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About this mod

High Res Maps And MapMarkers(VanillaEnhancedMap-WastelandMap-SATUplinkMap)-With Several Optional MapMarkers Locations.Custom color map theme icons and targeting computer map replacements.

Permissions and credits

TZMap-VanillaEnhanced Current version: 3.1
Last official update: 26-06-2024

TZMap-Wasteland Current version: 1.4
Last official update: 26-06-2024

TZMap-SAT-Uplink Current version: 1.5
Last official update: 26-06-2024

TZMap-ThePitt Current version: 1.1
Last official update: 19-10-2022

TZMap-Markers Current version: 1.6.8 (
Now compatible with UniMap mod)
Last official update:

(Custom maps are not considered on this date, only official updates will be dated. For a detailed description of the updates and which files were affected,
consult the update log in the top comment on the posts tab)


Since update 26 8k maps resolutions display some Camp icons in a larger size than expected, to resolve this some changes were made to the TZMapMarkers files as they use the .swf files where a workaround can be done.
A new file was created with the vanilla colors for those who do not want the colors changed, TZMapMarkers.ba2 is not required for TZMap.ba2 to work.

TZMap-VanillaEnhanced  Located in Main Files Downloads

TZMap-VanillaEnhanced is the vanilla version with more detail and clarity of image several visual changes have been made for user convenience such as the location of bodies of water.
It is divided into two types of map, warm light color theme and cold light color theme, each theme contains three maps each with a different light level, sunny, dusk and night, a version with optional markers is also available in any of the maps.
TZMap is a replacement for the original texture, so only one can be installed at a time.

The Unibook version gives the user the ingame ability to switch between maps with and without markers, this means that you can turn markers on and off with a click of the button.
PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN to cycle between pages.

Located in Main Files Downloads

TZMapWasteland is a digitally hand-drawn version of the appalachia map (and still in development).
It contains three maps, a base map, one with indication of roads and railways and a last one with everything that the previous ones have plus optional markers.

The Unibook version gives the user the ingame ability to switch between maps with and without markers, this means that you can turn markers on and off with a click of the button.
PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN to cycle between pages.

Located in Main Files Downloads

TZMap-SAT-Uplink is the satellite map of appalachia extracted directly from the game files, courtesy of fo76utils.
There are currently three types of maps available, the first without most of the vegetation and buildings, the second with buildings but without vegetation, and the last with buildings and vegetation. Each of the previous three will have the version with the optional markers also available.

The Unibook version gives the user the ingame ability to switch between maps with and without markers, this means that you can turn markers on and off with a click of the button.
PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN to cycle between pages.

Optional Markers Applicable to all maps:

        Caps Vendors Locations
         - Raiders Crater
         - Settlers Foundation
         - Brotherhood Of Steel
         - Enclave
         - Free States
         - Watoga
         - Raiders Factions
         - Responders
         - Whitespring
         - Smiley
         - The Wayward
         - Blue Rigde Caravan  
Legendary Scrip Vendor Location
Gold Bullion Vendor Locations
Treasury Notes Vendor Locations
Tokens And Tickets Vendor Locations
         - Mr. Fuzzy Token Vendor Location
         - Lode Baring Claim Token Vendor Locations
         - Pleasant Valley Claim Ticket Location
Badges Vendor Locations
         - Pioneer Scouts Vendor Locations  
Treasure Maps Locations          
Daily Quests Locations
         - Regular
         - Faction Reputation
Random Encounters Locations
         - Assault
         - Object
         - Scene
         - Travel
Resources Location
         - Acid
         - Aluminum
         - Black Titanium
         - Coal
         - Concrete
         - Copper
         - Crystal
         - Gold
         - Iron
         - Junk
         - Lead
         - Uranium
         - Oil
         - Phosphate
         - Silver
         - Wood
Workbenches Location
         - Weapons
         - Armor
         - Power Armor
         - Tinkers
         - Chemistry
         - Cooking
         - Brewing
TZMap-The Pitt Located in Main Files Downloads

