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okt04175 alan2350

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  1. 123451234123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I need help, I did everything correctly but then the game crashes at startup, (God of war stopped working), then I managed to change something but at the end it said"d3dcompiler_47.dll) was not found, then I placed it in the folder, however, then it asked me for many api files... I placed them and then I got this error box: (the entry point of the readfile procedure cannot be found in the dynamic link library D:\Games\God of War\D3DCOMPILER_47.dll......I have tried to change the version of dxvk, but it remains the same, if I change the d3dcompiler_47, to another version it simply exits (god of war stopped working)
  2. veeus
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i literally can't understand the instructions! half english half chinese(maybe)... 
    can anyone make a comprehensive guide please(for dummies like myself) ?
    1. mhmarefat
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      you need to download 3 pre-req files which are included under "Requirements" bar at "Description" section and 1 patch file (this mod). Then do the following:
      DeltaPatcher (mandatory): set original file (GoW.exe) and xdelta patch (GoW-Win7.xdelta) then press apply.
      DXVK (mandatory): copy and paste d3d11.dll & dxgi.dll into GoW.exe folder.
      DXVK Async Patch (optional but may improve FPS by 10 or more and may also remove stuttering): copy and paste d3d11.dll & dxgi.dll into GoW.exe folder, then create a notepad named dxvk.conf and write this: dxvk.enableAsync = true. you can set it to false any time you want (if game was not launching for example).

      author has already done all of the steps above to his own GoW.exe file and provided a download link. so you can download (God of War Windows 7 Patch) at "FILES" section and paste them at GoW.exe directory.
    2. buygmedrshold
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      doesn't work for me, says the application is not valid
  3. mrgrey63
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    for G_G version, prettty please?
  4. JinxMaybeMirage
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    please update to 1.0.13
  5. Corethought
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    hi, i'm new to this, so pls be patient with me, i try my best to understand
    i'm using Win7 64bit OS, bought a few days ago GoW on st__m and dl'ed and installed it, after that i read a message on st__m that said st__m dont support win7 anymore, but it runs and update on my pc still. Now i tried to start GoW, it took nearly half a minute to give a message 'while starting from invalid platform an error occured' , so i searched for a solution and came here , dl'ed '(Newer)God of War 1.12 (St _ _ m) Windows 7 Patch (PrePatch AIO)' , extracted it and put it into the st__m folder - st__m apps - common folder - game folder , where the Game exe is. but when i start the exe from patch , it starts st__m and i recieve the same message as before, can someone tell me what i do wrong, pls !?
  6. scottycide
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  7. fiventa15
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    umm i think instruction not clear. i downloaded xdelta patcher but I cant select any file but the original God of War exe. which means I cannot add any of patch files to xdelta patcher. there is no xdelta file. i don't get it. can you make it clear?
  8. zniwiarz5510
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Congratulations. Do you work  Halo Wars 2 windows 7?
  9. Bambakster
    • member
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    The author can't install the patch....your patch is in exe format and must be in .xdelta
    1. okt04175
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      1.12 patch files is PrePatched All-in-one pack, no need to patch anything, you can rename the exe file to [GoW.exe] for mod/cheat.
    2. Bambakster
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Already guessed and replaced. Thank you very much
  10. okt04175
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    I'm also made Steam Version FF7R Win7 Patch, you can download it now :