Legend of Grimrock 2

Mod articles


    T U R R E T S  (comprises 3 Areas, each of which are accessed from different places on Oblivion) .  difficulty : mediumTURRETS FROM TOMB LEVEL (triggered by completing standard FORT LEVEL).Save the game: Turn left, drop down to Button 1. Press this you will be able to see Button 2 from where you are. Drop to the ground.Find the wall of doors. These are what you now to climb OVER. Once of the doors, they will all open and monsters will descend on you to wreak their revenge, BUT once you have killed half of them, an exit portcullis opens.For now, scout around the empty area and head back towards where you came IN to the level. You will see a clue on the map. Either a ladder will show up or 2 dots.The ladder is hidden behind a fake wall. Find it and ascend back to the top. Carefully see whe...

  • Get to SPIRAL

    SPIRAL DUNGEON, how to get there
    See *STORES*  Eighth, TIP below : the first trapdoor you saw opposite the barrels, go down it, full explore the Dungeon, pick up all items, you are back out onto Revelations, NEW TRAPDOOR OPEN IN MEDIEVAL HALL! 
    Medieval Hall, see TIPS below STEP L, trapdoor down to SPIRAL is there and is now OPEN 
    Backstory, your crew survived a horrendous crash of their schooner right up the rocks on the beach where you find yourself now.Your crew are cold and soaking wet, what can they do now on this God forsaken shoreline?STEP 1. look for items along the shorelineSTEP 2. descend rocky stairs to a fetid dungeon below, jokingly named "Revelations" by MinotaurSTEP 3. locate central paving slabs, these ...

  • the basic keys in the game

    BASIC KEYS LIST ON OBLIVIONIron Key    chuck over a light item from the highlighted tiles ONTO the magic bridge in "Revelations"
    Brass Keys  when you complete the first section of the Tomb, you exit up to "Revelations" and the B Keys
    Ornate Key  when you see the (first) cave in on the high walk way, grab the Boots in the landslide, jump down, you see the key
    Hub Key     after you manage to get through the Ugguradians' Office on Tob Level 2, (from Midieval hall, Ornate access) you find the key
    Iron Key    On Stores Level after using an Iron Key to get through a fancy door at Stores Central, place an item ONTO the nearby Trapdoor, next gate opens. now see the highlighted set of barrels, smash them down and place an item onto the wrecked bar...

  • this mod almost dropped off the C:

    a week ago I was working on this mod when a huge crash hit my PC, I found out later that the C: had started "compressing" itself after too much data was on it, in a nutshell on booting up, all you saw was a black screen! Yes you can imagine all the efforts I went to restore the system

    to no avail

    a few days later the PC was in the shop, repair time!  several days of repair later, the PC was back working but minus the dungeons, minus LOGII in fact!!

    the shop had repaired the PC and in fact ENHANCED the PC with extra equipment, but 90% of my personal files/ programs/ stuff wasn't there.

    Or should I say, it was there .... but "buried" I could have taken the PC right there, I was already resigned to the fa...