TZMap The Pitt includes 4 maps of the two mission areas in The Pitt, two satellite maps and two papermaps.
The display of these maps in the Pitt was made possible through the collaboration between TZMap and UniMap mods.
With this Unibook installed when in the pitt area with the map open the pitt maps will be forced on the display and you can cycle between the 4.
Pitt's map also provides some locations of some npcs and mission items, such as the ingots and fanatic skeptic.
All ingame marker information, including player position, is not available at the moment.
UniMap mod is required to use TZMap_ThePitt map.
Follow the instructions given on both mod pages for successful installation.

BuildersPack Located in Main Files Downloads
(Selection of psd files for creative use and personal customization of your map)

TZNukeMap Located in Opcional Files Downloads
( Replacement map for nuclear launch targeting computer )

(Can be used together with any of the TZMap files)

  • NukeMapVanillaEnhanced
  • NukeMap-Green
  • NukeMap Wasteland
  • NukeMapSAT
  • Map Boundary (For those who don't like to nuke a queen out of bounds)
  • Nuke Guidelines (Projects an area reference circumference on the map and markers with some of the community's favorite spots to Nuke the end game bosses)
  • Wendigo Colossus Spawn Locations (Nuke one of these points for a chance to spawn wendigo colossus on the map)
  • All Flux locations

TZMapGridMap Located in Opcional Files Downloads
(Replacement for Appalachia map )

(It is the basic TZMap package with a grid layer with cartesian coordinate system

TZMapMarkers Located in Miscellaneous Files Downloads
( Custom colors for map markers )


  • Cursor
  • Quests Markers (Main)(Side)(Misc)(Daily)(Inactive)
  • Area Quests Markers
  • Diferent color for team Markers (Green)
  • Event Markers
  • Death Marker (Red)
  • NPCs Markers
  • Players Markers
  • Changes other players' Camps icons from white to green.
  • Fixes the size of players camps in maps with resolutions greater than 4k.
  • Increase zoom in and zoom out distance of the map.
  • Increased speed of zoom in and zoom out of the map.
  • Increase the dragging speed of the map.
  • Bubblegum----------(Pink&LightBlue)
  • Jack-o'-lantern------(Orange&Yellow)
  • Red Rocket----------(Red&Orange)
  • Uranium Fever------(Green&Yellow)
  • Vault-Tec------------(Blue&LightBlue)
  • VanillaColor---------(VanillaColor-Tweaked & NotTweaked)
       NotTweaked - Vaunilha Colors only with the Camp icons reduction fix. (Working on 4k maps)
       Tweaked       - Vaunilha Colors, Other players Camps icons were changed from white to green, and the zoom in out tweaks.

Mappalachia - Nexus
Mappalachia - Github (Tool for generating and exporting complex maps of entities within the Fallout 76 world)
fo76utils - Nexus
fo76utils - Github (Simple utilities for extracting data from Fallout 4 and 76 files) (SAT maps would not exist without this tool)
Epicestgamer (For bringing fo76utils to my attention)
Uni Map - Multi Map Extender (For the great work done by Unikko and for the collaboration between TZMap and Uni Map on joint projects)


Installation for TZMap

1- Choose one of the download files, extract the rar and choose the TZMap.ba2 file with the image you want to display in game
2- Add the TZMap.ba2 file to the Fallout 76\Data folder:
- Steam Default Install Location in: C:\Program Files (x86), Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data
- Microsoft Game Default Install Location in: C:\Drive\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Project76\Data
3- Add the Fallout76Custom.ini file to: User\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76
4- Done.
(If you already have a Fallout76Custom.ini just add TZMap.ba2 entry under: [Archive] sResourceArchive2List = ).
sResourceArchive2List = othermod.ba2, anothermod.ba2, TZMap.ba2

(Each entry must be separated with a comma).
(Notice that if you have multiple mods the order in which the mods are listed under "[Archive] sResourceArchive2List =" may be relevant).

