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About this mod

Mouse smoothing and acceleration off, Infinite sprint, 10x time speed button, use&sprint&cover as separate keys (only if you want ), Space and ESC skips dialogues without selecting response, walk as toggle, buttons for screenshot, hide hud, freeze and your console command

Permissions and credits
Some time ago I made version for Legendary Edition - now I made similar mod for ME2. It have most ideas from other coalesced tweaks + some tuning for improvements and I made some key bindings schemes (one vanilla friendly and some alternatives ) for convenience. In short this mod is: mouse smoothing and acceleration off, infinite sprint, 10x time speed button, use&sprint&cover now as separate keys (if you want one button just download version what not change it ), SpaceBar and Escape button skips dialogues without selecting response.

Compatible with all mods that not replace the same file (Coalesced.ini ). If you want more compatibility - now some parts of that mod are available in standalone mods what are compatible with all mods: Skipping dialoguesInfinite SprintToggle Walk10xTimeSpeedButtonNo weapon auto swapME2 Decals stay

Other mods what you may be interested in:
If you want to turn off Auto-cover ( so if you want cover over something you must click “cover” button ) download also ME2 Auto Cover Off
If you want Crouch button - install Crouching mod (toggle or hold version and many key options to choose )

-Disabled mouse acceleration and smoothing.
-Separated keys for Use/Sprint/Cover (but you can download version with default one button for everything ). Choose one of many versions (Next_weapon in menu as Cover, Previous_weapon in menu as Sprint or if you are don't want lose buttons for "next/previous weapon" download version with predefined keys for Sprint and Cover. Use/Sprint/Cover works solely as Use - define key what you want from game menu (options-key bindings ). 
-Unlimited sprint in and out of combat (at default Shepard can sprint for about max 20 meters before he get tired ). I changed that to be identical to ME3 (so in theory is it isn't unlimited but you can sprint at least for couple minutes so rather situation then ever you get tired when playing game will not happen ).
-Spacebar not anymore selecting dialogue option (no more accidental clicking response ).
-Added Escape hotkey to skip dialogues also without selecting response.
-Added speed up time button (you can choose mod version with LeftAlt or MiddleMouseButton ): holding it speeds up the game x10 (good for skipping unskippable cinematics or when you must watch them again after death/reload and also it can be used to move faster at boring moments ). 
This can possibly have minor bug: If you don’t stop holding that button before cinematics ends sometimes game can stay at 10x – just click that button again and time will be normal again. 
-button End = freeze/unfreeze game (debug ). This is not normal pause. What this does exactly is halts engine simulation. If game inputs froze (what I heard in unmodded game such bug sometimes occurs and some mods can induce it more often ) this button can helps. 
-button PageDown = screenshot. Will be stored in: x(windows partition):\Users\<user_name>\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\BIOGame\Screenshots 
-button PageUp = hide/unhide HUD, subtitles and most other interface elements (useful for screenshots ). You should turn it on again after making screenshots because when for example accessing terminals there isn't any interface and it looks like game freeze (just click PageUp again in that case and interface will show up ).
-button Home = it execute console command from file named root.txt in your Mass Effect 2\Binaries folder - so make such notepad file and add there any command what you like. For example you can add: Slomo 0.5   - this will make slow motion at 50% (to deactivate this click 10x time button ). You can choose exactly value what you want so for example Slomo 0.3 = 30% of real time. Or if you want more credits add to that file: AdjustCredits +100000 (or other value and you get such value of credits per clicking button ).
-Walking button now works as toggle (in ME1 this is at default ) so just click it instead of holding it. 
-no auto swap weapon when ammo empty

-One button for Use,Cover,Sprint (it have 2 versions for 10xTimeButton - MiddleMouseButton or LeftAlt )

-Configurable (versions for 10xTimeButton - MiddleMouseButton or LeftAlt ):
You will choose what button you want for Cover by changing it in menu(options->Key bindings ) for Next_weapon. And you will change button for Sprint by Previous_weapon. Use/Cover/Sprint in menu just work solely as Use.
Original functions for Next_weapon and Previous_weapon are lost, so if you don't want lose them, check one of below versions:

-ALTERNATIVE key bindings
LeftAlt = cover
MiddleMouseButton = 10xTimeButton
They cannot be binded in main menu options ("Key Bindings") or they will not be working properly. Just change keys there to another if they are binded to some functions (except "Vehicle" section  - here that buttons can be used as you want except MiddleMouseButton, End, PageUp, PageDown, Home ). Also check if your “Use / sprint / cover”(now works solely as “Use” ) is defined to some key. 

