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About this mod

Enemies deals more damage and have more life, and more optional difficulty enhancements

Permissions and credits
This mod main and optional files modifies SQL data.

Mod Merger to merge between themselves or other mods. It won't work otherwise.


I made this collection of mod(s) to provide a more challenging difficulty.

The base mod is raw increase of enemies damage and health, and optional ones are more subtle changes that plays nicely with hard mode to feel less overpowered. Basically, you have options:

Make a hard mode that fits you!
(although I advise nearly all the optional files as they force you to use game mechanics)

Original / Base mode added difficulty

  • Increase enemies damage / health (+25 / 50 / 100 / 200 / 300%, you choose)

      PSYou do not need the base mode to use the optional files, everything is standalone (or mixed with mod merger)

Optional files and other mods for added difficulty

  • Higher buying prices
  • Nerf Beats byproduct and harder capture
  • Nerf Disillusionment (stealth), now only last 30 seconds and has cooldown of 15 seconds
  • Nerf Curses cooldown / duration / level for upgrade
  • Nerf Plants with less in inventory and longer growing times
  • Increase Moonstone costs for necessities (3x, not decoration), and generator takes 4x more time
  • Less potions slots (highly recommended, makes fights more tense)
  • Potions requires more ingredients to craft (makes all those crafting ingredients more useful)
              > WARNING: use it after you did the first Potion classroom as you won't have enough ingredient
  • Longer Hopping Pots to 1 hour (it is too OP to get 3 random potions every 12 mins, never makes you farm components to actually craft
  • Increase maximum NPC level scaling to 40 (hard to validate, got one feedback it seems to work, not necessarily 40 but more 39)
  • More enemies 
  • Ancient Magic finisher 30s cooldown on bosses (not tested, sadly no save in front of boss, need feedback)
  • Less XP (more experience per level required)
               > WARNING: feedback it lowers your current level retro-actively and you keep talents already bought. Remove mod restore initial level correctly.
  • Gear Rarity balances to make legendary very rare, add Basic (grey) gear back, and a few more items can be looted for diversity

    From my other mods (highly recommendedno merge required, it uses UE4SS):

Optional file to balance difficulty

  • Add a Protego cooldown to enemies to be 5 or 10 seconds (you choose) for Hard mode (default is 0 cooldown).

Other people mods:

  • Check out Accio Masochism that takes similar idea of granular options for difficulty, with surely now a lot more than my version :)


  • Download the file
  • Use the Mod Merger if you want to mix or use other mods that modify SQL data
  • Extract it's content (.PAK file) or the merged file inside "~\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods"



  • Repacked with latest SQL DB


  • Updated Gear Rarity to now include Basic (grey / started type) gear in small chests, and rare potions can now be looted
  • Updated NPC Max Level Scaling to fix the low level enemies that could still spawn (thanks Cbraqz)


  • Fixed Nerf Curses not showing 2 perks in the UI
  • Fixed Gear Rarity drop more than 1 extraordinary / legendary + added a possible cooldown reduction the last 20 gear level (not sure it works, at level 500 it is 25% reduction


  • Added optional file to make Legendary and Epic gear more rare + higher random stat range + Legendary 2 traits?
  • Update to NPC Max Level Scaling to 40 added 5 to Maximum Variation (it works, but game can still spawn some very low level enemies sometimes)


  • Added + 200 / 300% HP or Damage variations


  • Added optional file for a bit more challenging broom race (-10s / -5s to best time)
  • Added optional file for Less XP / More XP required per level (+25 / 50 / 100%)
  • OH BOY: added optional file for increase max level to 100 (not working, player capped to level 40 despite more levels in database)


  • Added optional file to nerf plants (less combat plants in inventory, longer growth times)


  • Added optional file again for More Enemies, that works this time. Minimum spawn is +3, maximum is x2, except for Trolls and Dugbog.


  • I know, how many updates per day will I add :D
  • Nerfed beats assist spells even more after feedback
  • Added more beats size variations! (careful current edit is 3x which might be too much, will add tamer version) > made a separate mod


  • Added optional file to make Moonstone conjuration necessities 3x more expensive and moonstone generator 4x longer


  • Nerfed Beasts further: cannot cast Glacius on them (maybe doesn't work it is not very nice), and other assist capture spells duration reduced


  • Added optional file to nerf Curses: more cooldown, less duration, higher level required to buy upgrades (see file description)


  • Added missing Focus from less potions mod
  • Added a harder / very restricted option of less potions mod


  • Added separate file to only increase enemies damage and not health


  • Added optional file to increase all buying costs by 25 / 50 / 100%
  • Added optional file to nerf beasts (harder to capture, a lot less collected byproduct, and 1 hour between each collect)
  • Added optional file to increase potions crafting costs (5x more cost in average except rare ingredients)


  • Added optional file to increase enemies encounter rate / maximum count (untested, need feedback) > Not working.


  • Added separate files to only increase NPC health and not damage


  • Added optional file to have reduced maximum potions slot (5 health / maxima / invisibility / storm and 2 endurus)
  • Added optional file to increase NPC level scaling to 40 (for those below that)


  • Added optional file to add a 30 seconds duration to Disillusionment (stealth) and Putrificus does a larger impact noise (normally!)
  • Renamed mod as it becomes a bit a collection of files to make it harder with options


  • Fixed NPC / enemies health increase (health scale in DB not working)


  • Separated Protego cooldown from other stats
  • Made options to be +25 / 50 / 100% damage and health
  • Made options for 5 and 10 seconds Protego cooldown

  • Added a file to have the Hopping Pot time to generate random potion to be 1 hour instead of 12 minutes


  • Enemies deal 40% more damage
  • Enemies have 30% more life
  • For gameplay purpose and to compensate, added a 5 seconds cooldown on enemies Protego (so after you break it, they will only put it back after 5 seconds)


  • Added a file for default hard mode to add a 10 seconds cooldown to enemies Protego

My other mods

No Health Regen
Better controller movement

Assist me by voting with annoying this bug: Hogwarts Legacy : Character shadows and reflection broken after Daedalian Keys puzzle or Alohomora (wbgames.com)