Installation for TZNukeMap
1- Choose one of the download files, extract the rar and choose the TZNukeMap.ba2 file with the image you want to display in game
2- Add the TZNukeMap.ba2 file to the Fallout 76\Data folder:
- Steam Default Install Location in: C:\Program Files (x86), Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data
- Microsoft Game Default Install Location in: C:\Drive\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Project76\Data
3- Add the Fallout76Custom.ini file to: User\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76
4- Done.
(If you already have a Fallout76Custom.ini just add TZNukeMap.ba2 entry under: [Archive] sResourceArchive2List = ).
sResourceArchive2List = othermod.ba2, anothermod.ba2, TZNukeMap.ba2

(Each entry must be separated with a comma).
(Notice that if you have multiple mods the order in which the mods are listed under "[Archive] sResourceArchive2List =" may be relevant).

Installation for TZMapMarkers
1- Choose one of the miscellaneous download files, extract the rar
2- Add the TZMapMarkers.ba2 file to the Fallout 76\Data folder:

- Launcher Default Install Location in: C:\Program Files (x86)\ Launcher\games\Fallout 76\Data
- Steam Default Install Location in: C:\Program Files (x86), Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Fallout76\Data

3- Add the Fallout76Custom.ini file to: User\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76
4- Done.

(If you already have a Fallout76Custom.ini just add TZMapMarkers.ba2 entry under: [Archive] sResourceArchive2List = ).
sResourceArchive2List = othermod.ba2, anothermod.ba2, TZMapMarkers.ba2

(Each entry must be separated with a comma).
(Notice that if you have multiple mods the order in which the mods are listed under "[Archive] sResourceArchive2List =" may be relevant).

Installation for TZMap Unibooks
1. Download Uni Map - Multi Map Extender Main file and extract the files.
You can delete files with "sample" in the name as we are going to install this mod's files as an example.

All remaining files and folders go into the Fallout 76\Data folder:
- Steam Default Install Location in: C:\Program Files (x86), Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data
- Microsoft Game Default Install Location in: C:\Drive\Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Project76\Data
2. Download the Unibook file from this mod that you want and extract it.
Put the "_Unibook.ba2" files in the Fallout 76\Data folder
Put the "_Unibook.xml" files in the UniMap_MapBooks folder, that we installed in step 1

3- Open the UniMapConfig.xml and under <MapBooks> add the directory to the previously chosen Unibook files
  <MapBook Book="1">UniMap_MapBooks\TZM_Vanilla-Enhanced_UniBook.xml</MapBook><MapPages Book="1">2</MapPages>
  <MapBook Book="2">UniMap_MapBooks\02-TZM-SAT-Buildings-NoFlora-UniBook.xml</MapBook><MapPages Book="2">2</MapPages>
Exemple for The Pitt maps:
  <MapBookPitt Book="1">UniMap_MapBooks\TZM_ThePitt_UniBook.xml</MapBookPitt><MapPagesPitt Book="1">2</MapPagesPitt>
Exemple of UniMapConfig.xml with several mapbooks with varying page numbers:
The numerical order in green determines the cycle order by which they are presented in the game and in red the name and number of pages,
keep in mind that any small editing error prevents the mod from

4- Add the Fallout76Custom.ini file to: User\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76
(If you already have a Fallout76Custom.ini just add UniMap.ba2 and chosen mapbook.ba2 name entry under: [Archive] sResourceArchive2List = ).
sResourceArchive2List = UniMap.ba2, TZM_Vanilla-Enhanced_UniBook.ba2, 02-TZM-SAT-Buildings-NoFlora-UniBook.ba2

(Each entry must be separated with a comma).
(Notice that if you have multiple mods the order in which the mods are listed under "[Archive] sResourceArchive2List =" may be relevant).