Legend of Grimrock 2

Mod articles

  • Wizard Virge Mission

    this mission is actually a Master Key mission, meaning that you should have the master key to do this mission. its a lot easier with the master key as there are FIVE LOCKS that need unlocking.
    and Ornate locks all need the correct keys OR ... much easier, the Master Key.
    If your crew have the five keys above then it is also possible to do it without the master key.
    there are 3 routes to the Treasure Level (where Wizards V can be found)
    1.  from game launch, use the stairs immediately adjacent
    2.  using the master key
    3.  not using the master key but in possession of the keys listed above
    OK follow these steps, STEP A go to the Castle Teleporter Room.  there is a bridge walk w...

  • master key__ the ten steps needed

    STEP 1.  go to the Castle Teleporter Room.  there is a bridge walk way over to the Blue Stones, this divides the teleporters into two halves. head to the Southern half of the teleporter room and find the teleporter adjacent to the wall mushrooms, is this teleporter on? YES > the mission is a go, no and the mission cannot proceed!
    STEP 2.  if you go on that teleporter now, then the mission is theorectically still possible, head South back to the Barracks, you will find the Stone gate is now open BUT the mission is now tremendously hard! delay this and go to Step 3 first, this will lessen the odds against you
    STEP 3 .  find the Castle Teleporter Room and stay in the Northern half. see some wall candles and Ivy growing up the wall, is the teleporter next to the IVY ON?  YE...

  • simple start

    there are four pits on the BEACH, three of which the crew can descend immediately, so let's summarise those 3 pits

    Pit 1, the Northern one furthest from the Tower, this is the Recommended first pit down and leads the crew to Tomb Level, where the WESTERN passageway is the next destination (but find a ladder first).

    Pit 2 in the CAVE (Eastern) leads the crew down to the Dungeon Basin which is not Recommended for the start of the game, it is a hostile Arena and the crew (at game start) are unlikely to survive.

    Pit 3 (southern) takes the crew to the same Dungeon as Pit 2 however, on this one the crew descend to a quite passageway that brings the crew out onto a quiet Cove (or the other end of the passageway to Tomb Level "Spider Chamber").

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