Main files
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TZMap_Vanilla-Enhanced map
TZMap_Vanilla-Enhanced_Markers map
Load multiple ingame maps
For use with UniMap mod only -
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TZMapWasteland map
TZMapWasteland_Markers map
Load multiple ingame maps
For use with UniMap mod only -
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TZMapSAT-Uplink map
TZMapSAT-Uplink_Markers map
Load multiple ingame maps
For use with UniMap mod only -
For use with UniMap mod only
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Selection of psd files for creative use and personal customization of your map.
Share your map with me so I can make it available with your name tag.
Optional files
You can use TZNukeMap together with TZMap
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Replacement for Appalachia map
It is the basic TZMap VanillaEnhanced with a grid layer with cartesian coordinate system
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I call this Cluster Flux.
Uses your PSD overlay files on top of some clusters I made based on where all of the flux is.
It has everything except the Treasury Note vendors and the stars around the legendary vendor. -
Color closest to vanilla map color & all markers except RandomEncountersColosusMarkers & RandomEncountersMarkers. -
Cluster Flux 2.0.
It has everything except the Treasury Note vendors and the stars around the legendary vendor
with only workbenches that let you scrap things (no cooking/brewing). -
I made a map with Scorched and Treasure Hunters locations. Scorched are red, TH are purple. Two locations where Scorched are one of the enemy types to spawn are orange.
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WarmDusk-Workbench-daily-vendor-treasure-purveyor with glow. -
I wanted something simple that focussed on exploring without any "too useful" markers like resources locations
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Cold Sunny version reduced opacity of markers to 65%.
Caps Vendors Lode Baring Claim Token Mr. Fuzzy Token Pioneer Scouts U-Mine-It Resources Treasure Map Wendigo Colossus
Workbenchs Only the ones you can scrap things -
Hey, I made a map with the following: Sunny Warm Colored grid Cropped and Cleaned Legends Rep dailies Workbenches except cooking/brewing Random Encounters Random Colossus All Vendors -
I just wanted a map with most the vendors on and resource and workshop locations. No Treasure Maps for me! :) -
I dub this my "essential" version built upon the warm & sunny base
Vendors-Workbenches(Weapons/Armor/Power Armor/Tinkers)No map clutter
Map is slightly less saturated to accommodate any shaders such as SweetFX/ReShade -
TZMap Wasteland all markers, makes the roads/traintracks/highways more rugged looking, adds fissure sites, and adds an alpha to treasure maps. Border is REALLY faint. -
It is basically the "18-Vendors-DailyQuests-RandomEncounters-TreasureMaps-Workbenches-Resources-Cold" map except I added region outlines.
This shows where the borders of the regions are on the map. -
It is ColdSunny-Workbench-treasure-RandomEncounters -
It's my variant of this map, It contains: Warm Sunny base, Workbenches with only scrap breakdown, Grid, Daily Quests (rep and regular), Resources, Treasures, Random Encounters (no Colosus), Legend (no Treasure block) -
Fatalyz-RandomEncounters-Colosus-Maps-Cool-Night -
It's a map with just the vendors, workbenches and resources, made using the warm & sunny base and featuring a legend. -
This map is everything but flux and I've removed all but 1 star from the Legendary Vendor -
I just wanted to make very simple map, so I added only WarmSunny and TreasureMapsMarkers.
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It has vendors, dailies, work benches that allow you to scrap, random encounters. -
Vendors, Treasure maps, Resources, Workbenches, Colossus, Military map, Black&white -
Military map in the edited color scheme. It shows water, vendors, resources, events, and all craft stations. Everything you need. I will be happy if you like it. -
MilitaryMap-Vendors-TreasureMaps-Resources-Workbenches-Colossus -
Warm Gridmap, workbenches, RandomEncounters -
I have started to make a new map, using the satelite map as base, overlayed with the original papermap colour palette and the original landmark art.
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Cold-Sunny -TreasureMaps & Random Encounters -
It is a: Warm Sunny- Vendor-Treasure-Resource-Random map.
Warm works better with the lighting in my house. -
Greyscale Glow Map
Border- Vendors + turned greyscale- Treasure Maps + turned greyscale- Dailies + turned purple- Crafting no cooking & brewing - Small legend at the bottom
No more searching for s*** that blends in. -
Made some tweaks to the map to bring it closer to the vanilla color palette
No green highlight of the Wendigo Colossus sp
Left one is the Vanilla map Middle one is the new custom balanced theme Right one is your Warm Dusk theme -
Vanilla map, currencies, workbenches, resources, maps, random encounters, quests, plans locations
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Warm Sunny - Vendors - RandomEncounters - WorkBenches
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Cranberries, Sugar Bombs, Snaptails
Locations for Bobblehead and Magazines
Firecracker Berries, Starlight Creeper, Wild Carrot Flower, Firecaps
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I've included the Wendigo Colossus spawns, the random encounters (I tweaked the icon colors a bit), and the treasure maps; there's a lightweight legend for the encounters. -
Warm Sunny variant of the Vanilla Enhanced map contains the two variants of the map with and without XP boosting ingredients + more
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