-ALTER_SPACE key bindings:
The same like “ALTERNATIVE” but Spacebar for cover.

-ALTER_SPACE_ALT key bindings:
The same like ALTER_SPACE but LeftAlt for 10xTimeButton.

-VANILLA key bindings:
This is keyboard scheme what is quite friendly to people what play on default key bindings:
CapsLock = cover
Spacebar = sprint 
LeftAlt = 10xTimeButton
If you have that keys binded to some functions in game controls (menu->extras->options->key bindings ) they will not be work as intended. In that case just change them in menu->extras->options->key bindings (except "Vehicle" section - here that buttons can be used as you want except:  End, PageUp, PageDown, Home, LeftAlt ).
 In game menu->extras->options->Key Bindings, “Use / sprint / cover” button works now solely as “Use”. Please check if “Use” is defined to some key.

1.Download preferred version.
2.To install use ME3Tweaks. Or if you want install it manually: Unzip it and in folders you find “Coalesced.ini”. Take it and drop to <install directory>\Mass Effect 2\BioGame\Config\PC\Cooked\ and click Yes to replace when prompted. First you may want backup your original Coalesced.ini - copy or move to some folder outside of game folders. 

This mod works only with Mass Effect 2. If you want version for Legendary Edition download THIS

Should work with saves so starting new game is not needed.

You can install this mod before or after any mod.

Golden rule of Mass Effect modding:
-backup your Mass Effect game in ME3Tweaks (Backup & Restore -> Backup ) 
-install content mods first
-install textures mods after content mods
-if you have any texture mod already installed and you want install content mod - you must first restore game to default. To do that use ME3Tweaks (Backup & Restore -> Restore )
exceptions: Coalesced mods can be installed anytime (before or after any content or textures mods ).
Also always check "installation" section in mod description because some mods must be installed before other mods. ALOT should be installed before other textures mods (ALOT is big package of textures so we want other mods overwrite ALOT and not otherwise ).

I want say one more thing, this mod is not for changing mechanics of game but making it more convenience (mouse acceleration and smoothing off, separate keys for use/sprint/cover, infinite sprint, time 10x to not be forced to watch the same cutscene over again after death&reload, skipping dialogues without accidentally select conversation option) and immersive (auto-swap weapons off ).

For Mass Effect 2 (Original Trilogy ):
ME2 Tech and Biotic Powers Penetrate Shields
ME2 New Upgrades
ME2 Almost Unlimited Guns (switchable any 5 weapons )
ME2 Infinite Sprint (run without need of rest after few seconds )
ME2 Skipping dialogues without selecting response
ME2 Auto cover off
ME2 Corpses stay
ME2 Changes for Import Credits from ME1 save (many options )
ME2 Changes for Resources import bonus (many options )
ME2 Crouching plus Better Accuracy (toggle or hold. many key options to choose )
ME2 Toggle Walk (no need hold button to walking )
ME2 No auto weapon swap when gun empty
ME2 Decals stay
ME2 10x Time Speed Up Button ( useful for skipping )
ME2 QoL. mouse acceleration off. infinite run. separate use sprint cover. time speed button. toggle walk


Kudos for all folks who first found and share what commands and values in Coalesced files do specific things.

I want thanks mostly to these amazing mods and their great authors. That inspire me to make my mod with all things I wanted in game.

ArJed : ME2 Gameplay tweaks

Calerus : Extra Keybinds for Use - Sprint - Cover

KanineS : LE2 Unlimited sprint - Speed up time hotkey - No accidental dialogue response

Big kudos for Biancoangelo7 for tool what allow making modifications in ME2 coalesced file without hassle.

Biancoangelo7 : ME2 ini file fixer no program required

Big kudos for Mgamerz and ME3Tweaks Group for tools what make installing mod convenient.

ME3Tweaks : ME3Tweaks Mod Manager

-Why new key bindings from mod not works?
-You must have one or more of them already set as some other actions in Main Menu->Extras->Options->Key Bindings. Just change those to another keys. Then keys from mod will be working as intended.

-Why when installing with ME3Tweaks there is some warning that mod wasn't deployed with ME3Tweaks?
-Additional deploying cost additional time so that why I not done this. Installing is fully safe (I tested that - ME3Tweaks install file in proper place ).

-How now to do vault?
-Move_forward + Cover (while being in cover ).