)
  7. outmoddedgamer
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great job w/ this mod. One problem is kind of an annoyance however.

    Femshep armour is constantly flickering, esp. in cutscenes. Her black turtleneck or whatever is constantly bleeding through and the front of her helmet also flickers periodically.

    I just went through Tali treason and it was constant.

    What can be done about this annoyance? I don't see it in vanilla installation youtube videos. Thanks.
    1. CreeperLava
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      Could you make a diagnostic and post a screenshot, as explained in the pinned post above?
    2. outmoddedgamer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Another example of this bleed/flicker effect. It looks much worse in video form of course. It also occurs on holstered weapons for femshep and squadmates.

      EDIT: I've done some additional research and this appears to be an issue w/ the base game. It has nothing to do w/ ALOT. Thanks for your help.
  8. Terinaguy1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I keep getting text at the top left corner of the screen in the Original Mass Effect 2. What is the hotkey to turn it off if there is one? It says Max Memory Hit.
  9. Takashiro
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Had it installed and it worked and looked great, then i need to reinstall because another mod was causing issueboy was that a bad idea this time installing this failed twice on a clean install lol.
  10. Oneakay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I accidentally unpacked the update and put it into ALOT installer, is there any way to fix this? 
    1. CreeperLava
      • premium
      • 243 kudos
      It should also work if you unpacked it, if not just redownload the update
  11. randomguy42
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hey really love this piece of art but I have a question which is not answered by the FAQ nor the tutorial:

    How to set MotionBlur and DepthOfField to FALSE?

    Those settings always get overwritten in GamerSettings.ini and it seems the changes do not come from the Coalescend.ini  because I changed the values in there as well (also in the [AppBucketn] sections)
    1. randomguy42
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      I feel so goddamn stupid right now:

      This has nothing todo with ALOT it is ME3Tweaks Mod Manager which fiddles with the INI files, just dont run your game through it if you want to change DoF,Blur,Bloom etc.

      My beard got more grayish while trying to figure that one out^^