About this mod
This is a texture pack that includes AI enhanced versions of the original textures. All the textures are faithful to the originals with 4x resolution and increased detail.
- Permissions and credits

The 'Singleplayer Mods' version has the following differences to be compatible with most mods:
- No main menu logo textures.
- No Xianyong Bai character portrait texture.
- No map icons texture.
- Most multiplayer/in-game editor textures removed.
- Extra high resolution weapon icons.
The AI upscaling is not going to make this look like a current-gen game. It serves to smooth out pixelation and remove compression artefacts. Check out the images to see a variety of comparisons.
Installation instructions and the necessary tools are included. Unless you are using the 'UI only' option your .exe must have the 4GB patch applied or the game will crash. I have included pre-patched .exe files and the instructions also explain how you can do the patch yourself.
7-Zip is required to unpack the files.
If you report any bugged textures I can only fix them if you send me a save or a screenshot of the map where I can find them.
Thanks to:
Alsa (ERSGAN models bc1 sharp 3.0 and Misc)
Mutin Choler (ERSGAN model BCGone_Detailed)
RealArmanIII (FCBConverter was updated with subfolder support which saved a lot of time with texture conversion)
Models used:
HUD and 'hand drawn' textures - BCGone_Detailed and Misc
Everything else - bc1 sharp 3.0 and Misc
I give open permission for anyone to use these files for any purpose, if you could please credit me as the original creator.
- First upload
- Removed dirtbeam_d.xbt to fix weird circles on some dirty things.
- Fixed some textures that had not been converted properly.
- Removed Xbox controller textures as they can't be seen in the pc version.
- Removed dials_d.xbt because the upscale did not maintain transparency properly.
- Resized HUD weapon images to 1x resolution to fix multiplayer scaling
- All textures without alpha transparency have been compressed using DXT1. This has significnatly decreased the overall size of the pack, meaning all vehicle and weapon textures can be included with more stability and faster load times.
- The mosquito animation on the main menu has been upscaled.
- Singleplayer map icon resolution has been increased.
- World map textures have been swapped to a more painted look.
- Fixed the flamethrower weapon icon being too big (Singleplayer Mods version only).
- By using the 4GB patch every game texture can now be included! Credit to sihafo5472 for suggesting this.
Specifically, the following are now included: Npc clothing/faces, vegetation, terrain, maps and loading screens.
- Removed the map icons texture from the Singlepayer Mods version.
- Removed some desert textures that were buggy and caused some crashes.
1.4.2 (Everything/Singleplayer Mods)/1.3.1 (UI Only)
- Fixed a bug where Paul's shirt was black when playing as him.
- Removed the textures for the notepad page slip animation, there was a visible black outline.
8th Nov 21
- Fixed a bugged metal texture.
- Fixed map icons being too big in a tutorial menu.
- Added new seperate downloads for weapon textures and roadsign, billboard, poster and grafitti textures.